Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The One-Eared Jackass Trump's Dishonest and Inane Ramblings at the RNC

Just as Biden has in all evidence began his descent into dementia and senility, The Republican jackass Donald Dumb is not that far behind. We were promised a sane and stable Donald Dumb, both as a result of his missing ear and of all the counsel around him to become normally human, but what he delivered at the RNC is an unhinged illiterate idiot spewing falsehoods and dumb ideas to his very receptive dumb MAGA audience.

He said that God made him turn his head and avoid the bullet. But watch him turn his head like a foolish little dog hearing a whistle as he reads with difficulty from the teleprompter.


CNN’s fact-checking report on Thursday exposed and corrected a few of the false claims made by the MAGA jackass in chief Donald Dum at the RNC in Milwaukee. He went on and on like a droning gramps who has wetted his diapers, dumping stupidities and lies on an audience thirsty for more idiocies. You see, Donald Dumb's audience is by and large the backwoods rednecks of a glorified Appalachia, rife with inbred moonshining white peasant migrants of European stock who stopped evolving when they landed in this miserable land a century ago.

CNN counted “at least 22 false claims from Donald Trump on first listen."

One of the “wildest” claim was about the state of the world when Trump was in office, in which the MAGA moron claimed he, and he alone, instaured worldwide peace. A string of falsehoods chartacterized his reading from teleprompter - I wouldn't call it a speech, it was more like a verbal diahrrea of undigested moronic ideas that were fed to him by force by his handlers: The Moron-in-Chief weaved thick yarn on crime, inflation, immigrants, trade with China, gas prices, etc.

Everyone expected the Moron-in-Chief of the MAGA crowd of idiots to deliver the more unifying tone his campaign had been promising. “The Trump campaign had talked so much about how we were going to see a softer, more reflective Donald Trump,” CNN's Chris Wallace said. But no sooner had he regurgitated the "president of all America, not half of America", that his oral bladder displayed its typical incontinence and launched into an incomprehensible run of lies and stupidities. He always says that the world is laughing at the US because of Biden, when the fact is that it is his own mediocrity disguised under a facade of American superiority that stuns the rest of the world, particularly the Western allies of the US who breathed a sigh of relief when Biden won in 2020. Now they are worried that this idiot might be at the helm once again.

Across the world, only lowly ignorant illiterate types love Trump. They like the swagger and the ostentation because it reminds them of the stupid cowboy movies with which Hollywood has brainwashed them for decades. This is the stuff of utter mediocrity and ignorance that makes these people unable to comprehend the changing world and, in reaction, turn to stupid beliefs and see messiahs in every jackass around that pops up to tell them that the end of the world is nigh and that he can save the world. That is how religions are always born: So-called prophets claim to hear the Big Zombie in the Sky telling them how they should guide their people. Trumpism might be the next religion!

Donald Dumb droned about being the victim hero for 92 minutes, name-calling everyone whom did he didn't like.

Wallace added, “It was a speech by an older man and I couldn’t help but think that the people that are going to be happiest tonight are not the people at Trump headquarters, but the people, the Democrats, maybe at Biden headquarter."

Trump and his team had teased that the speech would be very different from what was originally planned after the former president survived an assassination attempt. They decided it was time to “bring the country together,” by making the stupidest argument that Biden has been worse than the last 10 worst presidents combined. Yeah, that is a very verifiable claim that all experts can agree with!

What a jerk. What an idiot. What a "moron" - the term used to describe him by the vast majority of his own MAGA associates during his first term. He's the loser and the sucker who dodged the Vietnam draft by having his wealthy father pull strings and claim he had "bone spurs", then kept referring to real US military heroes as suckers and losers because they gave their lives for this country. How can anyone allow their patriotism to sink this low into this moron's cesspool?

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