Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

An Irish Woman's Travails in Scintillating Dubai

Westerners keep flocking to Dubai and other Emirate cesspools of disgusting wealth, monkey-imitation of American Hollywood filth, ostentation, huge gas-guzzling SUVs, and glittering buildings behind which there is very little substance. There's even a new show aping yet another scummy American show called "The real Housewives of Dubai". But why do Westerners go there with their me-too museums, me-too universities, me-too corporations? For Emirati kindness? For Emirati democracy and human rights? For Emirati conviviality?.... No, it's Emirati money that Westerners are milking out of neo-primitive conservative Emiratis. The Emirates are buying up Western friendship with money. 

You want to go for a Kafkaesque trip à-la-Muslim backward flavor? Check this out before you book your next flight for a job in Dubai.

Oh, and by the way, when will Ireland pull its troops out of the useless UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) contingent that has been deployed in south Lebanon since 1978? These soldiers are supposedly "keeping peace", but instead they have "kept war" and have been dying litke sitting ducks there since that time. They have never succeeded in anything other than getting killed. Here is the list of Irish soldiers dead in peace-keeping missions: 

47 in Lebanon under UNIFIL

26 lives lost in the Congo under ONUC

9 in Cyprus under UNFICYP

2 in the Middle East under UNTSO

1 in East Timor under UNTAET

1 in Liberia under UNMIL


Women in Dubai cells 'harrowing' thought
Fri, July 12, 2024

Tori Towey, who was facing criminal charges in Dubai, returned to Ireland on Thursday [Detained In Dubai Group]

"There was a time where I didn't think it was even possible that I was going to be able to come back at all."

An Irish woman who had been under a travel ban in Dubai after being charged with attempted suicide has said she finds it “harrowing” to think about the women she spent hours with in a police cell.

Tori Towey from County Roscommon was facing criminal charges, including consuming alcohol, and had her passport destroyed.

The 28-year-old’s case was raised in the Dáil (lower house of Irish parliament) on Tuesday, where politicians were told she was a victim of domestic violence.

The flight attendant had a travel ban imposed on her by United Arab Emirate (UAE) authorities, which was lifted on Wednesday after the Irish government intervened in the case.

The charges against Ms Towey were also dropped this week and she returned to the Republic Ireland on Thursday.

'I don't know why I'm here'

Speaking on a live discussion on the social media site X, formerly Twitter, Ms Towey said she feared she would be incarcerated for months in Al Barsha police station.

She spoke of how she was brought to the police station on the night she attempted to take her own life, according to the Press Association.

“I woke up with the door being opened. There was a lot of police there, paramedics, they gave me oxygen," she said.

"I was in my pyjamas, so they handed me a green dress of mine [and] told me to put it on," she said.

Ms Towey said she “knew a little bit” about the Dubai justice system and realised she would soon have her mobile phone confiscated.

“[I thought] no one is going to know what's happened to me. No one's going to know how to contact me,” she recalled.

Tori Towey arrived home nearly two weeks after the ordeal began [DETAINED IN DUBAI GROUP]

"So that's when I sent a message to one of my friends and then I called my mother and told her what had happened," Ms Towey continued.

She was “hysterical” during that phone call, but believes it guaranteed her release.

"I don't think the police go and call your family for you and tell them, so it would have just looked like I just completely disappeared off the face of the earth,” she said.

"Because I managed to call my mother before we got in there, she was phoning people, phoning the embassy, she was calling the police, she was emailing the police, and I got released.

“I was like: 'I'm in a police station, I don't know why, I don't know why I'm here’.”

Ms Towey detailed how she was breathalysed, had her fingerprints taken and was strip-searched by authorities.

“I had a belly button piercing and they were struggling to take it out. They were pulling at it and ripping at it and hurting me and I was saying: 'it's okay, I'll take it out myself',” she said.

"They don't speak to you. They don't tell you what's happening to you. They don't tell you anything," she added.

"And then I went upstairs and it's just like this tiny corridor with these individual cells with mattresses on the floor, and there's so many girls there.”

Ms Towey said she met women of various nationalities - including a woman from the Philippines who said she had been there for 10 years.

"I was obviously very anxious, I was very worried and she kind of calmed me down and told me everything was going to be okay, but she had been there 10 years," she detailed.

She described the women she met in the police station as “lovely”, but their situations made her think she “could be here for months”.

"They've never gone outside. They've never been told what's happening to them. And they're there for very 'wrong place, wrong time', like very minor things,” she said.

"I got out, but I keep thinking about the other girls that are stuck in there for months and months and months. I've never been able to stop thinking about that."

She added: "It's harrowing to think about. It's something that I've thought about a lot since leaving there.

"I just feel so sorry for those people, so sorry for them, because I feel like they will spend their whole entire life there and never get out."

Timeline: How Tori Towey's ordeal developed

28 June - After allegedly being assaulted, Ms Towey is charged with attempting suicide

9 July - Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald raises her situation in the Dáil and says her passport has been destroyed and she has been banned from travelling

Taoiseach Simon Harris says the Irish government will do what it can to help Ms Towey

10 July - Mr Harris says he has spoken to Ms Towey and that she is increasingly positive about the situation

The taoiseach later confirms the travel ban has been lifted and she is preparing to travel to the airport and home to Ireland

The Dubai Public Prosecution confirms the case against Ms Towey has been dropped

11 July - Ms Towey and her mother return to their home in the Republic of Ireland

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