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Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Israel's Ugly 'Democracy' Unraveling: Quran Burning and Possible Military Coup d'Etat

Israel Death Forces (IDF) Terrorist Pledges a Military Coup Against His Superiors

The Israeli Death Forces - the official state-run terrorist militia of Israel - said it will launch an investigation into a video of an Israeli soldier threatening a “military coup” against the Zionist terror regime's armed wing Chief Yoav Gallant.

In the video a masked IDF terror operative, bedecked with US-provided full army gear tells the Zionist regime's chief Benjamin Netanyahu that the Palestinian territory of Gaza is an investment opportunity of a lifetime, and that his group of 100,000 rebellious reservists do not intend to hand over Gaza to the Palestinian Authority or any Arab entity.

“We’ll stay here. Until victory,” he said, alluding to the unachievable objective of eliminating the Islamist Terror organization of Hamas. This self-proclaimed Netanyahu loyalist claims he's one of a 100,000 reservists ready to disobey the military terror chief Gallant and chief of staff Halevy and to sacrifice their lives to achieve Netanyahu's stated goal of total victory in Gaza. "A Wagner Group in the making" said a commentator on Twitter.

In the video, the Jewish terrorist goes on to call for the resignation of Yoav Gallant, and said the reservists would only answer to Netanyahu.

“You cannot win a war. Resign. You cannot win the war, you cannot command us,” he said. “We will listen to one leader, and it is not the minister of defense, and it is not the chief of staff, it is the prime minister. Think carefully to whom you intend to give the keys after this ... Here I tell you, do you want a military coup?”

Last week, Gallant challenged Netanyahu to commit to Palestinian rule in Gaza, “even with the possibility of personal or political costs.”

Yair Netanyahu, the prime minister’s 32-year-old son, proudly reposted the video while ignoring the fact that it was a call for a military rebellion.

This blatant division within the top echelon and the rank and file of the Israeli terror organization is ominous and confirms what has always been known in hushed conversations: The objective of the Zionist movement of creating a pure supremacist Jewish state over the corpse of another state is untenable. It might have scintillated like a shiny object early on in the eyes of dumb idiots in the West, but here it is some 80 years later unable to win a puny war against a puny native Muslim terror organization. All of this despite the tons of lethal weapons and advanced technology placed at its disposal by a West unwilling to countenance the collapse of the Jewish colony in Palestine and the possibility of a massive "return" of Israel's settlers back to their European and American homelands. 

Meanwhile, the Israeli Death Forces militia released a statement saying the video was a serious violation of IDF orders and values, and constitutes a suspicion of criminal offences," which reflects utter confusion and the convulsions seizing the entire colonial construct.

On Friday, the Zionist Police said that it would investigate social media posts which show one IDF Jewish terrorist tossing a copy of the Quran into a burning pile of wood after his terrorist gang destroying the library of Al-Aqsa University in Gaza City. Is this what Natanyahu meant when he said his terrorist militia was "the most moral army in the world"? Isn't this the most vivid proof of the eequivalence between the Jewish terrorists of Israel and the Muslim terrorists of Hamas?

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