Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Illegal Jewish Terrorists Attack Foreigners and Indigenous Palestinians in Occupied Palestine

Yesterday Sunday, illegal Jewish terrorists and land thieves, so-called "settlers", attacked and severly beat foreign volunteers working with indigenous Palestinian farmers in illegally-occupied Palestine. Some of the victims of this Jewish terrorist attack were rushed to the hospital for treatment.

Eight German and American volunteers were participating in the ancient tradition of olive harvest alongside indigenous Palestinian farmers near the Palestinian village of Qusra when Jewish terrorist settlers attacked them while shouting Jewish religious slogans and yelling "Death to the Arabs" said one victim.

"They started attacking and beating us all with sticks and metal pipes and they were throwing rocks as well at us," he said. "I was attacked on my legs, on my arms and here on my jaw as well and it was ... very violent," added the volunteer, showing bruising to his face.

The pattern of attacks on the indigenous Palestinians in the West Bank region of Zionist-occupied Palestine have skyrocketed in recent months. The Jewish-American terrorist organizations, mostly from Brooklyn, New York, is on a campaign to terrorize the indigenous Palestinian population and drive it out of its ancestral lands in order to steal more of Palestine since its tragic rape in 1948 with the creation of the artificial Jewish colony in Palestine. It took the International Court of Justice 57 years to declare the obvious: It ruled on Friday that the Jewish Zionist occupation of Palestine since 1967 was illegal. The entire world community has been saying, but doing nothing about it, that the Jewish occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza and their gradual settlement and annexation are illegal crimes under international law.

But the Zionist organizations have been blackmailing the international community into silence on account of the western-perpetrated Holocaust against European Jews during WWII. No one dares say no to the colonial Jewish settler movement.

The volunteers who were victim of Jewish terrorism yesterday are from a group called "Solidarity Movement" that says it stands by the native indigenous Palestinians to protect them from the horrifying terrorist acts, including killings, rapes, village demolitions, displacement and land theft, that the Jewish foreign settlers have been inflicting on the native indigenous Palestinians in Zionist-occupied Palestine.

Two women volunteers were treated at Rafidia hospital in the city of Nablus, according to Qusra's mayor Hani Odeh, while other witnesses reported at least three other German and American colunteers were treated in the hospital.

The Jewish settler terrorists are usually protected by the Israeli occupation army soldiers: they either participate in the attacks, or watch without intervening. Qusra's mayor said that the soldiers arrived late and fired shots in the air towards the volunteers and the farmers, but not against the Jewish terrorists. The occupation army then issued a hypocritical statement saying that "a number of masked Israeli civilians assaulted a group of foreign citizens while they were planting trees in the area of Qusra" and that "several" needed treatment. The army never calls the illegal Jewish terrorists for what they are, referirng to them as "Israeli citizens".

The volunteers of the Solidarity Movement, which says it was set up "to resist the Israeli occupation of Palestinian land", have been in Qusra for about a month, according to the mayor, to assist the indigenous Palestinian farmers and "clear the land after [Jewish terrorist] settlers burned it some time ago". The illegal Jewish terrorists in Qusra numbered about 10 Jews from the nearby Esh Kodesh illegal settlement, including six women wearing the Jewish headdress that must be worn by fundamentalist ultra-radical Jewish women.

Several foreign volunteers have been injured in the West Bank and Gaza since it started work. Some have also been arrested. Since last October, at least 579 indigenous Palestinian villagers have been killed by Jewish settler terrorists and army soldiers.

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