Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

One More Example of American Submission to Zionist Diktat

Forget about objective research. Forget academic freedom. Zionist Big Brother is watching and telling you what to think. You don't need to consider anything else. The new American motto: IGNORANCE IS BLISS.


University of Minnesota has "paused" the hiring process of an academic who labeled Israel’s war against Palestine ‘a textbook case of genocide’. This is like the "pause" in the genocide against Gaza that Netanyahu wants in order to retrieve his hostages before resuming Israel's favorite hobby: the genocide of Palestinians. Worse yet: The offending academic felon whose hiring was "paused" is himself an Israeli Jew!

Now "paused" means that the University of Minnesota is tallying how much money it stand to lose if Zionist donors withdraw their money with which they blackmail the university into toeing the Zionist line of thought. That is how Zionists force American thought leaders and opinion makers to obey the Zionist ideology. Any departure from it is punished by job loss, tarnished reputation, and a ruined life.

The assault on Gaza can also be understood as a textbook case of genocide unfolding in front of our eyes,” Raz Segal, the Israeli associate professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton University in New Jersey, wrote in the Jewish Currents on Oct. 13. “I say this as a scholar of genocide, who has spent many years writing about Israeli mass violence against Palestinians,” he wrote.

A spokesperson for the University of Minnesota said that the selection process for the position of director was put on hold “to allow an opportunity to determine next steps.”

Segal, who was selected as the center’s new director by Ann Waltner, the interim dean of the College of Liberal Arts at University of Minnesota, also co-authored an Al-Jazeera article in January, in which he called Israel a “settler-colonial” power. Last month, Segal downplayed the anti-Israel encampments that have engulfed campuses nationwide, telling NJ Spotlight News that claims of antisemitism were “baseless.”

In 2022, he wrote about “the reality of the system of Israeli apartheid,” stating that “just as the Israeli apartheid system denies Palestinians’ past, it also seeks to deny their future through an assault against Palestinian children.”

The selection of Segal, which also includes a faculty position in the history department, prompted University of Minnesota professors Karen Painter and Bruno Chaouat, who appear to profess rabid Zionist ideas and who fear the truth might come out of Segal's sober research, to resign from the center’s advisory board.

In a letter to Waltner, Provost Rachel Croson and Interim President Jeff Ettinger, Chaouat wrote, “My understanding is that the core mission of the center is to educate locally and internationally on the specific history of the Holocaust and of genocides in order to raise awareness and prevent further dehumanization and violence". Notwithstanding his appending of a generic "and of genocides" as a poor relative of the victimhood-exclusive Holocaust, Chaouat pontificates that "Professor Segal, by justifying Hamas’s atrocities five days after they occurred (via a perverse allegation that Israel was committing a genocide), cannot fulfill the mission of the center.” Case closed. Thus Chaouat drills further the Zionist blackmail instrument that the hallowed Holocaust cannot be overridden by any other genocide, and moreover, that it is impossible for the victims of the Holocaust, though fallible humans like everyone else, to perpetrate a 'genocide' against a people they are otherwise exterminating and whose land they continue to steal.

To summarize, the Zionist professors claim that 1- there is only one genocide, the Holocaust, worthy of human pity, study and understanding, and 2- Jews, being super-humans selected by Yahweh himself some 3,000 years ago, to be above any other humans, are incapable of genocide. Now, sober objective research will in all evidence counter those claims because, contrary to the Zionist narrative, all humans are equals, all humans, including both Hamas and Israel, are capable of atrocities. Self-defense is not a license to murder. One can argue just as strongly that while Israel's savage barbarity in Gaza and the West Bank is a case of self-defense that uses October 7 as its justification, Hamas's October 7 savagery is itself too a case of self-defense against a century of occupation, dehumanization, colonization, uprooting and displacement, ethnic cleansing and all the crimes that Israel has been inflciting on the Palestinians.

Chaouat, a professor of French and Jewish studies who previously served as interim director of the center, continued in his letter, “[Segal] has failed to recognize the genocidal intent of Hamas. He does not understand that a movement like Hamas is inherently fascist and represents precisely what CHGS stands against…While I have nothing to say about appointing Professor Segal as a colleague in the History department, my experience as interim director and collaborator of the center for many years, as well as my experience as a scholar of the Holocaust and antisemitism, give me some authority to assertively deem him unfit for that position.” 

But Bruno Chaouat himself fails to recognize the genocidal intent of Israel, founded as it is on the premise of exterminating and displacing one people from their land and replacing them with foreign settlers. He does not understand that foreign colonial interlopers in Palestine, like his Zionist movement and Israel, are inherently fascist, racist and represent precisely what CHGS stands against. 

Mark Rotenberg, vice president and general counsel of Hillel International who was general counsel and a faculty member at University of Minnesota for 20 years before coming to Hillel, said that the announced appointment of Segal “severely degraded the academic integrity of the department.” But of course, this is what a Zionist will say to defend the indefensible. Degrading the truth with Zionist propaganda has worked for 80 years, but now that honest, ethical and courageous dissidents are coming forward to challenge the Big Brother's diktat, let's persecute them.

He continued, “It’s terribly distressing to see the Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies led by an anti-Israel propagandist rather than a top scholar in the history of the eradication of European Jewry.” 

But Dr. Segal is himself a Jewish Israeli. A son of illegal European Zionist immigrants to Palestine who annihilated the Palestinian people and took their land. He also is a top scholar in the history of the eradication of Palestinian identity by European Jews. But it is not the Palestinians who eradicated European Jews; it was European Christians who did it, Fascists with "family values", people whose ideas persist in today's right wing populists and the likes of Trump's MAGA cult. 

Why should the Palestinians pay the price of the Holocaust? If Europeans truly want to atone for the Holocaust, they should repatriate their Jews back from Palestine and offer them land in the new, liberal and emancipated Europe where they can re-create their so-called homeland, this recreational Disneyland colony on the Mediterranean. Palestinians, living for decades as dehumanized stateless refugees, can then return and rebuild the Palestine that was stolen from them.

In Dr. Segal, we see one of many Jewish Israelis speaking the truth. He should be declared a hero because he dares walk outside the oppressive one-line thinking of the Zionist Big Brother. 

Why are you afraid of the truth, Mr. Chaouat? Let Segal take his position and conduct sober objective research that will deliver whatever results it might lead to. Just like justice is said to be blind, so should academic research: It establishes facts that then serve to endorse or debunk a hypothesis, and perhaps propose a reasonable alternative. What you are doing, Mr. Chaouat, is to establish your "truth" first, then backfill fabricated facts to satisfy it. This is Zionist charlatanism at its best, not the academic honesty that the University of Minnesota is bound to adhere to.


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