Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Red-haired Russian Convert to Judaism is no Jewish Semite Entitled to Palestine


This Russian mother of a rescued Hamas hostage has no rights in Palestine. Just look at her: Original Jews from Bronze Age Palestine were not red-haired Russian idiots who converted to Judaism a couple of centuries ago and now claim property rights to Palestine at the expense of the millennial indigenous Palestinian people.

Evgeniia Kozlova says she had her first conversation with her Russian son Andrey Kozlov after he was freed from the terror Sunni Muslim organization of Hamas. The fact that her son was detained by a radical Islamist terror organization does not alter the absurdity of her claiming citizenship rights in occupied Palestine, while genuine Palestinians born in Palestine and descending from centuries-old lineages of indigenous Palestinians are being killed and expelled from their native land. 

This is at the heart of the absurdity of Israel's colonial enterprise. I don't care if the Torah says that Yahweh gave the Jews the land some 3,000 years ago. I did not write the Torah, nor do I believe the fictional bullshit in it: splitting oceans, frog raining, 100-year old spinsters becoming pregnant by angels, a Yahweh god that tells Abraham to sleep with the maid then orders him to kick her out of his filthy tent with her child because he knocked her up....Why are we supposed to accept this nonesense as some sort of fact that then becomes a license to invade another people's land and kill them and expel them. Nomadic desert Arabs known as Jews, stinking of camel dung and sheep droppings, wrote the fictional Torah on the basis of older myths they heard about back when they lived in Baghdad. They, of course, will promote themselves in their bullshit stories and say whatever bullshit religious crap that favors them: I don't have any obligation to believe such nonsensical fiction written by smelly old men in the deserts of Arabia millennia ago.

Just look at her! By what measure of reason, genetics, ethnicity or culture can this woman have the right to migrate to Palestine, expel the natives from their land so she can build a home right where the indigenous Palestinians have been living for millennia? The only filthy criterion by which she has this right is her religion. And still, she is no authentic Jew related to the biblical Hebrews; she is an eastern European Khazar convert to Judaism, a European Ashkenazi.

How can anyone with any brain in this 21st century accept such blatant absurdity and criminality?

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