Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Oklahoma: Another Backward State to Teach the Bible as a "Foundational Text"

Oklahoma in the US is just like the backward Muslim countries that teach the Koran in such distinguished places as the Taliban's Afghanistan, the Iranian Theobarbarity in Tehran, and the Arab Gulf States whose superficial friendship with the West is only a veneer beneath which lies a dormant Islamic fanaticisim.

Oklahoma is set to begin teaching the bible (Torah or Old Testament) as a "foundational text" in its schools. The bible is full of violence and sexual deviation in which a malevolent god by the name of El, later changed to Yahweh, is constantly harassing the Hebrews into submission to his capricious temperament. In the said "bible", a 100-year old spinster becomes pregnant while her husbands sleeps with the maid who is then kicked out with her bastard son. Frogs rain on Egypt, and oceans split.  People turn into stone by merely looking at something. People are swallowed by whales as punishment but then survive to become prophets who seek revenge against Yahweh. Fathers are tricked into killing their sons only to find a nearby sheep to kill instead. Yahweh suddenly hates the human species and decides to drown everyone, except some imbecile who is told to build a boat in which he loads two of every kind of animal, except that dinosaurs, bacteria, viruses, plants, marsupial mammals and millions of other species are missing because the ignorant authors of the bible did not know they existed. Yup, this is what I want my children to learn in school as a foundation for them to become weekend drunkards, moonshiners, rapists and ignorant racists, instead of becoming scientists, discoverers, inventors, entrepreneurs and explorers.

The bible is not the direct word of God. It was written by several Hebrew rabbis over several centuries as a compilation of self-serving garbage fiction based on the notion that the Hebrews are Yahweh's favorite pet people. Yet, the relationship of Yahweh with "his" people is a mercantile one: Submit to me and I'll increase your libido; slaughter your child and I'll give you someone else's land; kill and massacre other people and I'll reward you, etc. It is not unlike other Stone Age and Bronze Age fictional texts like the Babylonian "Epic of Gilgamesh", the Greek "Iliad" and "Odyssey" or the Roman "Aeneid" or the Egyptian "Book of the Dead". In fact, many of the stories in Gilgamesh have been reproduced in the bible, like the story of the flood and the garden of Eden. Scientifically, this means that when the Hebrews set out of ancient Iraq (Ur is a suburb of Baghdad) to the Levant, they brought with them all their cultural stupid legends and myths.

Why did the bible rise to the level of a "holy" religious text, when the other books of other cultures became simply pieces of literature, is a complex issue that has to do with historical events and the rise of other religions like Christianity and Islam. The point though remains that there is nothing holy to the bible. It is a piece of fictional literature written by one ignorant people to elevate themselves above other people. No one in their right mind, with all that we know today, should believe that the bible is either holy or historically true.

But in Oklahoma, one of the backward southern states in the US, the bible is set to become a text to be taught alongside technology, social studies, geography and science. Oklahoma is nostalgic of a past where English white racists owned black African slaves whom they deemed inferior and subhuman. A past where lynching black folks was a favorite pasttime. Even today, Oklahomans, like other numskull southern primitives, believe in "Creation Science", a fake science that claims that the earth is flat and at the center of the universe, is only 6,000 years old and was created by Yahweh in 6 days, as described in the bible.

The power of the United States never resulted from the ignorant beliefs of the founding white English peasants in the bible; it came out of hundreds of thousands of immigrant workers and scientists from all over the world who built up the science and technological advances with which the US dominates the world. The southern states made their fortunes by killing the native Indians and putting African slaves to work on their cotton plantations. Flogging and lynching African slaves and getting drunk on moonshine in the boonies of Appalachia did not make America great. Those who claim otherwise are leeches and parasites (the MAGA crowd of one Donald Dumb) who continue to want to enslave foreigners to build America, all the while demonizing these foreigners as "barbarians" or "terrorists".


Less than a month before Oklahoma schools begin classes, the state superintendent issued an order to incorporate the teaching of the bible in classes. The moron Republican State Superintendent Ryan Walters said the Bible should be an instructional support into the curriculum for grades five through 12. He has argued that the Bible is "foundational for education" and a "cornerstone of Western civilization."

The guidelines from Walters detail how teachers should add the Bible to their lesson plans and how it should be taught for different grades. In his memorandum, Ryan said “the included standards must be provided to every teacher, as well as providing a physical copy of the Bible, the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Ten Commandments as resources in every classroom in the school district. These documents are mandatory for the holistic education of students in Oklahoma.”

Piedmont Public Schools, in a letter to parents, said " is important to clarify that while students learn about religion's role in historical and cultural contexts, teaching any specific religious doctrine or practice is not a part of the current standards."

"The state superintendent continues to feel emboldened enough to make mandates he has no authority to implement,” said Rep. Cyndi Munson, of Oklahoma City, the House minority leader. "This is nothing more than an attempt to strip Oklahomans of their religious freedom. The state superintendent can say this Bible mandate is not for religious purposes all he wants, but his unlawful, unfunded mandate and clear disregard for the legislative process says otherwise."

Needless to say, teachers and school districts have raised their shiled in opposition to this barbaric way of inserting religion where it does not belong. “The Bible must be used in student instruction for its historical, literary and secular value and is not to be used for religious purposes such as preaching, proselytizing or indoctrination.”

Walters' order is the latest effort by conservative-led states to spread religious teachings into public classrooms.

Under a law signed by the governor of the other backward illiterate state of Louisiana in June, every public classroom in Louisiana will be required to display the Ten Commandments. Other state leaders, including in Texas, have also proposed a curriculum that incorporates teachings from the Bible in schools.

Welcome to America, the Great Barbarian country. Even Donald Dumb himself called America "stupid" yesterday in one of his incomprehensible wacko speeches.

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