Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sequel to Harvard Graduation: Sticky Zionists Are Like Stink on a Monkey

Harvard Chabad Rabbi, the Zionist numskull Hirschy Zarchi, demanded that journalist and Nobel Prize winner Maria Ressa explain comments that he boringly labeled "antisemitic" during Harvard's commencement on Thursday.

"I was attacked online and called antisemitic by power and money because they want power and money," Ressa told students in her comments.

"But I’d already survived information operations from my own government: free speech used to pound you to silence," she added. Just like the Duterte Fascist government in the Philippines, the Zionist Fascists of Israel want to silence people who speak up against their barbarity.

Ressa, who was granted a Nobel Peace Prize for her work reporting on Rodrigo Duterte's administration in the Philippines, left the stage to applause from students and faculty at Harvard.

Following her speech, the rabid imbecile Rabbi Zarchi approached Ressa to ask her to explain her reference to "power and money" as the origin behind accusations against her of antisemitism, according to the campus toilet paper the "Harvard Crimson". The rabbi could not hear Ressa's response, but later said that he wished the lineup of speakers at the commencement ceremony also could have represented the pro-Israel position. For hundreds of years, pro-Israel colonialist drivel was the ONLY and STANDARD position that was represented at Harvard, thanks to the money that Zionists doled out on avaricious and greedy university boards who cared shit about academic freedom: The trajectory of academic reasearch at Harvard and other elite American universities follows the money and not the truth. Now, for once that Palestine has the stage, the Zionists are upset, and are nagging and complaining. You see, Zionists are an exclusivist bunch: They want all the attention; they are like overachieving nerds who think they are the smartest, and in their own biblical garbage they have declared themselves the superior Chosen ones, and when convenient, they claim to be the only victims around.....

"It would have been nice to have had at least one speaker representing the overwhelming majority of students and guests disgusted by the disruptors and hateful violators," he wrote. No, Rabbi: the majority of students is with Palestine, but are afraid to say so because they'll be expelled by the Zionist shills who run Harvard. No Rabbi, the protesters are not disruptors, they are vanguards of change from a calcified American psyche trained to believe the Zionist garbage. No Rabbi, the protesters are not hateful violators: Your people in Israel are the hateful, racist, supremacist violators of Palestine and the Palestinian people.

In naming "disruptors" at the ceremony, Zarchi was referring to Harvard students who had spoken out earlier in support of pro-Palestine protesters in Harvard Yard who had been punished for dissenting from the official pro-Zionist line by being prevented from graduating. For the self-claimed land of liberty, America in Harvard is beginning to look like the Soviet Gulag. Where are you Andrei Sakharov,
Iosif Brodsky, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn...? You must be turning in your graves. Apparently, it is not just the dumb jackass Donald Trump who has autocratic ambitions, it is those fake bastions of liberalism, like Harvard, that are mutating into cold Soviet Gulags inside the Zionist icebox. Quelle déchéance!

Zarchi also called out Ressa for saying that she "loved" the speech from those students, telling the Harvard Crimson that they had "hijacked" the ceremony to raise political awareness for the pro-Palestine movement. In naming "disruptors" at the ceremony, Zarchi was referring to Harvard students who had earlier spoken out in support of pro-Palestine protesters in Harvard Yard who had been prevented from graduating.

Harvard is one of many elite universities around the country that has become divided by pro and anti-Israel protesters on campus. The governing board of Harvard University on Wednesday rejected an effort by faculty to confer degrees on protesters because they participated in an anti-Israel encampment on campus.

"I would expect a faculty rebellion, possibly a faculty rebellion against the entire governance structure, because there’s already a fair amount of mistrust toward the Corporation to begin with," government professor Steven Levitsky told the student paper in an interview on Tuesday.

The university's Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted on Monday to amend the list of degrees for conferral at commencement to include the 13 students who had been notified of disciplinary charges by the Harvard College Administrative Board three days earlier, the Crimson reported.

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