Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Who Needs Enemies with Friends like America, Syria, Israel and the Gulf Arabs

The Euro-American Jewish Colony in Palestine continues to shave off the heads of Hezbollah in Lebanon. (Read all about it in

Nothing to lament, as far as most Lebanese are concerned. But the violence-prone Zionist terrorists and rapists of Palestine will not eliminate the root cause of the problems they face in Lebanon and in Palestine. These commanders of Hezbollah and Hamas that the Zionists keep killing will soon be replaced: The fertility of the Lebanese Shiites and the Palestinian Muslims is such that their numbers keep them ahead in the demographics race. 

The problem is that the West does NOT want Hezbollah to disappear because it is a useful idiot or accomplice in the long term plans that the West and its Zionist poodle have for Lebanon.

The Zionist violence and continued land theft in Gaza and in the West Bank point to only one objective: The depalestinization of Palestine - essentially an ethnic cleansing and genocide on low simmering fire so as not to attract attention - aims at reducing the numbers of Palestinians (by uprooting them from their villages, killing them, and making their lives so untenable that they will be forced to leave - no one knows where to, though), with the net result of annexing what remains of historic Palestine. The Zionist rapists and ethnic cleansers will of course leave a sujugated minority of Palestinians in their "Exclusive Democracy-for-Jews" to be used for menial jobs. 

In Lebanon, Hezbollah has been nurtured since 1982 by both Iran and the United States and its European allies. Despite Hezbollah's deep ties with the Stalinist regime of the Assads in Syria and the Islamic theobarbarity in Iran; despite Hezbollah's uncountable assassinations and kidnappings of western diplomats, journalists, Christian clergymen, academics etc.; despite Hezbollah's accumulation of its arsenal without any serious action by Israel and the West to interdict such a buildup; despite Hezbollah's active ruination of the Lebanese State and its economy; despite Hezbollah's assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005; despite Hezbollah's twin truck bombings in 1983 (when it was in its infancy) of US (243 US Marines killed) and French (58 Paratroopers killed) soldiers in Beirut, the West ran away and surrendered the country to Syria, Iran and Hezbollah; In 2000, when the Zionist rapists decided to leave the south of Lebanon after their 1982 invasion, they deliberately refused to coordinate with the UN forces and/or the Lebanese State and preferred to hand over the evacuated territory to their own supposed enemy Hezbollah, as if both are in collusion to maintain instability and pretexts for future wars.

So if you ask the Lebanese what they think about the prospects for war between Israel and Hezbollah, they will answer "خلّي الخرى يطبّش بعضو" - loosley translated as "let the shit mangle itself". We have no more sympathy for the foreign Jewish settler terrorists south of the border than we have for the Iranian terrorists that the western world has implanted in our midst. 

What purpose does the instability in south Lebanon, in place since the late 1960s, serve? The West has gone to wars to rescue Bosnia and Kosovo from Serbia in the Balkans; it went to war to rescue tiny Catholic East Timor from Muslim Indonesia. It is almost going to war to rescue Ukraine from Russia. Couldn't it long ago have saved Lebanon from Syria and Israel? Why it never did is not a mystery: Assad, Israel and the Gulf Arabs are difficult, but useful, customers for the West. They have lobbyists breathing down their necks. They have oil. They have money. They have Russia. Sacrificing tiny useless defenseless Lebanon is a puny price to remain good friends with dictatorial oil-rich Islamic monarchies (Gulf Arabs), the Jewish Zionist theobarbarity (Israel), and the Stalinist Baathist regime in Damascus. 

In other words, the West wants to eliminate Lebanon as we know it, or at least does not mind it. With the pretext that Hezbollah poses an artificial existential threat against the Zionist colony in Palestine, the latter can now invade south Lebanon for the fifth time, but this time it will keep it and annex it, including the two ancient glorious Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon. Just as the Americans convinced Assad (thanks to the Jewish war criminal Henry Kissinger) to give up the Golan Heights in order to take Lebanon over, remain in power and be good with the Zionists, the Americans and the French appear to favor Hezbollah (and Syria and Iran)'s dominion over Lebanon in exchange for Hezbollah giving the Zionists all the pretexts they need to annex the south of Lebanon once for all. Not to mention a potential nuclear deal with Iran. The price: The Christians of Lebanon, the community that has defined the ethos of Lebanon for centuries and the last remaining free Christian community in the entire east, will disappear like all the pre-Islamic Christian communities of Iraq, Syria and Israel. The West used to need the Christians of Lebanon as an instrument of interference and intervention. That was true up to the first half of the 20th century. Now the West has Israel. It no longer needs the Christians of Lebanon. And the latter, in their idiocy, continue to think that the West "likes" them (they love Trump by the way) because they are Christians. What fools!

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