Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Racist Segregationist Backward Alabama Senator Tuberville calls Immigrants "Garbage"

Senator Tuberville of the backward state of Alabama is upset that pro-Palestine protestors took down US flag near Capitol

Sen. Tommy Tuberville, the Republican racist secessionist senator from the backward illiterate state of Alabama criticized pro-Palestinian protestors who took down at least one American flag at Union Station in Washington and replaced it with a Palestinian flag, calling it “absolutely shameful.” This imbecile doesn't remember how anti-Vietnam war protestors used to burn American flags, something that the Supreme Court decided was constitutional.

Tuberville reported seeing Palestinian flags flying at Union station, a couple of blocks from the Capitol. The group of demonstrators outside of Union Station numbered some ten thousand that have gathered to protest war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who was giving a speech in Congress.

The protestors were demanding the arrest of Netanyahu, who has been charged with war crimes by the International Criminal Court.


Elsewhere, this same Senator from the poorest, most illiterate State of the union has called immigrants coming into the United States "garbage". This idiot whose ancestors arrived illegally to America, massacred the native Amerindians, enslaved millions of Africans to enrich themselves off their backs in the cotton trade, now continues the traditional racism of his English colonial crook ancestors. 

Tuberville is most likely a devout bible-thumping "Christian" whose religion demands of him to love the poor, the forsaken, and even his enemies. But like most American Christians, he is a monumental bigotted idiot who thinks that Jesus came only for white anglo-saxon protestants. After sermonizing his illiterate herd of Alabamans on Christian love, he probably uses the bible to wipe his ass after a bowel movement over his pit latrine in his backyard shed.

Multiple fact-checkers have discredited Trump’s claims that “millions” of immigrants are criminals or deinstitutionalized mental patients.

And Tuberville’s claim that “most of them are garbage” is certain to infuriate immigrant advocates, who link dehumanizing and violent language to discrimination and violence against immigrants and U.S. nationals who are confused for immigrants.

“Senator Tuberville’s dehumanizing language referring to migrants as garbage encourages abuse rather than empathy and compassion,” said Heidi Altman, director of federal advocacy at the National Immigration Law Center.

“This kind of dehumanizing rhetoric has historically led to dangerous, violent, and hateful policies being unleashed against marginalized groups. All leaders of any political persuasion should denounce this as unacceptable in a democratic society.”


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