Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hezbollah to the Lebanese Who Speak up: You’re Zionist Agents

Regardless of the Zionist criminality against Palestine south of the border, the Lebanese people are victims of the Hezbollah agents of the Iranian dictatorship and the Syrian butcher in Damascus. Just like Zionists do with their "antisemitic" accusation to silence any dissenting opinion, the Iranian Hezbollah thugs try to silence their Lebanese detractors by accusing them of being "Zionist agents".

One of their favorite propaganda imagery is to say that President Bashir Gemayel, a Maronite Christian who was elected in the aftermath of the Zionist invasion of Lebanon in 1982, was made president from atop an Israeli tank, and is hence a "Zionist agent" according to the Hezbollah thugs and their followers (e.g.: Gebran Bassil Maronite afficionados, Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party fascists, Sunni Arab nationalists, and other 'truncata cerebra' scum from the desert swamps). They, of course, celebrated when Bashir was assassinated by a Syrian Baath operative 2 weeks after his unanimous election by the Lebanese parliament and before he could take office. The fanatic Islamists of the Iranian Hezbollah, who get their ideology, their money, their terrorists and their weaponry from the barbarian republic of Iran, have no problem hijacking the entire Lebanese state from atop their Iranian tanks and missiles, and dragging it into their war pitting barbarian fundamentalist Islam against barbarian fundamentalist Zionist Judaism.

We, ordinary Lebanese, are caught between Jewish fanaticism south of the border imported to us from Holocaust Europe and dumb America on one hand, and Islamic fanaticism imported to us from Iran and other Muslim nations via the Syrian Baathist regime in Damascus on the other hand. We've been in this juggernaut for more than 5 decades, and everyone blames us!

Below is the translation from Arabic of a piece posted on Facebook by Yussuf ElKhoury.


Original title: إمّا نصمت وإمّا نحن عملاء!!؟  (Speaking up means we are agents!?)

With the growing violence in south Lebanon, the Israelis are threatening to launch an operation aiming at placing the Upper Galilee out of reach of the rockets and missiles of the so-called “resistance”. They are even speaking of a land invasion to destroy the military and political infrastructure of the “resistance”. Meanwhile, the Americans fear the expansion of any Israeli war against Lebanon into a broader regional war. Their envoy [Amos Hochstein] is seeking to revive the existing ceasefire, in place for some time, between the two sides under the supervision of UNIFIL [United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon].

The “resistance” is betting on the resentment within the officers’ rank of the Israeli army, and actually believes that this army is on its way to disintegration. Demonstrations against the Zionist government and statements by the Israeli Leftist opposition raise the morale and determination of the “resistance”.

Indeed, the Israelis are caught between, on one hand, the hammer of the Americans who call for complete self-restraint, and the hard place of Israel’s northern settlers demanding a safe return to their settlements which can only be achieved by the “destruction of the terrorist infrastructure” in the Lebanese south. US diplomacy keeps “warning against crossing a red line”, while the Israeli government has a different calculus when it comes to the existential dangers facing its people. Didn’t the chief of the Israeli government reply to the Americans by saying, “We will not be witness to the killing of our people by a blood-thirsty enemy”?

My dear reader,

Take a deep breath and focus with me:

The events related above are not new to you, but you don’t know that I extracted them from various books and sources that address the reasons behind the Israeli invasion of 1982. These events are similar, indeed identical, to the current developments in south Lebanon since the beginning of the Gaza war last October 7. All you have to do is replace the word “resistance” above with “Palestine Liberation Organization”, and you will conclude that the conditions leading up to the 1982 invasion of Lebanon on account of the actions of the Palestinians and their treasonous Lebanese allies, are the same conditions prevailing today on account of the fundamentalist Sunni “Hamas” and fundamentalist Shiite “Hezbollah” who are giving Israel the pretext to invade Lebanon once again.

If we look closely at the events in 1981 and 1982, we find that the critical factors in the decision to invade Lebanon (Operation 'Peace in Galilee') are as follows:

- A rise in the number of Israelis killed by the Palestinian Fedayeen (1396 between 1965 and 1982);

- The displacement of the residents of the Upper Galilee by the PLO’s shelling of their regions;

- The failure of the Israeli strikes in curbing the Palestinian attacks; and

- The growing arsenal of the Palestinians in south Lebanon, thanks to a wide Arab support and generosity, particularly Syria and Libya.

