Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Zionist Theobarbarians Living In Dreamland

Yoav Gallant says he has killed or wounded 60% of Hamas "terrorists". Assuming he is not spinning his usual Zionist lies and that his numbers are factual and not imaginary (to convince his American nanny to keep breast-feeding him 2,000-lb bombs), and assuming that half of those 60% are only wounded and could potentially return to combat, then the Jewish colonial settler Defense Minister in occupied Palestine has killed only 30% of Hamas's fighters.

Take those 30% and add to them the 40% he has yet to kill or injure, and he's left with 70% of Hamas still intact. Not to mention the thousands of young Palestinians that Gallant has orphaned or traumatized with his savagery who are now being recruited into Hamas. There is no word to describe the feelings of the Gaza-caged Palestinians being pounded and starved day and night in one of the most barbaric genocide since the Holocaust and the 1948 rape of Palestine: anger, rage...don't even begin to describe the fury now deply engrained in the Palestinian people.

If it took the monster Gallant 9 months to get rid of 30% of Hamas fighters, then his genocide war on Gaza might last another 27 months to completely eliminate Hamas, which is what he and his war criminal prime minister Netanyahu continue to claim as their objective. By the way, Netanyahu will be taking a direct flight to the US so as not to step on European soil where he will be arrested and prosecuted as a war criminal by the International Criminal Court.

Being mindful that the Zionist savagery and barbarity of God's Chosen Jewish settler army in occupied Palestine will swell the ranks of Hamas fighters, I can only imagine what the desperation of the 2.3 million Gazans will create in their minds: More hatred to Jews, more radicalization, more urges for revenge, etc. All the young men of Gaza who have seen their loved ones mutilated, killed, arrested, stripped naked or buried under the rubble are in all likelihood swearing revenge deep in their hearts.

Imagine too what the West Bank Palestinians are experiencing: an existential threat
to their millennial existence in Palestine by the Jewish ISIS - the fundamentalist Yahweh-crazy Jewish land-thieving terrorists from Brooklyn, New York - and you can see how fantasmagoric is the illusion that the Jewish settler colony in Palestine can survive as a pure Jewish-only Israel enjoying peace in the region. Since its in vitro fertilized birth (with English sperm and a putrid Central European ovum) in 1948, the Jewish colony in Palestine has done nothing to win friends and everything to make enemies: It knew from the start that the inception of its absurd state will require lies, deceit and violence: Lies because it is fundamentally in violation of every basic sense of human decency, deceit because they stole the land from under the feet of an unsuspecting unsophisticated indigenous population, and violence because it had to face the enemies it was making. That is why it was founded - and continue to be founded - on pure violence.

But violence has never been the answer, especially if you are outnumbered (15 million potential Israelis around the world vs. 400 million Arabs, not counting another billion Muslims). If the situation was more demographically balanced (say, as when the Central Asian nomads invaded and took what was Greek Anatolia and converted it to Turkey), then there might be hope for sustaining the violent seizure of Palestine by east european Jewish-convert barbarians. The Yahweh-crazies should be brought down to earth from their nomadic Stone Age desert and their fictional Torah garbage to the reality of the 21st century: Colonialism is finished. Racism and Fascism are not cool anymore. Racial supremacy has been proven to be an idiocy: In the science of genetics, there are no "races". Race is a cultural misconception based on ignorance and backwardness. Religion as the basis of communal identity is dead. There is no more a "Jewish people" than there is a "Christian people". Israelis should grow up and become civilized. They are the Jewish theobarbarian mirror image of the Muslim theobarbarity in Tehran. 


Israeli defence minister: 60% of Hamas terrorists killed or wounded
Wed, July 10, 2024

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant says the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have killed or wounded 60% of Hamas terrorists and that most of the Islamist organization's battalions have been smashed.

Gallant made the comment to parliament on Wednesday, according to Israeli media.

Israel announced the complete destruction of Hamas as a war objective after the massacres carried out by Hamas and other extremist groups on October 7.

As long as Hamas retains a hold in the Gaza Strip, it can rebuild and strengthen itself, Israeli officials have said, meaning the IDF would then have to return and fight in areas where it had already been deployed.

Gallant has called for the creation of a political alternative to Hamas rule in the Gaza Strip. However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has so far refused to present a plan for the administration and reconstruction of Gaza after the end of the war.

Observers say this is likely because he is trying to avoid conflict with his far-right coalition partners who favour the building of Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip, an extremely controversial proposition.

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