Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Shambolic Biden Policies on Palestine and Israel's Failure in Gaza

A US Pentagon intel officer has resigned in protest of the Zionist war on Gaza, citing major ethical concerns for which he could not “justify staying silent any longer.”

In his resignation letter, Maj. Harrison Mann says the U.S. government’s unquestioned support for Israel has “enabled and empowered” the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians. “The policy ... for the past six months is the nearly unqualified support for the government of Israel, which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians,” Mann wrote in his letter. “This unconditional support also encourages reckless escalation that risks wider war.”

Mann, an officer at the DIA, an organization that collects military intelligence, specializes in the Middle East and Africa. “Each of us signed up to serve, knowing we might have to support policies we weren’t fully convinced of,” Mann wrote. “At some point — whatever the justification — you’re either advancing a system that enables the mass starvation of children, or you’re not.”

Mann is not alone. Several U.S. officials have stepped down from their posts, citing disagreements with the administration over how it has been handling the savagery of Israel's war on Palestine. Josh Paul, a State Department official, resigned in October over objections to the U.S. government’s decision to continue to arm the Israeli military. Then in January, Tariq Habash, a key player in policy reform at the Department of Education, also resigned from his role due to disagreements with the administration’s stance on Gaza.

A recent review from the State Department about Israel’s war conduct raised “serious concerns” about its actions in Gaza. The report, delivered to Congress late Friday afternoon, determined it was “reasonable to assess” that Israel had violated international humanitarian law in the enclave.

Despite its brutality, Israel is losing the war: It continues to have to return to areas in Gaza it initially said were cleared of Hamas fighters. The Zionist strategy is not working and that is making the Americans very nervous. Ultimately, the US might have to land troops in Palestine to prevent the collapse of the Zionist colony in Palestine and rescue the barbarians from their own cesspool of useless wanton violence.

The Israeli military has renewed its fighting in northern Gaza where it previously claimed to have dismantled Hamas. But it now says the Palestinian militant group is regrouping in the area, raising doubts about Israel’s stated objectives. Israel’s return to areas it had supposedly cleared of Hamas renews questions about its long-term military strategy, which after more than seven months of war has left more than 35,000 Palestinians dead and much of Gaza in ruins, more than 100 Israeli prisoners still in captivity and Hamas's top leadership still at large.

The failure of Israel at controlling the situation in a tiny territory like Gaza is making many strategists very nervous because it reveals the issue of the survival of the Jewish colony in Palestine in the hostile geography where it was implanted 75 years ago. While all previous wars were easily won by Israel in conventional battles across borders between regular armies - primarily because of the unpreparedness of incompetent Arab armies and regimes - Israel is showing signs it is incapable of winning guerilla or urban warfare: It lost in 1985-1986 when it fled Lebanon under a barrage of indigenous resistance; it lost again in 2000 when it was expelled by Hezbollah from south Lebanon where it had kept a protected buffer zone; it lost again by not winning in 2006 in its war against Hezbollah in south Lebanon; it lost all the intifada insurgencies by the Palestinian resistance on its own territory; and now it is unable to control a tiny territory like Gaza after 7 months of its brutal and savage assault. When controlling a territory requires excessive violence for a long period of time, it is usually the time to consider giving up, just like America did in all the failed wars it prosecuted in Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan.

Indeed, Israel's real objective is not to defeat Hamas (because it knows it cannot defeat an ideology), nor is it to liberate the Israeli prisoners (because the latter are being killed by Israel's own indiscriminate and barbaric shelling); the real objective is to seize Gaza, depopulate it by massacres, ethnic cleansing and genocide, and annex the territory to its Zionist dream of a purely Jewish supremacist state. No wonder that the ultra-religious extremists in the Zionist government immediately declared their war with big smiles on their faces: They now have the pretext to achieve their long-standing dream of stealing more land from their Palestinian victims.

Over the weekend, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that any initial success in Israel’s invasion of Rafah – which Washington has strongly opposed – is “not sustainable.” He criticized Israel for having neither a “credible plan to protect civilians,” nor a post-war plan for Gaza.

The confusion and mistrust between the US and its annoying and dangerous bastard ally is growing and Biden's "ironclad" support for Israel may be fast eroding. Israeli experts say that Netanyahu’s current war strategy, which is aimed at the complete destruction of Hamas in Gaza, is flawed and unrealistic as it lacks a long-term vision. The tactic of endless clearing and degrading of the capabilities of an insurgency has never worked: The US tried it in Vietnam, Iraq an Afghanistan with lamentable failure.

Meanwhile, former and current Israeli and US officials and military officers have sounded alarms at the direction Israel is heading with its war. Israel Death Forces (IDF) Chief Herzi Halevi is constantly criticizing Netanyahu’s strategy.  “As long as there is no political move that will bring forth a governing body other than Hamas in the strip, we will have to operate again and again there and in other places to dismantle the Hamas infrastructure... It will be a Sisyphean task,” one that may never be accomplished.