I wish to emphasize here that what precipitated the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon was the Palestinians and their Lebanese minions who never stopped accusing us, the Lebanese Christians, of being Israel's allies during that period. But these imbecile slanderers of Lebanon’s Christians will be disappointed when they examine the objectives of the 'Peace in Galilee' operation and place them in their correct context, without the imagined intentions they attribute to them.

As stated by the Israeli government, the objectives of the 'Peace in Galilee' operation were:

- Remove the terrorist threat (of the Palestinians and their Lebanese allies) by eliminating their military capabilities and infrastructure;

- Maintain neutrality vis-à-vis the Syrian forces present on Lebanese soil;

- No engagement with the Shiites, the Druze and the Christians during the operation. On the military daily order of June 6, the term “non-armed Muslims” was added to this list;

- Withdraw from Lebanon when objectives are achieved. Israel has no interest in staying in Lebanon;

- The operation does not aim at securing the sovereignty of the Lebanese government over its territory. This is a matter that concerns only the Lebanese;

- Make contact with the Christian sector in order to isolate Beirut and cut off the Damascus Road.

Thus, Israel planned to eliminate the Palestinian mini-state in Lebanon without entering in conflict with the Lebanese state or with any of the non-hostile Lebanese communities. Israel wanted to benefit from its alliance with the Christians by making contact with their sector for the sole purpose of encircling the Palestinians in West Beirut. It had no intention of staying or interfering in Lebanese internal affairs after securing its objectives.

Five months prior to the 'Peace in Galilee' operation, Israel’s Defense Minister Ariel Sharon notified the Christians of the possibility of a wide-scale invasion if the efforts of the Americans to achieve a comprehensive ceasefire with the PLO fail. Bashir Gemayel asked Sharon, “What do you expect from us in case of war?”, to which Sharon replied, “Nothing. Protect your own positions. And know that we will not be able to protect you if your forces fail.” Then Sharon elaborated by asking the Christians to “strengthen their relations with the Shiites and the Druze” and suggested “giving the Shiites some of the weapons that Israel was providing the Christians” since the Shiites too were suffering from the PLO.

The Christians were aware of the possibility of an invasion, but they did not know any of its details, particularly its timing. How could they know when Sharon himself did not know? Sharon had left Israel with his family to Bucharest in early June 1982 for both a vacation and an official visit. He returned to Israel on the morning of June 5, and the decision to invade Lebanon on June 6 was taken mere hours before it began.

As for the Lebanese presidency that the deceitful traitors persist in saying that President Bashir Gemayel extracted it from atop an Israeli tank, the Israelis mentioned it only in passing when then-prime minister Menahem Begin said that “he will be happy if the Lebanese parliament elects a president from the Lebanese Forces”, without any specific mention of Bashir. The Israelis did not discuss with Bashir the matter of peace until early September 1982 at the notorious Nahariya meeting, and only after evicting the armed Palestinians and the Syrians from Beirut, destroying the Syrian army’s war machine in Lebanon, and electing Bashir as president. Yet, Bashir did not give them any promise on that day. To the contrary, he put down his own conditions which the Israelis accepted two days before his assassination. This conduct does not make Bashir an agent who arrived on an enemy tank; it suggests he was a decision-maker in the regional crisis of the time.

Was Bashir Gemayel an agent because he did not retaliate against the shelling of Ashrafiyeh by the Palestinians who were besieged by Israel in West Beirut? Was Bashir an agent when he declared that “we will not fire a single shot against our Muslim brethren in West Beirut who were held hostages in the hands by the Palestinians?

Are the Christians of Lebanon agents because their interests converged with those of the Israelis in ridding Lebanon of the PLO that had slaughtered the Christians simply because they were Christians? Are the Christians of Lebanon agents because you, traitor lowlifes, conspired with the PLO to dismantle the Lebanese formula of coexistence?

If accusing us of being agents lifts your standing and makes you happy, then by all means enjoy it while it lasts. But you will not succeed because everyone knows that you are filthy lowlifes. Your constant harping about our relation with Israel is only a pathetic tool with which you aim to silence us, [just as Zionists use the accusation of “antisemitism” to silence their detractors], and to cover up your abject crimes of destruction, displacement and killings going on in the south of the country.

Please take note: We will not remain silent over your deeds. We shall continue to expose you. We shall not be deterred, and we will not let you succeed.  

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