Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, June 7, 2024

Smotrich, Ben-Gvir, Netanyahu et al. Have Already Lost the War

At any given time in the short-term or long-term future, Israel's criminal governing gang will have to acquiesce to a ceasefire. And the moment they do, they would have acknowledged they lost the war. Why? Because of the shaky premise of Israel's colonial existence and the depravity of its ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of Palestine, its incessant recourse to violence and land theft, and its chronic false claims of being a victim that needs protection against the people it has victimized since the 1930s.

That is what Antonio Guterres's meant in his statement that October 7 did not happen in a vacuum. The whole world now has come to realize the tragedy of what happened to Palestine in the course of the 20th century. It is truly unfortunate that it took a radical Islamist terror organization like Hamas to lift the veil off the omerta of Israel's creation, long censored and hidden by guilt by association of those who perpetrated the Holocaust then proceeded to repair the damage by provoking another Holocaust. How stupid and short-sighted.

Between Yahya Sinwar, Hamas's lead terrorist, and Netanyahu, Israel's lead terrorist, the balance is, again unfortunately and inevitably, in Sinwar's favor. When the war ends, Netanyahu is finished politically and with him the entire colonial construct of stealing Palestine from its original people would unravel. It already has. Regardless of the people who manage these historical events, these events have a life of their own, a dynamic of their own that inevitably takes a corrective turn away from the initial triggering event. It is an illusion to think that Israel can survive like a normal country in the Near East, what with its belief that violence alone can can help it survive and thrive. The imbecile Zionists should have learned the history of their predecessor religion-driven colonial Crusaders before embarking on their murderous saga.

Sinwar on the other hand has very little to lose, and any crumb he may get from this war, even as a walking dead man, is a victory. The world is exhausted with Israel's unending problems that boil down to its stupid belief that it can forever repress the Palestinians without either getting off their backs or giving them a decent way out. Between the pure Jewish state the primitive Zionist immigrants aim for and the growing indigenous Palestinian population - Israel's demographic time-bomb - Israel has cornered itself into an impasse whose only ideologically-driven solution would be to kill or ethnically cleanse the entire Palestinian population, something the world will not accept this time around like it did in 1948. Israel is trapped between its genesis as a colonial 19th-century vintage enterprise based on abysmally backward Bronze Age religious fiction, and the 21st century realpolitik of an increasingly liberal modern world intolerant of religious barbarity, ethnic supremacist ideologies and colonialist ambitions. Despite the current conservative blip humanity is going through right now, the world is on an irreversible track of liberalism, anti-racism, diversity, coexistence, equality between all humans, and secularism, all of which are antithetical to the Zionist ideology. Humanity is tired of Fascists, colonial miscreants, autocrats and dictators, ethnic cleansers and repressive regimes. These ideologies broke through in the 1920s and 1930s but they ultimately failed and defeated by a liberal world that decolonized and gave indigenous people everywhere their freedom. Except Palestine. Conservative barbarians are now trying again (Trump, Bolsonaro, Netanyahu, Putin, etc.) but they will again fail.

For Netanyahu, declaring any end of the war, even with a superficial elimination of Hamas, means Israel lost the war, which also means Netanyahu's personal defeat. Which is why he is insincere in the negotiations and does not want an end to the war. He will never stop what he is doing, even if all the hostages die. For Sinwar, a ceasefire whether permanent or a pause means the hostages will be released, after which he knows his days are counted and deceiful expansionist Israel will resume its colonial wars to gobble more of Palestine under the primitive biblical pretext that the land was granted to the Jews by the Big Jewish Zombie in the Sky, Mr. Yahweh.

The Zionist leaders want to expand the war. The October 7 attack by Hamas was a godsend pretext for the expansionist Zionist land thieves to steal Gaza and implant Jewish settlers in it. How can the civilized world accept the barbarian Zionists' proposal that the Gaza Palestinians "voluntary emigrate" out of their land? What idiot would voluntarily accept to give his own land away to ultra-religious criminal colonizers? What idiots are the Zionists themselves for making such a proposal? Haven't they learned after 80 years that the Palestinians will never leave Israel alone as long as the crime of its creation is somehow made right. Barbarity and religious stupidity are inseparable twins. The Zionists do not give a damn about their own Hamas-held hostages; they have in fact declared that it is OK for the hostages to die as "collateral damage" or "martyrs" for the greater cause of an expansionist, land-grabbing, ethnic cleansing colonial Israel.

