Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Why Did Israel (and the US) Wait 30 Years to Decapitate Hezbollah?

Why have Israel and the US decided to decapitate Hezbollah at this time, 40 years after the birth of the organization? It could have been done long long time ago. 

During those 40 years, Hezbollah has slowly and "safely" augmented its capabilities, mutated from an organization into a political party, moved from the fringes of political power into the very center, stashed hundreds of thousands of missiles and other weapons, built deep tunnels in the hard calcareous rocks of the Lebanese mountains (in contrast to the sandy soils of Gaza), assassinated Lebanese political leaders, dissidents, journalists, Christian clergymen, bombed US and French embassies and US and French Marines headquarters, developed a Captagon manufacturing capability with which to finance its activities, hijacked the Lebanese state and led the country to its financial and political downfall (for the second time in less than 10 years, Hezbollah has scuttled the normal election of a president, thus paralyzing the institutions), and essentially let its own outlaw mega-operation infect the country with corruption and crime. All of which under the benevolent watch of the United States which subcontracted the management of the downfall of Lebanon to Hezbollah's contiguous ally and benefactor, the Syrian regime that occupied Lebanon during all those years with the Americans applauding Assad's army of occupation for being a "factor of stability", and Hezbollah's breastfeeding mother in more distant Iran in serious negotiations over a nuclear deal with the West. Lebanon was the hostage to this machiavellian deal with the devil.

Back in 1982, when Hezbollah was born out of the Iranian womb of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran, the US Marines were in Beirut along with a contingent of French, Italian and British forces, supported by a Lebanese population that had tired of the war with the Palestinians, favorable Lebanese Army and Christian militias, as well as the Israeli military that had invaded Lebanon. All of the winds were blowing in favor of a permanent stabilization of Lebanon  and the recovery of its sovereignty, except those from perfidious Syria, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others who did not want to see Lebanon exit the war crucible in which they had shoved it to fight, alone, their enemy Israel. 

The answer to why the West ran away from Beirut in 1983 after Hezbollah's first terrorist bombings of western targets in Lebanon and abandoned it to the Iranians and the then-hostile Arabs is a mystery, unless one invokes mysterious plots with long-term strategies that, apparently, have matured now in 2024 with the terror Israel - and behind it its Western and now-Arab allies - are inflicting on Lebanon as we write these lines.

Despite its geographic and demographic complexity, Lebanon is a very small country. All the armies present on Lebanese soil in the early 1980s could have easily empowered the legal armed forces of the country and backed them to impose the sovereignty of the state on a post-1982 defeated Palestinian armed revolution, exhausted militias, and a barely nascent Hezbollah terror organization.

But the West did not. It decided to exit the country and abandon it to Syria and Iran. Why?

Could it be that, just as it did in Palestine, Israel encouraged the creation of Hamas to divide the Palestinians who were the winners of international recognition in the 1990s? Only to use Hamas later as a pretext for Israel, now armed with October 7, to intervene? How could the ever-on-alert Israeli security along the Gaza border be so lax back in October 2023 that Hamas operatives were commuting back and forth across the border and carrying out their massacres and rapes and hauling hostages into Gaza? Israel, under Netanyahu, might have opened a window for all these events to occur in order to achieve the ultimate objective of cleansing Gaza of its human animals and annexing the territory.

Imagine that Ariel Sharon in 2005 was violating the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque at the same time that he was "forcibly" withdrawing the Jewish settlers from then-occupied Gaza. Why did Sharon leave Gaza in 2005? Not out respect for Palestinian sovereignty!

So, assuming a long-term Israeli strategy to empower Hezbollah in order to use it decades later as a pretext, to what purpose was this plan-plot-scheme drawn up? If Israel can decapitate, invade, and do anything it wants, why does it wait so long before "defending itself"?

Thus, one may ask the same questions raised by Gaza about the Lebanese south which seems to have been nurtured by willful or indifferent western policies into becoming a pretext that has matured now for Israel to harvest. Really, 10 Km north of the border behind the Litani would protect Israel from Hezbollah's 150-km range missiles?

Why did ISrael literally hand the south of the country to Hezbollah when it withdrew in 2000? Why is it invading again to fix a problem it itself first created?

The answer is that Zionists do really have well-funded well-thought through long term plans. That is how they began planning the takeover of Palestine about a century earlier, then its sequels in 1967 and now in 2024. Some time later in this century, the Zionists would have been at work for two centuries to implement barbaric religious rituals and prophecies from humanity's primitive past.

My gut feeling is that between Hamas and Hezbollah which they helped create and nurtured, the colonial expansionist Zionists now have the perfect pretexts to gobble up more land around them: Gaza and West Bank in Palestine, and the Lebanese south in Lebanon with its wealth in water and offshore gas platforms, not to mention bussing thousands of rabid fanatic Jews to settle the new expanding Yahweh-willed Eretz Israel.  

I am beginning to fall for the consipracy theories of Israel's enemies, for I have no other explanations for the virulence of the Zionist discourse, for the outlaw violence of its warfare, or for always needing "pretext" enemies (like the US).

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