Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Why Donald Dumb is Set to Lose by a Landslide in November

Finished. Donald Dumb and his imbecile "deplorables" are out. They can go back to moonshining and inbreeding in their boonies of middle America, and let the country advance into the 21st century. Conservatism is dying before our eyes, and modern progressive thinking is finally taking hold.

Read about what 25% of the voting population says about who they are voting for. It's been four years since the last election when Donald Dumb lost by 7 million votes:

In the popular vote of 2020, Biden won 81,283,098 votes, or 51.3 percent of the votes cast. He is the first U.S. presidential candidate to have won more than 80 million votes. Trump won 74,222,958 votes, or 46.8 percent of the votes cast.

In the Electoral College, the final tally was 306 to Biden vs. 232 to the Moron. 

In the past 4 years, more millennials have joined the voting population: 8 more million new young voters in 2024 than on 2020. Meanwhile, more Donald Dumb voters, typically older white conservative people, generally mentally stuck in the 17th century, have passed away and no longer vote. These new young voters are more socially and politically active, and they by far lean to the left or center left: They have seen what conservative allies of the Zionists are doing in Palestine, or the conservative Fascist Russians are doing in Ukraine with the support of the yellow moron, whose isolationist imbeciles plan to do with their Project 2025: Alienating our western allies, getting out of NATO, striking an alliance with Russia's dictator and helping him defeat Ukraine. These idiots think that America is an island that can be made great by shutting itself inside a cesspool of stale ideas. America's greatness comes only from its forward involvement in the world, not just with principles, but with commercial ties. The world can get by without America, but America cannot get by without the world.

Young Americans are more aware of the dangerous stakes that Donald Dumb poses to America. With millions of young voters entering the election fray, the Great Yellow Moron stands to experience a crushing defeat at the feet of the young, smart and energetic Kamala Harris and the Democratic ticket. He then can get out of our lives and grow more senile and smarmy somewhere in the boonies of Florida.


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