Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

God is Punishing Papua New Guinea for Voting Against Palestine

I am no believer in the metaphysical, the transcendental, the supernatural and all other magical inventions of a fertile but ignorant human mind, but there is something eerie about the horrible landslides that have caused death and torment in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea is a hodge-podge of pacific islands cobbled together after 250 years as a colony of Holland, Germany, Britain, Australia, and Japan. The inhabitants of the islands have been tossed around like a miserable colonized people by every violent
jackass colonizer on earth. It is a large archipelago (462,840 km2 or 178,704 sq mi) that is still incapable of being genuinely independent: It is still owned by the British with Charles III as its king. The people of Papua New Guinea consist of rural remote communities (90%) whose people have no idea what Palestine is. But their government in its less-than-infinite wisdom is easily bribed to vote ignorantly for whatever the US or the UK tell it to vote in exchange for a few million dollars. It is stunning that as a colonized people, the Papuans have not only failed to rid themselves of their colonizer English crooks, but they ignorantly endorse the savage colonialist entity of Israel simply because the US pressures it to.

Last week, as many as 2,000 people were buried by a massive landslide in the country, according to its National Disaster Centre, as survivors recounted the horror of losing so many loved ones. Not to kick someone who is down, but the people of Papua New Guinea should reconsider their blind subservience to the English crooks and their American poodles. They should vote with their conscience, not with their empty pockets. They  should stop begging for handouts from white colonial occupiers.

Next time there is a vote at the UN for an independent Palestine free from Zionist savagery and colonialism, the Papuans should think twice before casting their vote. In fact, they should emulate the Palestinians and other victimized peoples who fight to shrug off racist colonial rule over their lives.

What does the decadent and adulterous King Charles III of England have to do with islands in the remote Pacific? Why doesn't he stick his crooked nose in his own filthy island that once ravaged half the earth and pilfered its resources? Hasn't his racist Albion done enough to these poor people to continue to impose its colonial rule on them and steal their natural resources?

If the people of Papua New Guinea are faithful believers in the Christian cult that was forced down their throats, or are adherents to their own ancient animist religions, they should see in the landslide a punishment from the gods for having voted against Palestine's membership in the UN. It is never too late to correct one's fall into the trappings of enslavement and colonization. There will be more votes at the UN in which the US will tell you to vote immorally and without conscience. Just say No and vote with your conscience. That is how one becomes truly independent. Yours is one of the very few remaining colonized peoples on earth, just like the Palestinian people.

Experts have no explanation for the landslides.  “There is flooding in other provinces and we’ve got a lot of challenges exacerbated by climate change so we’ll do further assessments and analysis to try and figure out what caused this". There was no earthquake or any major weather event. Hence my sarcastic unbelief that God somehow had something to do with it.
Hanibaal Atheos

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