Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Majdal Shams is NOT an Israeli Town. It is Syrian Druze and Occupied by Israel

Everybody is wailing about the rocket attack against the Druze town of Majdal Shams in the Syrian Golan Heights that are occupied and annexed by Israel. For those who don't know what the Druze are, look it up (e.g. I have often written about them as an ambivalent chameleonic unprincipled community dedicated solely to its own survival: The Druze live in the tri-border junction between Israel, Lebanon and Syria. Conveniently, the Druze are Baathists in Syria, Zionists in Israel, and wonder of wonders they are Progressive Socialists in Lebanon, even though their community has nothing socialist or progressive about it: Quite the opposite, it is structured like a feudal kingdom with a lord in his palace, his herd of peasants pledging blind allegiance, and power is transferred genitally and genetically from father to son. 

Right now the aging Druze feudal warlord Walid Jumblatt is less visible while his son Taymour has been annointed the Dear Leader of thee Lebanese Druze. In the 1970s-1980s, the valiant Druze peasants of the Shouf Mountains massacred their own fellow Christian villagers and neighbors who had done nothing to them, simply because the Syrians had assassinated their leader Kamal Jumblatt. It wasn't the first time. In the 1840s and 1860s, the Druze committed wholesale massacres and slaughters of Christians in Lebanon and Syria when Israel didn't even exist.

Netanyahu's visit is nothing more than an attempt at asseting Israel's sovereignty over territory that does not belong to him. He cares very little for the Druze community. When he says on television that he wants to defend "Israeli" children, he knows he's lying. The Syrian Druze reject the Israeli occupation and refuse to become Israeli citizens.

Zionist propaganda makes it look like everybody is upset about the 12 children killed in the attack. But that same propaganda claims that the 25,000 children killed by Israel in Gaza, with 22,000 still missing under the rubble of their homes, is an exaggerated number. For the racist western Zionists, a Druze child and a Palestinian child are both equally subhuman, but they eagerly exploit the former and diminish the value of the latter.

Hezbollah says it did not fire the rocket on Majdal Shams. Who knows whether we will ever know the truth, despite how everyone has called for an investigation. Why isn't anyone calling for an investigation of the genocide in Gaza? Israelis are saying that the fragments of the rocket show an Iranian origin. What many people ignore is that Syria and Hezbollah always use the same deniability tactic of actually commanding the attack but having it carried out by some obscure group with a name they make up. In other words, Hezbollah may have handed the rocket and its launcher to some group it either made up or hired; they could be Palestinians, they could be other Islamists. Even if Hezbollah was not directly involved, it is pretty much certain that it knew of the attack beforehand.

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