Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Zionist Genocidal Agenda Proceeding by "Mistake after Mistake" Strategy

The asshole criminal Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu has called his latest Israeli bloodbath against Rafah refugees in a tent camp a 'Tragic Mistake', despite being warned over and over by the entire international community that his insistence on conducting his "special operation" in Rafah is likely to lead to such "mistakes". I personally am convinced this was no mistake. This is deliberate killing with the intent of genocide. Netanyahu and his terrorist Zionists want to annex Gaza and they have been doing all they can since October to prevent life from ever growing back in Gaza.

On Sunday night, Israeli forces began bombing a tent camp in the southern Gaza city’s Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, which was designated as a “safe zone” for displaced Palestinians to shelter. Local health officials said the strikes have killed at least 45 people, and that the number is expected to rise as people continue to dig through the rubble.

“Despite our utmost efforts not to harm innocent civilians, last night, there was a tragic mistake,” Netanyahu told Israel’s parliament. “We are investigating the incident and will obtain a conclusion because this is our policy.”

Footage of the massacre spread quickly on social media, showing extremely graphic scenes of people burned alive and children’s bodies, including babies, torn up as screaming civilians try to escape while surrounded by flames. Apparently, criminal terrorist Jews are no better than criminal terrorist Muslims in targeting children and babies, let alone raping women who fall in their custody.

“We pulled out people who were in an unbearable state,” Gaza civilian Mohammed Abuassa told The Associated Press. “We pulled out children who were in pieces. We pulled out young and elderly people. The fire in the camp was unreal.” Most of the dead and wounded were women and children, bringing the Palestinian death toll from Israel’s military offensive to more than 36,000. 

Apparently, the garbage bible advocates ten thousand eyes for one eye and ten thousand babies for one baby. For the Zionists, humanity is indeed in the 21st century, before Christ that is. So why, I wonder, haven't the Zionists massacred millions of their fellow Christian Germans who committed the Holocaust against them? Is it morally OK for these European Jewish savage settlers of Palestine to murder "darker" Arabs and Palestinians than to murder "whiter" Germans?

Israeli officials say they are looking into the strikes and that the military regrets the loss of civilian life. According to the AP, Jewish legal terrorist Yifat Tomer-Yerushalmi, the Israeli military’s top legal official, echoed Netanyahu’s comments from earlier in the war when he said Palestinian deaths were merely collateral damage. Palestinian lives are indeed cheaper; they are "animals" after all. Just like Black Africans were for the white colonizing Americans who "owned" them.

“We will never forget the images emerging from Rafah tonight,” pro-Palestinian group Jewish Voice for Peace said in a statement. “Human beings, including babies, were burned alive and torn apart. This genocide must end, it must end now.”

Netanyahu faced swift condemnation from the international community for the attack, with human rights groups, aid organizations and Western leaders calling for a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. The cowardly Biden administration appears to have not yet commented on the Rafah attack because its head is way up the Jewish rectum of Netanyahu. It takes time to feel the disgust and take corrective action. Catholic Biden keeps shipping 2,000-lb bombs to Israel and is willing to risk his second term as president just because his brain has been calcified by decades-long pro-Zionist propaganda. He can always confess his sins to a priest and be done with the guilt by association.

“Outraged by the Israeli strikes that have killed many displaced persons in Rafah,” the other western lackey of Zionism, French President Emmanuel Macron, posted on social media. “These operations must stop. There are no safe areas in Rafah for Palestinian civilians. I call for a full respect for international law and an immediate ceasefire.” Mais non, Emmanuel: N'essayez pas d'être plus con que vous ne l'êtes. Let the Jewish savages kill another 300,000 Palestinian civilians, as this will ensure another century of Arab friendship and love for the humane and ethical Jewish colony in Palestine. That is how solid friendships are made: By hard blood-gurgling savagery.

The massacre occurred just two days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to pull its military out of Rafah. Israel stands accused before the ICJ of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, and the International Criminal Court (ICC)  recently announced that it is seeking arrest warrants for criminal Zionist leaders Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant and three Hamas Muslim criminals Ismail Haniyeh, Mohammed Deif, and Yahya Sinwar. And Biden in his senility keeps saying there is no equivalence between Jewish savagery (children of Light) and Muslim savagery (children of Darkness), the former being allowed by God almighty while the latter is indecent in God's blurred and biased vision. 

Perhaps one day, the savage rulers of the Jewish colony in Palestine will admit that their founding of the colony was their original grand "tragic mistake", and thus concur with the Palestinian indigenous natives who call it a "Catastrophe".


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