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Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Telegram: Ireland Gives English Crooks Middle Finger on Palestine

The Telegram


Ireland Pokes English Crooks in the Eye on Palestine

By: Fouck Thaenglish

Sun 26 May 2024

For decades, Dublin has been in the vanguard of justice around the world.  Now the Emerald Isle, which has long boasted one of the most decent and progressive leaderships in Europe, has taken its quest for justice for Palestine to a new level.

On Wednesday – some 75 years since the greatest calamity of the 20th century that consisted in the most violent and barbaric ethnic cleasning in human history, namely erasing historic Palestine and its people and replacing them with an artificial state made up of hordes of East European Jewish terrorists and settlers acting as agents of the English colonial crooks - it joined other courageous and fair-minded civilized Norway and Spain in finally recognizing a Palestinian state, despite the convulsions this is causing to the criminals of the Zionist Fascist state and their handlers in the English dumpy monarchy.

The Taoiseach, Simon Harris, stated unambiguously that “Hamas is not the Palestinian people”. Equating an entire nation with a puny Islamist terror organization is how the Zionist terror government operates to convince credulous and dumb westerners. But that Jewish terror government itself, whose scintillating criminal prime minister Benjamin Netanayahu supported the Islamic terror group for decades in Gaza in order to divide and conquer the anti-colonial Palestinian resistance of the Palestinian Authority, is now trapped in its own dirty game. Instead of weakening the long-standing Palestinian resistance, the Jewish Zionist stooges of the barbarian colonial English crown have shot themselves in the foot and given Palestine an unimaginable boost on the world stage. Palestine has now resurrected almost like a miracle despite all attempts to smother it to death by Israel, its midwives the English crooks, the criminal Arab dictators and the dumb Americans, and has become the standard banner for justice for downtrodden occupied colonized people. 

With Israel's abysmal record as the self-proclaimed and laughable "only democracy in the Middle East" - what with its supremacist Jewish racism that undergirds all its violent apartheid policies against the indigenous Palestinian people - the chances that a democratic, diverse and tolerant State of Palestine are extremely good in comparison to the Jewish Gulag called Israel.

Given Israel's sordid history, beginning with its ethnic cleansing of Palestine, its displacement and dispossession of the Palestinian people, its abusive expansionist policies as a colonial state acting on behalf of the English crooks, its abysmal record on human rights, its genocidal conquest of Gaza, its racist apartheid policies couched in the arrogant self-annointed biblical supremacy of the Jewish people - The Chosen Ones - over all other humans, etc., a future Palestinian state is likely to fare a lot better than the Jewish Zionist cesspool that Israel has turned out to be. Despite the creation of Israel, millions of Jews have continued to live in harmony with their fellow Muslim and Christian Arabs and Iranians across the Middle East, refusing to move to the dangerous, violent and utterly failing Jewish colony in Palestine. The charade of a "homeland" for Jews has now been debunked: Israel is where fanatic Jews go to spend their lives killing the original owners of the land and getting killed in return. Many more Jews are in fact fleeing the Jewish Disneyland on the Mediterranean than are moving to it. Many more Jews are standing shoulder to shoulder with the pro-Palestinian protesters around the world than those applauding the carnage in Palestine.

Unlike the neanderthal English colonials, Ireland's avant-garde defense of Palestine is not suprising. Having suffered for centuries from occupation, abuse, starvation and land theft at the hands of the criminal colonial English settlers, having witnessed their own villages erased from the map, their wives and daughters raped before their eyes, their children starved to death, their northern region sliced off Ireland on the basis of a despicable religious dispute caused by a fonicating adulterous English king, having waged liberation war after liberation war in their quest for freedom and independence from the decadent English monarchy, it is inevitable that Ireland's journey leads it to seeing its own heartache reflected in Palestine. Ireland's recognition of Palestine is not some sort of tactical leverage to secure some political gains; it is deeply entrenched in the Irish psyche. 

When in the 1930s and 1940s members of the European colonial Jewish terrorist organizations in Palestine were assassinating British envoy Moyne in Egypt, or assassinating UN envoy Count Bernadotte, or blowing up their own British enablers and masters headquartered at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, the hypocrites and wimps of the British mandate in Palestine did nothing. Why? The English were willing to sacrifice their own soldiers and servicemen to serve the Zionist project of establishing a forward colonial base within reach of the oil fields in Arabia.

In the late sixties, luckily, the process of decolonization was well under way and the English colonial crooks were retreating all over the world back to their dingy stinky rat-infested island and their miserable archaic monarchy. Brilliant academics like Michel Foucault, Edward Said and Frantz Fanon, brandished the banner of anti-colonialism and exposed the colonial underpinnings of the forcible creation of a fake and artifical "Israeli" identity out of a horde of ethnicities and origins glued together by the barbaric criterion of religion - the Jewish alter egos of their Islamist brethren of Daesh (ISIS) an Al-Qaeda. What stupid notion was that where Eastern and Central European modern converts to Judaism could claim genetic or cultural or historic connection to the Hebrews of Bronze Age Palestine, and on that and other biblical garbage bases, invade historic Palestine, and massacre and expel its people? But the jig is up. The Zionist myths are collapsing before our own eyes.

Ireland is moving forward and taking the entire world behind it to correct the colonial injustice perpetrated by the English crooks against historic Palestine through the Zionist agents of an English monarchy still reeking foul from the swamps of its long gone colonial empire. Right now, the idiot Protestants of Northern Ireland are jumping off the "UK" ship to rejoin their fellow Irishmen and unify the modern Republic of Ireland. English scum: Eat your hearts out. Scotland may be next. Your Brexit may have more momentum than you thought.

Fouck Thaenglish is editor of the Palestinian Chronicle and author of ‘Palestinophobia’


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