Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Anti-Catholicism Alive and Kicking in Evangelical America

President Joe "Butcher" Biden is Catholic. He's only the second Catholic American to become president after John F. Kennedy in the 250-year-long history of this country. Kennedy's candidacy was harshly disputed by the numskull protestant evangelicals back in the 1950s and 1960s, and then he was murdered. No one knows why, and his assassination was one very rare crime that the gigantic law enforcement community failed to solve. Makes you wonder. My bet is that he was assassinated by the racist Protestant Trumpians of the time because he was Catholic.

It's a miracle that "papist" Biden is still alive. Perhaps, America has finally evolved up the evolutionary tree from the abysmally primitive subprimate English peasants who were the founder group of white anglo-saxon protestant (WASP) America. Mind you that both Kennedy and Biden are of Catholic Irish ancestry, which makes them doubly hated because of their Catholic faith and their anti-English Irish background.

And now, in the first quarter of the 21st century, a prominent Catholic group will be allowed to hold its annual Memorial Day Mass, after the National Park Service initially refused to grant it a permit. But it has now reversed course and issued a permit under threat of legal action. This in a country where protestants continue to violate the constitutional separation of church and state while denying other denominations the right to express their faiths in public. Like that Alabama neanderthal judge who erected a huge plaque with the ten commandments at the entrance of his court.

Last week, the National Park Service (NPS) denied a permit for the very Catholic Knights of Columbus to hold its annual religious service at the Poplar Grove National Cemetery in Petersburg, Virginia. Attorneys for the Knights claimed the US federal government was violating the First Amendment and filed a temporary restraining order against the NPS that was supported by the state's Republican Attorney General, Jason Miyares
Now the name "Miyares" sounds hispanic, and hispanic usually means Catholic. But the evangelicals have been on a worldwide campaign to dislodge Catholicism from every country and continent on earth - most notably Africa and Latin America. Now evangelicals are not motivated by so-called missionary work; "missionary" is colonialism in disguise. They are the US ground forces that aim to topple all governments into a pool of American vassal countries under the cover of protestant missions. Brazil is a perfect example: From an overwhelmingly Catholic population a decade ago, Brazil has fallen over to the Evangelicals who proceeded to elect Jair Bolsonaro, a Trump-like xenophobic neanderthal monster.

This is the second year in a row the Catholic fraternal service organization of the Knights of Columbus was denied a permit at the cemetery where they had been holding the Memorial Day Mass for decades. Why the sudden shift? Must be Trump's racist anti-Catholic influence.

However, religious services and vigils have been classified as "demonstrations" since at least 1986, according to the NPS website, and are prohibited in national cemeteries.

"Conducting a special event or demonstration, whether spontaneous or organized, is prohibited except for official commemorative events conducted for Memorial Day, Veterans Day and other dates designated by the superintendent as having special historic and commemorative significance to a particular national cemetery. Committal services are excluded from this restriction," the rules say.

Attorneys for the Knights said they had been allowed to conduct a Mass or prayer service at the cemetery every Memorial Day for years up until a recent policy change. The lawsuit filed in federal court last week was dropped after the NPS approved the permit.

Finally, this anti-Catholic vein in American politics explains the hatred expressed by the racist white supremacist Republicans towards Latin and Central American migrants. They don't want more Catholics in this country, as 2050 is projected to be a turning point in American demographics: By 2050, white anglo-saxon protestants will no longer be a majority; they'll simply become the largest minority in this country. And this realization is the driving force behind the radicalization of the Republican party and its efforts at dismantling the democratic system which, if allowed to persist, would naturally shift the balance of power away from the WASP inbred one-tooth Appalachian idiots of the American pro-slavery racist southern bible belt.

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