Other experts say that Israel risks falling into a perpetual war of attrition, where there is “endless friction” with its neighbors. A prolonged war risks dragging other regional players in the war besides the declared enemies of Israel like Iran. Countries that have been "neutralized" by bribes and fake peace treaties like Jordan and Egypt are themselves very fragile countries whose populations are unhappy with the servility shown to the US and Israel. The reservoir of sympathy for Palestine is bottomless, and is bound to surface and threaten those regimes with another Arab Spring that would be hostile to both the regimes and to Israel.

Finally, Israeli Zionists react to criticism by blushing like virgins when in fact they have the stamina of prostitutes. Israel's Embassy to the Holy See issued a protest on Monday after a Yemeni Nobel Prize winner accused Israel of "genocide" in Gaza during an event hosted by the Vatican. Listen to the language used: Israel felt "indignation and shock" over comments by rights activist Tawakkol Karman made on Saturday evening during a conference sponsored by Pope Francis.

Karman, who won the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize for her role in the Arab Spring protests, told an audience at St. Peter's Basilica: "The world is silent in front of the genocide and the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in Gaza". The indignant Israeli embassy labeled Karman's accusations as "lies", brandishing again the overused and meaningless "antisemitic" accusation. If one is to believe in the charade of antisemitism, whose object is to silence any criticism, then the entire world is an antisemitic enemy of Israel, which tells us something about Israel's validity: Any plausible theory has to be falsifiable. There have to be exceptions that prove the theory right. 

Zionism, Racism and Evolution

Israel as a theory is, according to the imbecile Zionists, unfalsifiable: It can never be wrong. It never did anything wrong. Israel represents all Jews and all Jews are by definition Zionists and Israelis. Criticisms of Israel can only be antisemitic. The whole world hates Jews. Jews can only be victims of antisemitism. There are no exceptions: Everyone must love Israel, there is no room for nuance. If you even struggle to carefully articulate your thoughts in order not to appear antisemitic, your hesitation is a sign of your rabid antisemitism. All of this stinks of totalitarian thinking and of deadend outcomes: The Torah itself is rife with these absolutist choices that the Hebrews faced when making deals with Yahweh: Either you worship me or I'll rain hell on you. Worship me and I'll make you horny and fertile. Transactional relationship with the divine. Like some of the backward Christians in Lebanon whose worship of saints is contingent on getting cured from disease, and not because of pure faith.

If humanity has learned anything from its long history is that absolutist ideologies always lead to disaster. As things stand, by raping Palestine in the 20th century, the Zionists have embarked on another one of their gigantic zero-sum failures. One day soon, a stinking rabbi or scribe will add another self-promoting book to the Torah that will narrate the garbage story of how Yawheh saw the suffering of his people and had pity on them despite their sins, mediated the so-called "return" of his people from the European exile, enabled the re-taking of the promised land with utter violence like Joshua did circa 1800 BC, demanded his people rebuild the Temple and, if the garbage of the Torah is any guide, all of this will ultimately end in a catastrophic failure of the whole Zionist enterprise. Why? Because of the exclusivist, supremacist, absolutist, unnuanced, stubborn and dense primitiveness of the whole religious fictional bullshit that a lot of people in the 21st century unfortunately continue to take literally. While most Christians, thanks to the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, and the French Revolution, have escaped the juggernaut of their once-absolutist and criminal religion and have emancipated themselves from its millennial prison, most Muslims, Jews and Hindus continue to wallow in antiquated overly-fermented irrational hallucinogenic beliefs couched in the ignorance of humanity's Stone Age.

Biology has shown us there are no races. Race is not a scientific objective category. In biology, classification of any individual organism includes its Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. There is no "race" category. Which means that a Siberian could very well have more genes in common with an East African than a West African does. Each one of us is a different shuffle of the same pool of genes we all share. We all came from one African founder group, perhaps even one couple. We came out of Africa several times; all these migrations have failed, except the one that produced us all - whites, blacks, asians, etc. - and all of it happened within the past 300,000 to 500,000 years. So racism and hatred of other people because of skin color is soooo stupid because it sees one obvious genetic difference (skin color) but ignores millions of invisible differences under the skin. White supremacists, Zionists, Black African racists.. y'all ignorant idiots. 

Forgive my digression ....

After mentioning Gaza, Karman got a loud round of applause from the audience which was made up of fellow Nobel prize laureates, politicians and church officials. The pope himself was not present.

Relations between the Vatican and Israel have grown increasingly tense since the start of the war in Gaza, with Jewish groups accusing Pope Francis of failing to endorse the Israeli carnage in the Palestinian enclave. Indeed, last March, the Zionist embassy in the Vatican criticized Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin for accusing Israel's military of causing "carnage" in Gaza. After initially denouncing his comment as "deplorable", the Zionist hypocrites claimed this was a translation error and pretended to mean to say "regrettable". How pathetic of the Chosen Ones!

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