Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Zionists in Panic Mode: The World Recognizes Palestine

European and American Zionists have done everything they could over 75 years to prevent the resurrection of the same Palestinian state they destroyed in 1948 when they exterminated the Palestinian population, expelled the survivors out of their ancestral land, and created the artificial state of "Israel". 

Now that the world has finally seen through the Zionist lies, myths, criminality and obfuscation; now that the "guilty and blackmailed" World War II generation is passing on; now that the Zionists have shown themselves to be as cruel and racist as their former Nazi tormentors, the Zionist jig is up:  everyone is wondering how long will the charade continue.

140 countries voted for, and 9 voted against a Palestinian state at the UN general Assembly a couple of weeks ago; and now the very decent and courageous countries of Spain, Ireland and Norway - with many to follow - have shrugged off the Zionist blackmailers with a "go to hell" message and declared they are ready to recognize a free independent and sovereign Palestinian state. Only the two midwives of the calamitous ultra-religious and racist Zionist state, namely the English crooks and their American dumb poodles, continue to argue that the assassin of Palestine - Israel - should itself decide whether or not there is a Palestine: Asking the wolf to decide on the fate of its victim lamb is such a ridiculous proposal that everyone else on the planet has decided to drop the idea and proceed with recognizing the existence of a historic Palestine, battered and raped by a horde of ultra-religious violent illegal migrants, regardless of what the wolf's feelings.

This restores the Palestinian rape victim's standing in the eyes of the world and points without any ambiguity to the criminal rapist. Palestinian resistance has been demonized by Zionist propaganda for so long. But so has every resistance movement that shrugged off colonial rule. The Algerians were deemed "terrorists" by the French before Algeria gained its independence. The Irish Republicans were called terrorists by their colonial tormentors before they joined the Northern Irish government. The Africans of South Africa were called "terrorists" by the white colonial settlers (a hybrid of English crooks, Dutch barbarians, French miscreants and others) before South Africa was restored to its true owners. 

There's finally a sense of relief that justice has begun its journey in Palestine. Naturally the Zionist criminals are crying foul. It is expected. But they will eventually get over it and stop abusing the Palestinian people and stealing their land. They can no longer abuse the gentility, patience and confidence of the rest of the world.

Thank you Norway, Spain and Ireland.


Norway, Ireland and Spain say they are recognizing a Palestinian state, deepening Israel's isolation
Updated Wed, May 22, 2024

Norway's Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Store, right, with Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide, speaks during a news conference in Oslo, Norway, Wednesday, May 22, 2024. Israel’s Foreign Minister Israel Katz has ordered Israel’s ambassadors from Ireland and Norway to immediately return to Israel, as Norway said it would recognize a Palestinian state and Ireland was expected to do the same. (Erik Flaaris Johansen/NTB Scanpix via AP)


Norway, Ireland, and Spain have announced their recognition of a Palestinian state, deepening Israel's isolation amid ongoing conflict with Hamas in Gaza.
The International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister, while the International Court of Justice is considering allegations of genocide that Israel denies.

The announcements from the European countries come as part of a broader international effort to support a two-state solution and bring about peace in the region, despite Israel's opposition to Palestinian statehood.

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Norway, Ireland and Spain said on Wednesday they are recognizing a Palestinian state, in a historic but largely symbolic move that deepens Israel’s isolation more than seven months into its grinding war against Hamas in Gaza.

The announcements came as the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court is seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his defense minister and the International Court of Justice is considering allegations of genocide that Israel has strenuously denied.

Palestinians welcomed the announcements as an affirmation of their decades-long quest for statehood in east Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip — territories Israel seized in the 1967 Mideast war and still controls.

Israel recalled its ambassadors to the three countries and summoned their envoys, accusing the Europeans of rewarding the militant Hamas group for its Oct. 7 attack that triggered the war.

Netanyahu's government, which is opposed to Palestinian statehood, says the conflict can only be resolved through direct negotiations, which last collapsed over 15 years ago.

