Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Zionist Terrorist Thieves Accelerate Land Grabs While They Can

With the Gaza War having exposed the true colonial settler nature of the Jewish colony in Palestine, a.k.a. Israel, the end of the free-for-all Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine may be witnessing its final days. The whole world now knows what the problem is: It isn't "Arab terrorism" (1950s-1960s), it isn't "Palestinian terrorism" (1970s-1980s); it isn't "Islamic terrorism" (1990s-2000s), all of which are really bascially the native Palestinian resistance in various forms against the ethnic cleansing and genocide of the indigenous population of Palestine by colonialist settler European Jews.

Therefore, the Zionist jig is up. No one in their right mind believes it any longer. The lies that worked on the guilty post-WWII generation no longer work for the new worldwide generation that is no longer organically linked to the Holocaust - which has become more of a tiresome and boring money-making Hollywoodian enterprise with museums, books, movies and the like. The new generation has seen the long-hidden true archives of what happened to Palestine in the 1920s and beyond; they have seen through the mythology of Zionism as a western colonial enterprise whose two main objectives are:

1- Steal the land of Palestine under some bullshit Bronze Age biblical claim that no reasonable person would even consider in this day and age; and

2- Kill, displace, ethnically cleanse, genocide and otherwise make life miserable for the native indigenous Palestinian population

Both of these objectives are being attempted by a mix of any brutal, cruel, savage and inhumane methods one can imagine that were inherited from the Nazi Germany of the 1920s and 1930s whence the Zionists came to Palestine. The bureaucratic banality of  Zionist cruelty in its treatment of Palestinians is identical to the bureacratic banality of  Germany's cruel treatment of its Jewish victims. I've seen the documentation that the Israeli bureaucracy uses in "administering" its occupation of Palestine, and its reeks of the documentation left by the Nazis when they interned, interrogated, dehumanized, dispossessed and killed their own Jewish German citizens. If you want to see "live" Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil as it applied to documentation and record-keeping practices by the Nazis, let the Israelis show you what excellent students they've been to their master Nazis.

The world has seen. The world now knows. The world will react sooner or later. Palestine is the last of the third-world colonies of Asia, Africa and the Middle East that is still colonized and brutalized by western settlers. The Zionists feel the end is near as their insidious plan has been unmasked. In desperation and to save what's left, they will have to compromise and grant the Palestinian indigenous natives their rights. Therefore, they are moving forward aggressively with more land grabs, more genocide, more brutality before the clcok tuns out on them.

As they prepare to annex the West Bank (see below), one wonders what the fanatic ultra-religious fundamentalist terrorist Zionists have in store for the 5-million strong remaining indigenous population of Palestine. You want to take a guess? 


Israel approves the largest Palestinian West Bank land grab in three decades

Nicholas Liu
Thu, July 4, 2024

Israel, escalating its campaign to seize territory in the West Bank and accommodate 500,000 new settlers, is pushing forward with the largest single appropriation of Palestinian land since 1993, according to major news outlets.

The impending seizure and conversion of these areas into state land, approved by the Israeli government last month and publicized by Peace Now on Wednesday, encompasses five square miles and, like other seizures that were approved and implemented earlier this year, threatens the mass eviction of Palestinians already living there. Israeli policy dictates that state land is effectively off-limits to Palestinians and can only be leased to Jewish settlers.

This year's land seizures, spearheaded by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and aimed at connecting two existing Israeli settlements along the border with Jordan, further dismember Palestinian territory and, according to critics of Israeli settlement, undermine efforts to create a Palestinian nation-state.

In an audio recording from a National Religious Party–Religious Zionism convention, Smotrich appears to confirm that undermining such efforts is precisely the point. “We will establish sovereignty . . . first on the ground and then through legislation. I intend to legalize the young settlements,” Smotrich said in comments reported by Haaretz. “My life’s mission is to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

Smotrich also admitted that Israel is preparing to annex the whole West Bank “without the government being accused of annexing it." Israel has already built 100 settlements across the territory, housing around 500,000 Israeli Jews and providing them with a springboard to extend further control into the surrounding areas. Three million Palestinians also living in the West Bank are mostly crowded into the 40% of territory still administered by the Palestinian Authority.

Groups of Israeli settlers, often armed by the Israeli government, have carried out violent attacks on nearby Palestinian villages, whose inhabitants sometimes respond in kind. Those clashes, and an Israeli security crackdown that has imprisoned thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank, have escalated since the eruption of war between Israel and Hamas in October 2023.

Most of the international community regards Israeli settlement in the West Bank as an illegal violation of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention. U.N. spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric called the most recent land grab “a step in the wrong direction,” adding that “the direction we want to be heading is to find a negotiated two-state solution.”

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