Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Candidate Harris Signals Sharp US Departure from Blind Support for Israel

Kamala Harris, Vice-president and presumptive Democrat candidate for the White House met with Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House this past Thursday after she snubbed his speech in Congress.

In her demeanor, she discarded her signature smile as she icily but diplomatically shook hands with the Zionist criminal. In her comments, Harris gave the expected canard of Israel's right to defend itself (which US officials are obligated to utter under all circumstances and which has always been used to justify Israel's savagery), but then expanded at length on the tragedy inflicted by the Zionist occupiers on the Palestinians and their right to be free from Israeli aggression and occupation.Yes, you have the right to "defend yourself", she told criminal Netanyahu, "but how you do it matters". In other words, your right to the so-called self-defense is not a license to be a barbarian killing and starving innocent men, women and children. "Eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth" vengeance may enshrined as a Jewish tradition in the bible, but we no longer live in the primitive Bronze Age.

This signals also the differences in opinion between Biden and Harris. Biden has been a blind supporter of Israel, giving only lip service to the need to achieve some sort of freedom for the Palestinians if the conflict is to end. Having been careful as a vice-president not to publicly express her differences with her president Biden on the Palestinian issue, candidate Harris appears ready to force a change in a stiff and biased US policy on the Palestine issue. While Biden represents a World War II-brainwashed generation that has allowed the Zionists to get away with murder in Palestine, Harris is of a younger generation - and with an immigrant background - that has a more deep-seated understanding of the decolonization process after WWII. She appears to be more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause than Biden, for both her own beliefs and perhaps also to rally a large segment of the younger and more progressive electorate that has become sickened by the freewheeling Zionist genocide largely funded by US taxpayers.

As a result, as president she could make US support for Israel more conditional. Since she has so far expressed herself scantily on Palestine, it is difficult to imagine her enacting a sudden and radical departure from current policy. She is smart enough to design a gradual shift so as not to cause tectonic shifts in a United States that is probably alone in the world in granting Zionist Israel a license to kill and steal in Palestine.

The rabid conservative commentator and former national security advisor John Bolton who has long advocated hawkish and reckless policies similar to Zionist practices in Palestine - he has called for invading Iran - is already picking the scent of a Harris administration on the issue of Palestine. He said that war criminal Netanyahu should be concerned.

“She was very icy in her demeanor, showed strong discipline there, and her words were a clear signal,” Bolton told CNN. " I think a Harris administration would be a whole different world in U.S.-Israeli relations."

Harris told the Zionist war criminal that it was time for a cease-fire, and expressed “serious concern” about the effect Israeli’s offensive in Gaza had on Palestinian civilians. 

She said, “I’ve said it many times, but it bears repeating: Israel has a right to defend itself, but how it does so matters,” she told reporters following the meeting, saying she discussed with Netanyahu “the scale of human suffering in Gaza, including the death of far too many innocent civilians.”

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating. The images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time. We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering, and I will not be silent.”

Her words will not resonate well with the deeply entrenched Zionist stranglehold on American culture, politics, business and the media. It is expected that the Zionist lobby will be doing all it can - defame, invent fake stories, discover scandals.... - to strike a blow to the rising popularity of Harris and her likelihood of defeating the moron Donald Dumb who unconvincingly (because he is stupid) gave Israel all it wanted during his term in office. He has also accused Kamala Harris of "hating Jews", though she is married to a Jewish gentleman. That's how stupid Trump is.

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