Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Let the Fireworks Begin in South Lebanon

The ordinary Lebanese people have long wished for a definitive war in the south of the country, a war to end all the wars there since the late 1960s.

We don't care for Hezbollah, the Iranian criminal organization that has destabilized Lebanon beginning in the early 1980s, ever since the barbarian religious revolution in Iran. Hezbollah took over the terrorism business from Yasser Arafat and his PLO, after Israel sent us the Palestinians in 1948, then evicted the latter from Lebanon in 1982. We don't care for the Islamic Shiite theocracy that Hezbollah wants to set up in Lebanon and finish off the last remaining free Christian community in the region. We don't care for the Shiites' eternal status of victims of everyone else, not unlike the Jews by the way. The Shiites still carry a 1,300-year old feud over political power between the Arab followers of Mohammed (the Sunnis) and his Persian followers (the Shiites). If this is not barbarity, then what is? Bitter enemies who fought wars as late as the 20th century have forgiven each other and moved on with their lives; some have even joined unions together. But not the Shiites of Iran who hold grudges that improve with time, like aged wine. As Iran's proxy, Hezbollah has ruined Lebanon's chances at recovering from the Palestinian onslaught of the 1970s.

We don't care either for Israel, the colonial monster south of our border that ethnically cleansed Palestine some 80 years ago with massacres and displacements of the indigenous Palestinian population that owns the land and has lived there since time immemorial, and for what reason? Listen to this primitive reason: As they have themselves written in their own self-promoting propaganda Torah piece of fiction back in the deserts of Arabia, Yahweh, the Hebrew god from 3,000 years ago gave them the land of Palestine. And today, in our time some 3 millennia later, Eastern European savages claim that their recent conversion to Judaism entitles them to ownership of that same land of Palestine. If you think Shiites are barbarians form carrying on with a feud from 1,300 years ago, you should marvel at the barbarity of the Jewish claims to Palestine from 3,000 years ago.

Hence, Lebanon, the small modern state that emerged in the mid-19th century as a coalescence of several religious minorities, and which decided to take the difficult but civilized path of working together in spite of their religious differences, is now caught between the two radical ultra-religious violent narratives of Shiite Islam and Orthodox Judaism. From a prosperous, neutral and democratic state, Lebanon has been transformed by the radical Israeli Jews (proxies of western colonialism), the Sunni Palestinians (proxies of the Arab Gulf Sunni decadent monarchies), and the Shiite proxies of the Iranian ultra-religious theocracy into the only open war front in the region, while avoiding direct war between each other. 

The West is no less guilty of abandoning this successful small gem of coexistence and diversity in a region rife with religious fundamentalism because of "interests" it has in the region. Hard as the Lebanese tried over the decades since the late 1960s to extricate themselves from the religious barbarity around them, the West kept plunging it back in it; or at least it did not try to assist it as it did with other small victims like East Timor, south Sudan and Kosovo?

Wasn't it the West that placed Lebanon as a hostage in the custody of the Stalinist regime in Damascus, supposedly to "stabilize" it as a crucible of violence, human rights abuses and occupation? 

Wasn't it the West that then handed Lebanon over to the Saudi-sponsored Hariri family empire, again as a hostage of Western oil interests, after it had a fallout with the butcher in Damascus? 

And wasn't it the West, whose Ronald Reagan ran away like a coward when the Iranian Hezbollah bombed American and French peacekeeping forces in 1983, thus allowing the barely nascent terror organization to take over Lebanon? Wasn't it the West, after Hezbollah bombed US and French embassies in the 1980s, hijacked TWA flight 847 and killed US Navy diver Dean Stethem in 1985, and kidnapped and held dozens of western hostages in the Beirut of the 1980s, that negotiated with the terror regimes of Damascus and Tehran over the release of these hostages one by one in exchange for one concession or another, including the complete takeover of Lebanon?  Wasn't it the West that placed a UN force in south Lebanon since 1978 in order to permanently install the unexplained violation of Lebanon's sovereignty by Israel, the Arabs and the Iranians? 

We, the Lebanese, do not give a damn about Israel and Iran and their religious-inspired violence in the south of our country. Right now we are wishing for the most violent war between Israel's Jews and Iran's Shiites, as long as that war brings an end to the 60-year long torment of Lebanon. As a small pacific and neutral country, we know we can never chase those demons out of our lives without assistance from other more powerful countries. But those more powerful "friends" keep lying to us. They keep sending us envoys to negotiate with us over how to contain the barbarity of our Syrian, Israeli, Saudi, and Iranian neighbors. But what can we, the victims of all these barbarians, do? 

Just like East Timor, Bosnia, Kosovo and other small victims who were rescued by "tough" measures taken by the West against powerful and violent neighbors, we need our "tough" friends to act accordingly. So please spare us your hopeless pseudo-quaker envoys and your poetic "reducing" tensions, "stabilizing" the south, or "avoiding" an all-out war and all manner of diplomatic run-arounds. Our borders are a lawless wilderness through which Syria, Iran and Israel fight their wars over our land. Can't you just tell them to back off? We don't have much "interests" to offer you in exchange other than moral admonitions about justice, freedom and human rights; Can't you once make an exception and act simply for moral instead of mercantile reasons?

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