Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

"Peace-Loving" Jewish Zionists Continue to Chant 'Death to Palestinians'

How do you think Palestinians should react?


Thousands of fanatic fundamentalist Jews took part in the annual provocative march through dense Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem's Old City on Wednesday, chanting “Death to Arabs,” "Death to Palestinians," and "Muhammad is Dead".

Marchers gathered outside the Damascus Gate, a central gathering place for Palestinians in east Jerusalem, chanted anti-Arab and anti-Islamic slogans, danced and waved the Zionist colonial flag as the procession kicked off. These are the children of the "victims" of the Nazis who walked right into the Jewish ghettos of Europe chanting "Death to the Jews".

Just before the march began, crowds threw plastic bottles at journalists wearing "PRESS" vests as the colluding Zionist police watched without intervening. Some chanted “Muhammad is dead!" referring to the Islamic prophet. How civilized, tolerant and peace-loving are these European "Light unto the Nations" illegal immigrants to Palestine. How can anyone hate them?

Meanwhile, Israel says it won't end its carnage and genocide in Gaza without achieving the unachievable goal of destroying Hamas. This goal is just a pretext to ethnically cleanse Gaza's indigenous population and steal its land in order to settle more foreign illegal immigrants. 

The annual march commemorates “Jerusalem Day,” which marks the Zionist terrorists' capture of east Jerusalem, including the Old City and its holy sites sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims, in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel considers all of Jerusalem to be its capital, in contravention of ALL United Nations Security Council resolutions that call for Jerusalem to be an international city placed under a special status and open to all religions. 

In past years, the Zionist police have forcibly cleared Palestinians from the parade route, and large crowds of mostly fundamentalist fanatic Jews (the equivalent of Islamic Daesh and AL-Qaeda) youth have chanted “Death to Arabs,” “May your village burn” and other "peace-seeking" slogans.

At the insistence of Israel’s Minister of Jewish Terrorism, the Iraqi immigrant Itamar Ben-Gvir, the march will follow its traditional route, entering the Muslim Quarter of the Old City through Damascus Gate and ending at the Western "Nagging" Wall.

As buses bringing young Jewish terrorists in for the march thronged around the Old City’s centuries-old walls, Palestinian shopkeepers closed down their shops in fear of rampage and vandalism. Apparently, the march would not enter the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam, which the fanatic Jews want destroyed and replaced by yet another barbaric Jewish temple, again as witness to that modern Jewish tolerance and enlightenment straight out of the Bronze Age of humanity.

Later, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CJP) and the U.S. government condemned the harassment and assault of journalists during the Jerusalem Day Zionist colonial flag march. Palestinian freelance journalist Saif Kwasmi and Israeli journalist Nir Hasson, a reporter for the Israeli daily Haaretz, were assaulted by the Jewish terrorist settlers.

CPJ Program Director Carlos Martinez de la Serna said Israeli security forces "stood idly by" while protesters harassed and assaulted the journalists. CPJ urged Israel to probe the incidents and hold those responsible to account. The U.S. State Department also urged Israel to protect reporters from such assaults.

Meanwhile, the Israeli government has faced criticism from human rights and press advocates for the killing of over 100 journalists and media workers in its savage war on Gaza and for its ban of Al Jazeera operations in Israel. Israel continues to lie by denying that it targets journalists and claims its ban on Al Jazeera was due to national security concerns. 

The pattern of violence coupled with deceit by the Zionist government protecting the terrorist Jews has been a staple of Israeli policy. Having gotten away with it for decades, the Zionist terror regime believes it can continue doing so with impunity. But the truth has been freed from the blackmail, and the rare condemnations have now become frequent. But more than words of condemnation are needed: Actions are needed to treat the Zionist regime like any other repressive colonial warmongering regime and punish it for its flagrant violation of ethical and legal norms.

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