Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thomas Matthew Crooks is no Immigrant- He's a MAGA Republican

The would-be assassin of Donald Trump is a white Republican US-born Pennsylvania boy. He is not one of those immigrants whom Trump keeps diabolizing.

Trump has created the violence of which he became a victim. He adores the NRA. He supports the right of any jackass to buy an AR-15, the weapon used against him.

White Christian nationalists are racists. They hate anyone who is not a white anglo-saxon protestant: Catholics, Black Africans, Jews, Asians, Arabs, Muslims, etc. and Trump has been the catalyst for making these criminals coming out of the shadows and the boonies of America and visit their violence upon America.

But Trump and his goons are turning the attempted assassination against him on its head by accusing Joe Biden and the Democrats of instigating the attack, when it is the Republican party itself that has been fueling the violence, beginning with the armed attack by Trump's barbarian followers on the Capitol in January of 2021. 

As he was led off the stage where he was shot, Trump lifted his fist and repeatedly yelled "fight, fight, fight..." which is yet another call for violence. Trump thrives on violence, be it verbal or otherwise. By insulting and name-calling anyone who stands up to his violent rhetoric, he fuels the fire of division.

Will Americans in general and his republican slaves reckon that their political platform is leading the country away from democracy and into a bubble of isolationist hatred of the world? 

He's now playing the victim. He will milk this attack to the bitter end. But my hope is that in a few months when election day comes around, people will see him for the danger he poses to the Republic and will throw him in the trashbin of American politics so that he is out of our lives and let the country begin to heal. 

The white anglo-saxon protestants of America are in decline. They are on the losing end of American demography. They see their place in the American experience gradually diminish, and they fear the inevitable. That is why they are resorting to violence.

But can you stop change? Can you stop a changing world? Trumpians believe America can become great again simply by building a wall around themselves. But they know that immigrants made this country. Their own parents and grandparents who came as immigrants made this country. Chinese immigrants built the railroad that connected the country from sea to shining sea. It is immigrants who build the rockets that fly into space. It is immigrants who deciphered the human genome. It is immigrants who built silicone valley. And it will always be immigrants who will continue to propel this country into the future. Trump and his asinine backwoods inbred moonshining Apalachian drunkards say they, alone, can make America great when it is only by the hard work and determination of immigrants that America ever became great. 

To the one-eared convicted felon jackass moron Donald Trump I say: FUCK YOU.


  1. You make Lebanon proud. We, Lebanese Americans, are proud of progressive thinkers like you who want to move both Lebanon and the US out of their primitive religious pasts and into the modern world. Sadly, many Lebanese Americans are very conservative, having brought their deep sectarian and religious divisions to this country. But they are stupid too: All Republican presidents have stabbed Lebanon in the back: Reagan who ran away like a coward when Hezbollah and Syria bombed his Marines in Beirut, then George HW Bush who sold Lebanon to Syria just to get his hostages back and to get the tyrant in Damascus to join the anti-Saddam coalition. But those Lebanese Americans are so dense that they think Trump likes them because they are Christians, when he uses them to get elected then dumps them like trash. Trump doesn't care for the Christians of Lebanon: He will only stab them in the back like all his GOP predecessors.
    Thank you for your forward thinking!

  2. Very true that immigrants are essential for this country no one is denying that but let’s talk about the wrong immigrants like the ones that flew airplanes into buildings murdering thousands, or the human trafficking, drug smuggling marathon bombing etc…. Every government should protect it’s citizens from the wrong immigrants we elect this government and they collect taxes for it. Also government should protect a candidate running for president that’s elected by the people for the people not use lawfare against him and facilitate an attempt to get him murdered.

  3. The 9-11 terrorists were not immigrants.They were all on tourist visas that they overstayed. As for drugs, American citizens are the first to blame for consuming drugs and driving the illicit drug trade. I (and probably you) am an immigrant who never broke the law, and it pains me that the GOP and every rightwing jackass conservative around the world like Marine Le Pen in France and Viktor Orban in Hungary (who just went to kiss Putin's ass) blame the immigrants. The rise of the rightwing Fascists whom you adore is a repeat of the 1930s in Europe and in America where Nazis were en vogue. You know very well where that led us. Since WWII, the world has functioned relatively well under democratic systems and lifted millions out of slavery and poverty. Now some idiots who never learn from history want to reverse everything. Do you know how many times the Americans blamed immigrants in their history? The English needed labor (besides the African slaves), so they brought the Irish whom they despised. Then the Irish and the English started hating the Germans and central Europeans whom they also brought to bulid the country. Then all of them began hating the Italians and southern Europeans and the Chinese (with the Chinese Exclusion Act), and so it goes. With every wave of immigrants, the "natives" get restless: They need the immigrants but they fear them out of ignorance (different skin color or religion or ethnicity...) It's so stupid. Grow up and stop being afraid of change.
