Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Enlightened Jewish Settlers Bring Civilization to Primitive Middle East

This picture represents the much-heralded advanced civilization that Jewish settlers are bringing to Palestine and the entire Middle East. 



When challenged by Zionists to answer the question, "would you rather live in Saudi Arabia or in Israel?", people are expected to answer "Israel" because propaganda has defined Israel as the only democracy in the entire Middle East, while Saudi Arabia is some sort of primitive backward desert of absolute monarchy and autocracy.

But things are not that black and white. Living in Saudi Arabia, I am told, is great if you shut your mouth and do not raise uncomfortable questions that challenge the status quo. The less you think the better you'll be. On the other hand, living in Israel is equally great is you also shut your mouth about the birth of the  "country" as a European colony born out of the raped womb of Palestine. Otherwise, you'll be branded an enemy of the state and a terrorist. Both Saudi and Israel are based on two identical-twin religions born from the same Semitic womb.

Instead of the primitive Arab headdress, Russian hats will usher a more modern look. 

Instead of repetitively bobbing over, and memorizing, the Koran, the more fashionable and civilized repetitive bobbing and memorizing the Torah will take Palestine centuries into the future.

And while much of the world has gradually shunned the male genital mutilation practice called circumcision, the civilized Eastern European Jews will continue to hail the practice as a pact between a nomadic barbarian by the name of Abraham and a Bronze Age god by the name of Yahweh. Problem is that Muslims already practice that same genital mutilation and celebrate it as a pact between said nomad Abraham and the Bronze Age god by the name of Allah. Here, the civlizational influence of Jewish settlers wil be minimal. Dogmatic differences remain as to whether Abraham was told by Yahweh to slay his son Isaac (born to 90-year old Sarah) or his bastard son Ismael who was born from Abraham's diddling and fornicating with his maid Hagar.

Still, there are many cultural advantages that Arabs can draw from being colonized by the more refined European Jews. For instance, they can learn about novel forms of "democracy", namely Herrenvolk democracy (rule by only a specific ethnic group) or Kraterocracy (rule by the strong) or the more common theocracy (rule by a religious elite). Israel is an only-Jews democracy. Just like the German settlers of Namibia in 19000 or the Belgian colonization of the Congo by Kind Leopold II, or the French colonization of Algeria.... all these colonies were "democracies" for the colonizers but not for the colonized. 

So it is in the Jewish Zionist colony in Palestine, born out (1897) of a me-too colonial envy by wealthy German Jews who saw King Leopold II of Belgium acquire the entire Congo as his personal hunting range. Those same German Jews, scientists no less, were adepts of the European supremacist beliefs that by studying and measuring the skulls of the colonized natives one can definitely prove the superiority of the white European race over the natives of any of their colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Hence, the European Jews wanted their own colony, somewhere in the vast expanses of a credulous, innocent and open-minded third world who naively believed the soothing hypocritical words of the colonizers.

The German Jews initially proposed three places they could colonize and create their own little Jewish resort: Uganda in Africa, Argentina in Latin America, and Palestine in the Middle East. As the discussions progressed and the world entered World War I, the British crooks had their eye on Palestine as a new colony to add to their vast empire. Needing money to fund their war effort, the british crooks turned to the wealthy European Jews - now known as the Zionists - for money. The British crooks and the German Jews agreed on a quid pro quo: Money in exchange for Palestine. The british crooks sold Palestine (which was theirs now by virtue of the Sykes-picot agreement) to the German Zionists in what became known as the Balfour Declaration (1917).

Just like the superior German Christians whose massacres, displacement and ethnic cleansing of the Herero and Nama peoples of Namibia were considered "civlizational" (, the German Jews wanted to civilize the people of Palestine by using the same methods of their Christian fellow Germans:  Massacre, displace, etnnically cleanse the native Palestinians and bring in settlers to colonize the "suddenly" empty land. When the zionists claim that Israel was a "land without people", they meant the land after it was ethnically cleansed of 600 Palestinian villages and towns, the mass massacres of many residents of these villages, and the displacement of those who were still alive into concentration camps known as refugee camps. Exactly what the German Christians did to the Herero and Nama people of Namibia.

The Zionists want to make a distinction between zionism and colonialism. But how can any reasonable sane person keep separate and treat differently two movements (colonialism and Zionism) that came out of the same country in central europe, at the same time, that were embedded in the same social norms of the time (scientific racism, eugenics, racial hygenics, colonialism, etc.) and with the same identical motives that were prevalent then: Economic dispossession of primitive peoples by the superior white race. A Jewish Semite, regardless of his insistence on a special "racial" definition of his own identity, remains a "white Caucasian". 

All the stuff that the Zionists borrowed from their own German and Central European environment to lay the bases of their colonial movement was to later be used against the Jews themselves. The early racist German and European colonial movement against the primitive peoples of the third world and the foundations on which it was based, were to be later applied to the Zionists themselves by Hitler and his Nazi movement. The Zionist movement with its deeply disturbing racist and supremacist underpinnings ironically opened a direct intellectual highway to the "Final Solution" and the Holocaust. Racist supremacist German scientists and intellectuals became Nazis and suddenly discovered that their Jewish fellow countrymen, colleagues, friends, partners and relatives were themselves primitives that needed to be annihilated to clean up the German Aryan race.

Israel should today officially accept its genesis in those dark times in human history. It should apologize to the Palestinians for uprooting them from their native land and dispossessing them. It should withdraw from its ongoing barbaric colonial onslaught in Gaza and the West Bank, and allow the Palestinians to establish their own fully sovereign state. If, as Netanyahu keeps remind us, Israel can reach anywhere in the Middle East to punish its enemies, why does it fear a sovereign Palestine next to it? Should such a Palestine pose a threat to Israel, the latter can immediately use its might to neutralize that threat. How different would the situtaion be between such a scenario and the current one: Will Palestinians be any more dangerous to Israel as a free people than under occupation?

But Israel is an expansionist colonial enterprise that has yet to declare its borders. It needs pretexts to keep warmongering and acquiring more land.

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