Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

When one War Criminal Kills Another

You wouldn't catch the Lebanese mourning for Haniyeh. Maybe some of the brainwashed Shiite robots of Hassan Nasrallah might, but there is no lost love for all those who have transformed Lebanon into the regional battlegound for every Islamist and Jewish criminal to settle scores from the Bronze Age.

I applaud the assassination of Haniyeh. All the other crazies of the Big Zombie in the Sky, Muslims and Jews, deserve the same fate. But killing one or the other will not change anything to the situation. Muslims and Jews are absorbed by blood and vengeance. The Jews carry their miserable millenial wanderings around their necks like a trophy, building an identity of eternal victimhood. Watch how they are building their "homeland" in Palestine and you'll understand why there is anti-semitism in this world. The Muslims too are unable to go past their political assassinations of 1300 years ago and drag their murderous ideology around them wherever they go. As long as some humans identify themselves by their stupid religions, the killings will never stop.

Israelis need to understand that by building their homeland only with violence against the native indigenous Palestinians, they will never know peace. They are condemned to living in fear because of the fear they are sowing. Military might and brutal violence, especially when you are numerically in the minority, might give you the illusion of safety. Try as they may, Israelis are trapped by their historical lies and fabulations. Throughout their disturbed history the vaguely defined "Jewish people" have ricocheted from one disaster after another, so long as they make absurd claims about who they are. Just like Muslims, only one book written thousands of years ago by ignorant nomads defines who a Jew is. 

Keep chopping off heads, new ones will sprout. The violent coercion and submission of people won't make them change their minds from hating you to loving you. They might briefly react or lay low for a while, but in the end the trajectory is against Israel. Just like it was for the Zionists of the 11th century, those we call the Crusaders. They came to retrieve "their" holy land but where are they today?

The more violence Israel visits upon the Palestinians, the deeper the hatred the latter will store for future revenge. What Hamas did on October 7 is but one example of those violent eruptions you'd expect from a people who have been consistenly dehumanized as undesirables in their own land by foreign invaders. 

I do not care what the filthy garbage of the religious texts says. Regardless of which it is, religious texts freeze the self-declared superiority by some people and the exclusion of other people. Some of my still Christian friends defend their religion by saying something like "Jesus never called for violence or war" as opposed to the Torah and the Koran. This might be literally true, but have they looked at the abominations their religion committed over its 2,000 years of history? It doesn't matter: Religions demand faith, and faith demands the suspension of reason. Without reason, we are condemned to live in fear hatred.

Reason demands that Israelis make peace with the Palestinians and treat them like equal humans. Reason demands that Israel officially recognizes that its birth has been a monumental crime against the Palestinian people. Just like the Germans acknowledged their own barbarity, atoned and recognized what they had done to the Jews and other minorities in Europe, Israelis must do the same with the Palestinians if they want to have a chance at surviving in peace.

In Lebanon, we are sick and tired of the endless violence between Muslims and Jews. But trying to reason with barbarians whose sole definition of identity is in some garbage texts form thousands of years ago is like talking to a wall. 

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