Israel's government is facing immense pressure, both domestically and internationally, to stop the fighting. Of the roughly 120 remaining Israelis and other nationals captured by Hamas on Oct. 7, one-third are now thought to be dead, having been killed by the Israeli barbarity that is supposed to be rescuing them. Protests to end the war and bring the surviving hostages home have grown larger and opinion poll after opinion poll suggests a majority of Israelis want hostilities stopped.

With November elections looming in the United States, the Biden administration appears desperate to change the message from war to peace and demonstrate a badly needed foreign policy success. But Israel continues to rub the American nose in the mud by clinging to Netanyahu's rhetoric of "total victory", which all experts agree is an unachievable goal. Having blackmailed the entire world with their "victim" status post WWII, the Zionists have now lost any capital of pity or sympathy with which to continue their blackmail.

Just like the 2006 Israeli war with Hezbollah, all that Hamas needs to do to win is survive, even if in shambles or in exile. Israel's myth of invincibility emerged out of conventional wars fought between regular armies. With the Arab states no longer fighting Israel, the Palestinians have taken their own war of liberation into their own hands. They no longer need the Arabs. Their desperation is such that they will go to any length to fight their Zionist tormentors to the bitter end. Israel and the US and other imperialist conquering bastards have yet to win a single war against guerilla organizations which have proven their efficacy in such wars as Vietnam, Algeria, and other colonized nations. Why would Palestine be any different? Because Mr. Yahweh said so? I think not.

Hence, it is clear - even before the end of the carnage in Gaza - that Hamas has already won the war and Israel has lost it. Furthermore, the obstuse stuborness of Israel at recognizing the criminality of its own existence, is dragging its allies with it in the dirt. The inability or unwillingness of the Zionist-bonded slave, the U.S., to pressure Israel into taking a civilized path and live up to any deal it signs, weakens America by creating serious distrust on the part of other nations. "America looks weak," says Andreas Krieg, a senior lecturer at the school of security studies at King's College London. "Faith and trust in the United States as a mediator and as a guarantor that can actually coerce the Israelis into sticking to a deal they agree on ... has evaporated....Every single time there's a 'red line' created by Biden, Netanyahu breaches it and he gets away with it," said Krieg. As long as this is the case, Israel loses ground and drags the US with it.  

Hamas's ally in Lebanon, Iran-backed Hezbollah, has meanwhile intensified attacks on Israeli positions across the Lebanese border, possibly to apply more pressure on Israel to make concessions on Gaza. Some 100,000 Israelis have been displaced from their settlements in the Galilee (originally Palestinian villages whose indigenous Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in 1948), and as long as the war goes on, there's no foreseeable way they can return. These displaced Israelis are, in fact, getting a taste of what they did to the Palestinians. Perhaps, Israel should create filthy refugee camps with tents and open sewers for them similar to the hundreds of Palestinian refugee camps that mushroomed in 1948 after the rape of Palestine by European Zionists. Hezbollah has said from the beginning that the front in south Lebanon is all linked with Gaza, and that it will not cease its harassment of Israel unless Israel's "Special Operation" in Gaza ends. The Ministers of Jewish Terrorism of Israel, Itamar Ben Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich, believe Mr. Yahweh is with them and that they have the colonial ethnic cleansing wind in their sails: They both call for a full Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon. Israel has done this several times in the past and what did it get? Nothing. Yes it rid Lebanon of terrorist Yasser Arafat and his PLO in 1982, only to recognize him and welcome him as President of Palestine back to the West Bank a decade later. When will these barbarians feeding off the American breast learn? 

The challenge for Israel is much greater than a military or political challenge for the Netanyahu regime; it is an existential challenge that puts in question the heretofore taken for granted "independence" history of Israel. How can the horrifyingly gruesome mistake of creating a Jewish homeland over the corpses of a peaceful Palestinian people and the ashes of a Palestine innocent of the Holocaust be justified in this 21st century? It is beyond any measure of reason and morality. The whole world is responsible for this atrocity and the whole world must find a solution.


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