Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Robert Morris: Another Christian Evangelical Child Sex Predator from Texas

It never stops. One after the other, hallowed “Christian Church Leaders” of the Texas evangelical crowd who love Israel and are racist Trump adorers are being exposed as sex predators who sexually rape and abuse children for decades. Now that their courageous victims are coming forward, the truth behind these Evangelical monsters is finally seeing some daylight. If this is the tip of the iceberg, who knows how many others still lurk under their venerable “Evangelical” label.

After Paul Pressler, [ ], here's another "Christian" leader who let his hands and genitals wander into little children's underwear. This guy too was part of Trump’s Evangelical Executive Advisory Board. Now you know why Donald Trump was friends with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. 






Child rapist "Pastor" Robert Morris of the Texas Gateway Megachurch explaining how God guided him to molest and rape a 12-year old.

Previously, we learned about “Pastor” Robert Morris in [WFAA: Texas megachurch pastor admits past inappropriate behavior with ‘young lady’ after accusation of molesting 12-year-old. ]. Morris is now resigning and his “Church” says it had difficulty accepting bis resignation after covering up his deeds for decades.

The fact that these monsters are Protestants reveals a deeper sordid truth. With Catholic priests, the vow of chastity has been used as an excuse to justify their sexual predation on children. But these imbeciles from backward Texas and the American south are Protestant ministers who can marry and defuse their libidos. So, they have no such excuse. The truth is that these “church leaders”, whether Catholic or Protestant, deliberately hide behind the ‘divine’ authority and power that their brainless herds grant them to do whatever they want, including raping children. Religion is the problem. Faith is the problem. To suspend one’s reason to believe in bullshit from the Bronze Age is the problem.

Pastor Robert Morris has resigned from the Texas megachurch (Not-for-profit, tax-free, money-making business) he founded. The so-called “elders” of his religious corporation say it was difficult for them to accept his resignation: Oh, the agony of deciding to get rid fo a child rapist!! They should have fired him long time ago when stories about his abuse of children began to come out. But they probably are all like him, and now they can’t stand losing money when the reputation of their church is tarnished. 

His bigoted employees pretended to be angry when they heard the news. One of them pulled out her cellphone and secretly recorded the annoucement of Morris's resignation. She later shared the audio with NBC News.

Kenneth W. Fambro II, a real estate executive who serves on Gateway’s board of elders, shed a few crocodile tears as he announced that his beloved Morris, one of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders, was resigning from the church he’d founded 24 years earlier. Accepting Morris’s resignation, has been one of the most difficult decisions in his life, he says.

Gateway is one of the largest megachurches in America, and Morris served on former President Donald Trump’s spiritual advisory board. No surprise there because Trump was close friends with Jeffrey Epstein whose entire life was dedicated to raping young children and providing them to his sexual predator “elite” friends (actors, politicians, etc.).

Fambro said he has long known that Morris committed sexual misconduct. Apparently, Morris told his fellow church leaders of his adventures long ago, but they kept him on the job. They covered up for him, just like the Catholic Church did with its priests for decades. The Christian religion has become a gigantic operation of sexual abuse against children across the globe. Under the cover of "missionary" work, we learn that white, male, anglo-saxon men use their "missionary" work to rape and abuse children of poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

And now Morris’s buddies are praising him for admitting his crime, as if this is a redeeming fact that justifies why they kept him on the job. And they say that they did not know that Morris’s victim was 12 years old. If they thought his victim was not a minor when he had sex with her, then there would have been nothing to confess and admit. So what is it that he admitted to them?

Cindy Clemishire, the woman who accused Morris of molesting her as a child, told NBC News that she was disturbed that Gateway elders struggled over whether to remove him from leadership.

“What is so difficult about accepting the resignation from a man who repeatedly sexually abused a little girl for almost five years and then lied about it?” Clemishire said after having reviewed a transcript of the recording provided by NBC News. “Why wasn’t he terminated?”

Morris hasn’t been charged with a crime. Just like the other Texas child molester, the Southern Christian Baptist leader and Child Rapist Paul Pressler who died recently.

The Wartburg Watch is a website focused on exposing abuse in churches. In it, Clemishire, 54, described how Morris had molested her for years beginning on Christmas night in 1982, when she was 12.

Initially, Morris and Gateway’s elders excused his crime by saying that he was in his 20s when he had several sexual encounters with a “young lady”, then admitted his “sin” and said he had repented. Which means that bullshit divine justice preempts real human justice when churches’ little secrets and crimes are exposed.

Some Gateway parishioners appear, though, to have a brain, and they say their church’s leaders are guilty of a moral failure because they used euphemisms in describing the sex abuse of a 12-year-old child.  The person who made the recording says she believes the board of elders needs to replaced because it is “gaslighting” employees and parishioners. 

Church leaders are encouraging their herd of faithful imbeciles not to let the revelations of child sex abuse make them lose sight of the good that God had done — and would continue to do — through Gateway and Morris, namely making fortunes out of the idiotic faith of ignorant followers. Again, just like the Catholic Church.

And here’s the typical religious bullshit language that the church elders hope will explain the cover-up and the resignation: “Pastor Robert wants to see Gateway Church succeed in the body of Christ,” a church elder said. “Pastor Robert wanted to resign to not be a distraction.” Oh I get it, inserting "in the body of Christ" is itself a coverup for financial success of the Gateway money-making enterprise.

“How can a church believe that a man can be anointed by God aft
er sexually abusing a child and then lying about it for decades?” Clemishire said. “This is repulsive.”

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