Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Zionist Terror Organizations using Campus Groups to Recruit Future anti-Arab US leaders

A lawsuit filed this month against campus Jewish groups offers an important window into how Zionist terrorists are infiltrating universities to recruit future American leaders into its Zionist colonial project in Palestine.

The litigation alleges that Jewish campus foundations serve as a Zionist "propaganda division," aiming to influence ignorant young Christian Americans whose Christian faith is confused with Zionist mythology thanks to the biblical garbage. Pro-Israel American students don’t know exactly what they are supporting when they say they support Israel. Zionism was founded on a bedrock of lies and myths to justify the colonial seizure and occupation of Israel and its constant attempt at eradicating a Palestinian national identity.

A lot of times when I had conversations with students, they didn’t know that ‘from the River to the Sea,' is a Zionist slogan straight out of the self-serving Jewish biblical fiction whose intent is to justify Israel's elimination of the “Palestine” meme (land, people, identity) from existence in order to justify the foreign invasion and seizure of Palestinian land.

About 80% of Christian and other non-Jewish American students think they are defending Israel by hating the indigenous Palestinian natives. They have been brainwashed for decades to believe that the Palestinian national resistance movement fighting against the colonial occupation of Palestine by foreign European illegal migrants is a “terrorist” movement that hates Jews, when the reality is that Israel was born as an essentially colonial enterprise born in the late 1800s as a British beachhead on the Mediterranean with which to control the nascent oil fields in nearby Arabia. Most students on US campuses do not even know the history of their own country, let alone that of other countries. The Zionist brainwashing of the American mainstream has been a staple of American culture served with loads of ignorance by the media, Hollywood and big finance

The ignorance of world affairs and history has long been documented by education authorities in the US. This knowledge gap has also long been exploited by Zionists to domesticate and hijack American culture and politics into serving the colonial Zionist project in Palestine, which requires inculcating a hatred of Arabs and Palestinians in particular.

The recent events in Palestine have finally lifted the veil off the Zionist lies and propaganda. Indeed, the Internet and the social media have accelerated the access by anyone to historical archives and facts that were long buried by the Zionist propaganda machine. A new generation of Americans is rising from the shadows of the ignorance in which Zionists have kept it. Zionism is finally exposed as a “terrorist cult” whose job is to protect the barbaric violence and biblical ultra-religiosity that are the foundations of Israel. 

The only difference between such colonial projects as South Africa, Algeria or Indochina (to name a few) on one hand, and Israel on the other hand, is that the latter was carried out by people of the Jewish faith. Otherwise, there are no differences between all these 19th century colonial projects. Zionists use the guilt of the Holocaust in which millions of European Jews were murdered by Christian Europeans as a blackmailing tool to justify the rape of Palestine by those same European Jews. Yet, Palestine had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Palestine is not guilty of the Holocaust. Why should the people of Palestine pay the price for what Christian Europeans did to their own Jews? 

This psychological terror that Zionists have inflicted on the older American population that was sensitized by World War II no longer works on a younger generation that only sees facts without bias, prejudice or guilt.

Zionist groups use propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Israel on US campuses and beyond. The aim is to raise a new generation of American leaders whose function is to protect the barbarity of the Israeli colonial project. By ignoring the importance of Palestine to half a billion Arabs and to over a billion Muslims around the world, Zionists continue to pose a serious threat to American interests in the future. 140 countries sided against the US at the UN earlier this month, with only 8 insignificant, bribed and colonized Pacific islands siding with the US on the matter of Palestine. Traditional US allies like the European Christian countries have finally shed the guilt of the Holocaust and are beginning to treat Israel like any other country and not as the exceptional “victim” with a license to kill and steal another people’s land. This is causing panic among Zionist organizations as it is taking away from them the only tool with which they exploited and blackmailed western audiences. European countries are countering the Israeli Zionist colonial project by recognizing – after decades of rejecting it – the existence of a Palestinian nation that deserves a state of its own on its own historic land.

There is a huge chasm between, on one hand, fighting antisemitism – which was born and continue to thrive in white Christian America and Europe but not elsewhere - and knowingly serving as the propaganda and recruiting wing of a foreign racist and expansionist colonial state like Israel. Zionist organizations in the US are the latter and are hurting America.


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