Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Palestine Safe Harbor Institute to Classify Zionist Settler Movement a Terrorist Organization

While the Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate plans to label UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Welfare Agency) for the Palestinian refugees of the 1948 genocide a "terrorist organization", the UK's new Labor Government has resumed its funding for UNRWA, just like all countries have done when the illegal Jewish Settler Colony in Palestine failed to provide any evidence of UNRWA's ties with Hamas.

Meanwhile, the Palestine Safe Harbor Institute has submitted a petition to the UN seeking to list the Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate as a terrorist organization and proposing to sever all relations between the UN and the Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate.

In the aftermath of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)'s judgment that the Jewish Zionist Colony in Palestine ,"Israel", and its affiliated Zionist Settler Movement illegally occupy Palestine, these criminal entities are bound under international law to retrun those territories they stole in 1967 and dismantle all illegal settlements in occupied Palestine.

Israel has become a criminal rogue state that has violated all international charters and refused to implement all UN resolutions requiring it to withdraw its terror militias from occupied Palestine. Even the American poodle government that is on the leash of the Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate has continuously labeled the Israeli ocupation of Palestine as illegal.

The Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate is based in the UK and in the US where conservative groups raise funds to fuel all the illegal land thefts and dispossession of the indigenous Palestinian population by US and UK-born hateful ultra-religious Jewish fundamentalists.

Israel has never ceased to falsely claim that UNRWA staff are members of terrorist groups, which in reality are Palestinian National Resistance organizations fighting the foreign invasion of Palestine by illegal Zionist migrant criminals and terrorists. Yet the Zionist Terror entity has failed to provide evidence to a U.N.-appointed review and to all countries that temporarily stopped funding UNRWA.

When the so-called "friends" of Israel, that have always hated Jews and have themselves perpetrated the Holocaust, including Germany, France, Austria and others, rise to the defense of the Zionist Settler Colony in Palestine, they do so out of guilt, a guilt that is exploited by the Zionists to blackmail these countries into blindly supporting its crimes against Palestinians.  Several of these countries halted funding to UNRWA following the false Israeli accusations, but nearly all have since reversed their decision, including Britain which said last week it would resume funding.

The reason for the Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate to want to defund UNRWA and label it a terrorist organization is to reverse 75 years of UN and international policy that seeks to assist the Palestinians made refugees by the Zionist terror organizations (Haganah, Stern, Lehi, and the IDF 'Israel Death Forces', and others) during the genocide of 1948. UNRWA was established to assist in the "temporary" displacement of the Palestinians from their ancestral homeland. Israel is trying to change the "temporary" into "permanent", and one way to do that is by demonizing and eliminating UNRWA. In doing so, the "refugee" status of the millions of Palestinian ethnically cleansed from their ancestral homes and villages becomes moot, and Israel thus frees itself from its obligation to allow these refugees to return to their homeland under the internationally-mandated "Right of Return".

The Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate wants a supremacist purely-Jewish theobarbarity in Palestine, and in order to achieve this disgusting objective it must make the Palestinians disappear. It is continuing in its slow-simmering ethnic cleansing and genocide by making life unbearable to the indigenous Palestinians: Confiscation of large swaths of Palestinian lands, home demolitions, deportations, killings, denial of birth-identity papers, denial of building permits for Palestinian villagers and city dwellers, invasions and rampages of villages, destruction of millennial olive groves, confiscations of homes in Jerusalem owned by Christian, Muslim and Armenian Palestinians, building illegal settlements for New York Jewish natives, etc. 

By eliminating UNRWA, the Palestinian refugees will no longer be "refugees" and they will become stateless people by the millions who, in despair, will begin illegally migrating to Europe and the Americas. In a worst case scenario, the Zionist Settler Crime Conglomerate seeks to evict the 5 million or so Palestinians still in Palestine into neighboring Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon in one of the largest ethnic cleansing campaign in human history.

All of this because some stinking old nomads in the deserts of Bronze Age Arabia wrote a series of incoherent and fictional self-serving tales - The Torah or Old Testament - that imbecile Christians and Muslims believe as the fountainhead of their respective religions. These religious imbeciles are caught in a trap: If they do not believe the bullshit in the Torah as God's word and will, they would be rejecting their own religions; If they believe it, then they have to accept that the rape of Palestine by newly converted European Jews is willed by the Big Zombie in the Sky variously known as El, Yahweh, God, Dieu, Gott, Dios....

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