Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

EU's Blackmail of Lebanon on Syrian Refugees: A Failed Policy

The EU wants the 2.5 million Syrians in Lebanon - the vast majority of whom are not refugees but economic and political hacks for Bashar Assad - to stay permanently in Lebanon. Now Lebanon's population is 4 million. Do the math and you'll see that no country on earth, notably the European hypocrites, tolerates such a ratio of "migrant-to-native" people. 

If allowed to stay indefinitely, those Syrian illegals will alter the delicate demographics on which Lebanon has founded its very existence as a nation. They could become the cause of a savage ethnic war between Syrians and Lebanese, just as happened in 1975 between the Lebanese and the Palestinian refugees expelled by Israel. The Stalinist Baathist dictator Bashar Assad, and his father Hafez before him, tried to annex Lebanon by occupying it militarily for 30 years, but they failed. And now Bashar has replaced his soldiers with his illegal migrants, and Europe sees no problem with this. But the Lebanese do.

The Syrian illegals in Lebanon marched in demonstrations and voted for Assad in the last Syrian elections. They cross the border every day, smuggling goods, hard currency, terrorists, mercenaries, weapons and such to help Hezbollah continue wreaking havoc in the country. All crime (theft, murder, rape, stealing of infrastructure material, etc.) in Lebanon is attributed to the Syrians who have formed gangs with Lebanese criminals. Hezbollah loves this state of affairs because the chaos and the weakening of the central government serves its so-called freewheeling "resistance" on behalf of Iran against Israel. 

The Syrian migrants are in Lebanon claiming to be refugees solely to benefit from the millions of dollars the EU doles on them to keep them from sailing to Europe. Lebanon have been vociferous in warning the Europeans that this situation cannot go on: An internal Syrian-Lebanese war is about to explode which would send both Syrians and Lebanese crossing the Mediterranean on small vessels trying to reach Cyprus, Rhodos, Turkey and Italy. Like idiots, the Europeans came last week and tried to bribe corrupt Lebanese officials with 1 billion Euros to keep the Syrians inside Lebanon. But the bribe didn't take.

No one, not the Lebanese, not the Europeans want to negotiate with the Syrian dictator who refuses to take back his people if the western sanctions are not lifted off his regime. He is using the Syrian illegals as a pawn to force the West to ease sanctions off his regime.

Hezbollah's silverback Hassan Nasrallah, who is an ally of Assad, is suggesting that Lebanon should open its waterfront and encourage all Syrians wishing to leave for Europe to do so. Hezbollah controls all of Lebanon's borders and has encouraged the influx of illegal Syrians into Lebanon for the simple reason that the lawlessness allows Hezbollah to bring in its weapons and terrorists without any constraints. If it were honest, Hezbollah should shut down these illegal land border crossings instead of opening the maritime borders.

Cyprus has warned the EU that something needs to be done fast to stave off an even bigger problem. Initially, the EU did not pay attention, but now there are signs of a change. After resisting and insisting that the situtaion in Syria is not conducive to the return of the illegal migrants to their country, the Europeans are feeling the sting and have now changed their discourse. The Europeans should stop beating around the bush: "Voluntary" return will not work as long as the EU and the UNHCR pay the Syrians who claim refugee status in Lebanon; If they return to Syria, they will no longer be able to claim refugee status and will no longer benefit from the "salaries" the UN, EU and UNHCR pay them. What the Lebanese have been demanding is for the Western donors to help the Syrians INSIDE Syria, thus encouraging them to retrun home and begin rebuilding Syria and their lives.


8 EU members say conditions in Syria should be reassessed to allow voluntary refugee returns

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