As if to underline the point, Israel's far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir paid a provocative visit Wednesday to a flashpoint holy site in Jerusalem sacred to Jews and Muslims in a move that could escalate tensions across the region.

Ben-Gvir said the visit was a response to the move by the three European countries. “We will not even allow a statement about a Palestinian state,” he said. The Al-Aqsa mosque compound is the third holiest site in Islam, and the hilltop on which it stands is the holiest site for Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount.

With their formal recognition, planned for May 28, the three countries will join some 140 — more than two-thirds of the United Nations — that have recognized the state of Palestine over the years. The United States and Britain, among others, have backed the idea of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel but say it should come as part of a negotiated settlement.

The announcements from Europe came in a swift cascade. Norway, which helped broker the Oslo accords that kicked off the peace process in the 1990s, was the first to announce its decision, with Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre saying “there cannot be peace in the Middle East if there is no recognition.”

Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris called it an “historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine,” saying the announcements had been coordinated and that other countries might join “in the weeks ahead.”

The international community has long viewed the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel as the only realistic way to resolve the conflict, and in past weeks several European Union countries have indicated they plan to recognize a Palestinian state to further those efforts.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, who announced his country's decision before parliament, has spent months touring European and Middle Eastern countries to garner support for recognition, as well as for a possible cease-fire in Gaza.

“This recognition is not against anyone, it is not against the Israeli people,” Sánchez said. “It is an act in favor of peace, justice and moral consistency.” He said it was clear that Netanyahu “does not have a project for peace,” while acknowledging that “the fight against the terrorist group Hamas is legitimate.”

[Iznogood: Netanyahu and his criminals do not want a Palestinian state. They want to take all of Palestine, and the only way for them to do this is to 1-either continue their current slow simmering ethnic cleaning of Palestine, which the world has tired of after decades of mayhem, 2- expel all 5 million Palestinians out of their native ancestral lands to creat their own cutsie little Zion resort on the Mediterranean. Neither of these two options are acceptable morally and legally, and the world has had enough of the Holocaust blackmail that has enabled this shit to go on for so long].

Israel's government harshly condemned the decision taken by the three countries. Foreign Minister Israel Katz recalled Israel's ambassadors and summoned the three countries' envoys in Israel.... 

President Mahmoud Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority, which administers parts of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, welcomed the moves toward recognition, saying they would contribute to efforts to bring about a two-state solution.

Hamas also welcomed the decisions and called on other nations to “recognize our legitimate rights and support the struggle of our people for liberation and independence, and ending the Zionist occupation of our land.”

Hamas...does not recognize Israel's existence but has indicated it might agree to a state on the 1967 lines, at least on an interim basis. [Iznogood: Ireland's quest for independence from the English crooks has been on a similar centuries-long journey: It does not recognize English sovereignty over Northern Ireland, but has done so on "an interim basis" in the Good Friday Agreement, pending future developments. The Irish Republican Army, also labeled "terrorist" by many, has never abandoned its ultimate goal of reunifying the island. It is in the Northern Irish government. Why can't Hamas also do the same? Be part of the solution and make a temporary deal pending future developments?]

The announcements are unlikely to have any impact on the ground. Israel annexed east Jerusalem and considers it part of its capital, and in the occupied West Bank it has build scores of Jewish settlements that are now home to over 500,000 Israelis. The settlers have Israeli citizenship, while the 3 million Palestinians in the West Bank live under seemingly open-ended Israeli military rule.

In Gaza, the war is still raging, and Netanyahu has said Israel will maintain open-ended security control of the territory even after any defeat of Hamas.

Hugh Lovatt, a senior policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said “recognition is a tangible step towards a viable political track leading to Palestinian self-determination.”

But in order for it to have an impact, he said, it must come with “tangible steps to counter Israel’s annexation and settlement of Palestinian territory – such as banning settlement products and financial services.”


Wilson reported from Barcelona, Spain, and Krauss from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Associated Press writers Jan M. Olsen in Copenhagen, Denmark and Jill Lawless in London contributed to this story.

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