Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Netanyahu Interfering in US Elections

By falsely claiming that Biden is withholding weapons shipments to Israel, the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu who leads the Jewish colony in Palestine, is injecting his lies into the US elections.

Netanyahu wants Trump to win in November. In his term between 2016 and 2020, Trump was led by the nose like an idiot by the Zionists. Just check the beaming smiles on Netanyahu's ugly face when Trump announced moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing the annexation of the Syrian Golan Heights to Israel. 

The idiot Trump is easy to manipulate, so the Zionists love him. With Biden it's a bit more complicated. Though Biden has been doing all the bidding of the Israelis, he is trying to rescue his campaign now in free fall among his democratic base because of his blind support for Israel. So Biden is trying to buy up the pro-Palestine crowd by posturing himself as opposing Israel, except that all this opposition is all words and just one action, namely to slow down his delivery of 2,000-lb bombs to Israel, which Israel uses to bomb hospitals, schools , aid convoys etc. in Gaza.

Netayahu is exploiting this superficial and shallow split between Democrats and Republicans over Gaza policy. He is claiming that the US has stopped delivering weapons to Israel, even though the US continues to deliver to Israel all the weapons that it needs to keep killing innocent Palestinians, except "some of the 2,000-lb bombs". By saying that Biden is denying weapons to Israel, Netanyahu is trying to tell Americans - largely dumb and brainwashed by the Zionist lobby - that Biden doesn't like Israel, which might tilt the balance against Biden and in favor of Trump. 

It's as simple as that.

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