Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Christopher Collings, Rapist Killer of 9-year Old Girl, is NOT an Immigrant

In 2012, Christopher Collings was convicted of raping and killing a 9-year-old girl (Rowan Ford) in 2007 in Newton County, in the backward God-loving American state of Missouri.

As the Attorney General of the state is preparing to set an execution date, I ask readers to look at the picture of Mr. Collings and decide whether he is one of those immigrants that Donald Dumb was citing as rapists coming into this country.

Just look at this white redneck idiot from Missouri with his English name and tell me if he did cross the Rio Grande at some time during his illustrous career. Now Collings, with his Jewish lawyers, is arguing against his execution on the grounds that the police chief at the time of his arrest was a convicted criminal and a US Army deserter during the Vietnam War. I personally am not surprised to learn that in a backward state like Missouri, criminals and deserters can become police chiefs and state officials; After all, the coward Donald Dumb dodged the Vietnam draft and called brave soldiers who die for their country "suckers" and "losers", and yet he was elected President. In many ways, Missouri is still the Wild West and a slaveowner state, rife with KKK mentality and other glorious attributes of the Greatest Nation of Earth that Donald Dumb wants to make even greater, but I don't see the connection between these facts and the rape and murder of a 9-year old girl.

In fact, it is because of a state like Missouri where backwoods, moonshining, gun-toting, truck-driving, white appalachian inbred idiots thrive that someone like Collings can rape a little girl, strangle her and leave her naked body in a cave with only one sock on, and have the audacity to challenge his execution. If this had happened circa 1930, several black men would have been lynched by Collings himself, the police chief, and his loving friends and family. Read "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee if you haven't yet.

Collings is not a black African American. He is not an Arab "terrorist". He is not a south American illegal migrant. He is none of the people that Donald Dumb was demonizing and dehumanizing during his obscene rant at the disgusting and fake patriotic Republican Convention in Milwaukee. Collings is a WHITE ANGLO-SAXON PROTESTANT REDNECK, born and bred in filthy neanderthal Missouri where Donald Dumb has a huge following. 

Just some useful stats: Collings is 6’8″ tall and weighs 240 pounds. 9-year old Rowan Ford was barely four feet tall and weighed 60 pounds at the time of her rape and murder. It must have been very difficult, both physically and mentally, for the god-loving, drunkard and Marijuana-stoned white man Collings to rape and kill Rowan.

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