Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

How Did it Come to This? The American and Zionist Macabre Show Goes on

The American "hi-tech" pier built with great fanfare at the cost of 320 million dollars off the Gaza coast, supposedly to rescue the starving Palestinians, has crashed. This is not a serious or sincere effort by the American lapdogs of the Zionists. This is just so Butcher Biden can tell his declining pool of voters that he is doing something for Palestine.

But have you wondered why the US has to somehow go around the back of its own Zionist criminal allies to send aid to Palestine? Why can't Butcher Biden "demand" from those to whom he gives 2,000-lb lethal bombs with which to kill starving chidlren to let the US send aid directly from other Israeli ports or airports? Or "demand" that his cruel Zionist friends open the Rafah border crossing?

The US is finally showing the world that it is a fumbling imbecile giant being led by the nose by a gang of fanatic ultra-religious terrorists. What a sad spectacle. 

Meanwhile, the fanatic Sikh immigrant, who hides her non-white background behind her "Nikki" nickname and her married last name "Haley" because she knows she would not get anywhere in the racist US if she went by her real name "Nimarata Randhawa", who loves dictators (Modi in India, Trump in the US), who said during her primary campaign that Trump belongs to the past, that he is as dangerous to the US as Joe Biden, and that he is not qualified to be president, has now vowed to vote for Trump. She's big on whorish principles where preaching virtue does not match her actions as she is willing to sell her own principles to become Trump's VP pick. Adding insult to injury, she signs missiles destined to kill children in Gaza with "Finish them all" slogans so that she takes a bite off the Jewish vote pie.

Elsewhere, students at high school and college graduations who in their speeches dare veer off the Zionist-dictated "Big Brother" discourse of the American dystopia are sacked, terminated, denied graduation and threatened with rejections and no job offers. This is no longer the land of the free or the home of the brave: This is the land of the bonded slaves and the home of the subservient cowards. 

But there are a few glimmers of hope: European countries that once participated in the slaughter of millions of Jews during WWII are finally reckoning that their guilt in the Holocaust cannot serve as an eternal license for Jews to slaughter the innocent Palestinian people. Spain, Norway and Sweden are the first in a string of European countries to recognize that 1- There is a Palestinian Nation, 2- That this nation's land is being stolen from it by barbarian ultra-religious Jews identical in many ways to the barbarian ultra-religious Muslims of Daesh and the Taliban, and 3- the Palestinian nation deserves to at least recover some of its land to create its own independent and sovereign state free from foreign Jewish occupation, abuse and torment.

Also, pop star Dua Lipa keeps calling for an immediate cease-fire in the savage Zionist war on Gaza's civilian population. “Burning children alive can never be justified,” Lipa said in an Instagram post Tuesday ... The whole world is mobilizing to stop the Israeli genocide. Please show your solidarity with Gaza.”

Problem for the American voter is that Zionists love Biden because he blindly obeys the Zionists and foolishly believes that Israel is "defending itself" by mass murdering children and women.  Worse yet, the Zionists love Trump even more because he ignorantly cedes to all their colonial and racist demands. 

 Zionist hoodlums for Trump - He lets them steal Palestine without restraint


A recent strike by Israel on the southern city of Rafah in Gaza that set fire to a displaced persons camp and killed 45 Palestinians and injured 200 has resulted in international fury aimed at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his country. Lipa, alongside fellow pop musicians like Selena Gomez, Zayn Malik and the band MUNA, had previously signed the Artists4Ceasefire open letter to President Biden that calls for “an immediate de-escalation and ceasefire in Gaza and Israel before another life is lost.”

Finally, we have today one last chance to hold on to our belief that America remains a beacon of justice and freedom with a functioning justice system: The fate of the supreme criminal jackass of the land, one Donald Trump, an adulterer, a Mafia goon, an uneducated illiterate gangster, draft deserter and shirker of military duty, a failed man-child with a tamper-tantrum mental age of 5, who can barely read what is written for him off the teleprompter, who has called brave US soldiers who die in battle or are held prisoners of war "losers" .... will be decided by a jury of his peers. If he is acquitted, the future of this country becomes even bleaker. Worse yet, with senile Butcher Biden's future slowly running down the sewer, the jackass wanabe dictator Trump will likely be elected in November.

How did it come to this? A fantastic country that was once the model and shelter for all the oppressed on earth has become an Orwellian detention camp for millions of illiterate ignoramuses who are fed "consumer" garbage while being exploited right and left by giant corporations whose profits have exceeded the GDP of the country itself. 

How did it come to this? To have to choose between two old white men, one senile and the other criminal, to lead the country? The wise ones know best:

The promises of the rebellions of the 1960s and 1970s seem to be failing. The promises of the Clinton and Obama eras that lifted millions of working Americans from the claws of greedy money-whale corporations are at stake. Whenever the American people managed to force their government to enact positive change in their lives (e.g. the New Deal of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Roe vs Wade supreme court decision), the reaction of the backward conservatives who feared losing their grip has been to walk us back into barbarity.

The future post November 2024 is bleak. Brace yourselves. Trump's MAGA terrorists are threatening the country with civil war, while Butcher Biden is busy reassuring the criminal Zionists that he won't let them down instead of holding them accountable for their crimes against humanity. The cost of the choice we are facing this November is unprecedented and exorbitant.


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