Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Biden's Arms Embargo on Israel: First Shy Step to Rein in the Fascist Zionist State

If the Fascist Zionist colony in Palestine (a.k.a. Israel) is unable to survive without constantly suckling on its American mother's breast, then it should abide by what its mother tells it to do. But the Zionist colony in Palestine was raised to be a spoiled, naughty, arrogant and selfish child. 

For the past 75 years when it was forcibly implanted in a land alien to it, it has not managed to make any friends. On the contrary, its bullish and violent behavior has forced a couple of Arab countries with weak moral fiber that are easily corrupted with a few billion dollars (Egypt, Jordan) to sign insincere treaties of mutually tolerated hatred rather than genuine peace.

Now, Big Mama America, after decades of bad parenting, is wagging its index finger at its Jewish colony brat and telling it to stop misbehaving, otherwise it will stop giving it the fix it has become addicted to.

After Big Daddy "Butcher Biden" threatened to withhold weapons delivery to the Fascist Zionist state if the latter does not stop killing innocent Palestinian civilians, the spoiled brat Netanyahu responded with increased violence by raining down terror on the very same "safe zones" he told the Palestinians to go to. Which, in diplomatic terms, is giving the finger to Sugar Daddy Butcher Biden. What a lovely parent-child realtionship!

Netanyahu to America:












Meanwhile, four Israeli IDF terrorists were killed in Gaza. Seven months already and Jewish fundamentalist terrorist Israel has neither eliminated Muslim fundamentalist terrorist Hamas nor has it rescued the prisoners held by the latter. In fact, the Jewish theocracy hasn't been able to provide a minimal security to allow some 100,000 of its radical settler land thieves to return to their settlements newly built on top of eradicated Palestinian villages in the Galilee.

Thus it appears that the U.S. is finally no longer sparing the rod to punish colonial Israel for its genocidal atrocities against the native indigenous aboriginal Palestinian people.

One idiot by the last name of Conricus, who served as an IDF terror spokesman during the Gaza war, says, "In the short term, these [sanctions against Israel] will lead to enhanced violence and fighting." Is there any more room for violence and fighting than what Israel has rained down on the civilian population without achieving any of its objectives? 

Hasn't the entire world voted overwhelmingly to pass a pro-Palestine Freedom and against Israeli Zionist racism resolution (143 for, 9 against)? 

Israel's political losses by far suprass any gain it has yet to score in Palestine, despite the utter violence with which it thinks it can win on the ground?   In the long term, the more pressure is applied on the rogue pariah Jewish colony in Palestine, the more the goal of achieving peace becomes closer at hand. The only reason why there has been no peace in Palestine for several decades is the entrenched Zionist belief that it can control its colonial enterprise with sheer violence. 

The Zionists keep threatening the West that without Israel's continued violence, the West stands to lose some advantages in the region. But the Israeli colonial outpost is no longer useful. Times have dramatically changed from the colonial, pre-World War II environment when the English crooks thought they needed the Zionist foothold in the region to control access to the oil fields. The dumb US, which always inherits the Europeans' problems (Vietnam from the French to combat communism, and Israel from the English to combat Arab nationalism), has been slow to understand the shifting dynamics in a post-colonial environment. It feels stuck in an unwinnable situation, which can only be salvaged with violence and warfare, and it realizes it has many other potential and more sincere friends (who do not blackmail the West with guilt) in the region. Dozens of US and western allies' military bases dot the western coast of the Persian Gulf; it doesn't need a fundamentalist Jewish charlatan colony to stand up to the fundamentalist Muslim charlatan theocracy in Iran.

Many Israelis view Biden’s pause of weapons deliveries as a betrayal of his assurance that he backs the Jewish state with an "ironclad" security promise. But ironclad assurance does not equate with a license to genocide an entire people. If Israel continues on its path of Zionist horrors, apartheid, land theft, and genocide, it will cause the US to lose potential allies and friends in the region. The Arab Spring of the early 2010s is a harbinger of things to come. The cyclical nature of revolution and repression will eventually lead to popular upheavals against the extant Arab and Muslim regimes, perceived to be lackeys to America and the West, that may bring to power more hostile regimes, in which case, the US will be perceived as enemy number 1.

Israel is not the "only democracy" in the region. It is not even a democracy to begin with. It is a theocracy dedicated only to people with the Jewish faith that chronically discriminates against people of other faiths. This is no longer a tenable argument in our time. We hate Iran because of its expansionist Islamic platform. Why should we not hate Israel for its expansionist Jewish platform.

On Thursday, John Kirby, the White House National Security Communications Adviser, said the U.S. was fully behind Israel. "The arguments that somehow we’re walking away from Israel fly in the face of the facts. I mean, this is a president who visited Israel within days of the October 7th attacks. This is a president who rushed additional military articles to Israel and, frankly, provided expertise from our own military to go over there to help them as they thought through their planning and their operation," he told reporters at the White House. Israel without Big Mama America is vowed to failure. Note the "frankly" adverb: It reveals that the US was trying initially to hide its aid to Israel so as not to expose its failure, but now the cat is out of the bag: Without US aid, Israel is a lot more vulnerable than anyone has imagined.

Kirby continued "this is a president who put American pilots — fighter pilots — in the sky to help shoot down more than 300 missiles and drones fired by Iran in . . . mid-April. So the argument that somehow we’re walking away from Israel, we’re not willing to help them defeat Hamas just doesn’t . . . comport with the facts."

The American umbilical cord is paramount to the survival of the Jewish colony in Palestine. Netanyahu better wake up from his arrogant slumber in his Mama's lap. The canard that Israel is America's closest ally has been debunked. What has Israel done to help America other than ratchet up the hostility against America? Israel is a parasite that feeds off America's naiveté and generosity to sow hatred and inhumanity to many other people in the region.

The United States has betrayed a few million Christians in the Middle East to remain friends with 400 million Arabs and Muslims. Will it go so far as jeopardize this friendship for the sake of a few million Zionist Yahweh-crazies straight out of a Cecil B. De Mille's Bronze Age crappy Hollywood movie?

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