Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Macron Breaks a Taboo: Israel was Created [out of nothing] by the UN

Sometimes, when your enemies spar amongst themselves, they let out truths that they've so far held secret. 

Everyone knows that, in 1947, Israel was artificially created over the ashes of historic Palestine by a heavily-biased newly-born United Nations composed at the time of the 50-or-so guilt-laden former Fascist and colonial western countries that had perpetrated the Holocaust. 

Though the English crooks had since 1918 a mandate over Palestine granted by the precursor of the UN, the so-called League of Nations, they sold Palestine to wealthy European Zionist bankers and allowed hundreds of thousands of European Jews to illegally enter Palestine and massacre and ethnically cleanse the indigenous Palestinian population. The accomplices in the crime, namely the western countries that owned the infant UN, declared this European Jewish colony an independent state called Israel. 

For proof of the colonial artificiality of Israel, just look at its "map": It is a long sinewy stretch of land that basically follows the coastline of Palestine from north to south where the millions of illegal European Jewish invaders first landed "fresh off the boats" between the 1920s and 1940s. Otherwise, most of the land of Israel is taken by the Galilee in the north which remains a mostly Palestinian territory where the so-called "Israeli Palestinians" live, and by the Naqab desert in the south where Arab Bedouins dominate. "Jewish" Israel has no center and no internal geographic coherence. It has only settlements (recently established), while Palestine has villages (ancient millennial dwellings). 

The center of the land is still in the Palestinian interior of the West Bank, where many Palestinian refugees and escapees from the 1947-1948 Zionist carnage along the coast fled for shelter as the Jewish terrorist organizations Irgun, Lehi, Haganah, etc. bombed, raped, killed and rampaged with the unique purpose of expelling the native indigenous Palestinians from their lands, villages and homes. 

Which explains why the Zionists continue to wage war and establish colonies in a desperate attempt to annex the West Bank and Gaza. That was part of their original plan back from 1948 of taking all of Palestine, from the River to the Sea. If you look at the boundaries between Palestine and Israel as they stand today, the only significant part of the Palestinian heartland that the Zionists have managed to steal is Jerusalem: The city is at the tip of an arrow-like thrust from the West by the invading Jewish settler hordes as they try to pierce through the heart of ancestral Palestine. This alone points to the colonial and artificial nature of the Jewish colony in Palestine.

As they felt guilt and remorse at having contibuted to the crime of creating this monster in a region where it does not belong, those same western monopolizers of the UN created an agency specifically tasked with caring for the millions of Palestinian refugees that were expelled from their lands, villages and towns. This agency is called UNRWA, and Israel is doing everything it can to destroy UNRWA and deprive the Palestinian refugees of any assistance. If UNRWA ceases to exist, then the Palestinians refugees no longer exist, and the claim of an independent Palestine dies, which is exactly what Israel wants: The millions of Palestinian refugees would vanish out of existence.

Israel is artificial because the last time there was an "Israel" in Palestine was ~800 BC, some 2,800 years ago. That "Israel" was divided into two enemy kingdoms (Judah and Israel), and they lasted a mere 200 years. Second, those "Jews" who claimed to want to turn the clock back 2,800 years are by no means genetic descendants of the original Hebrews of 800 BC. Hard as they tried, Israeli scientists have failed to find any genetic link (DNA analyses of all kinds) between modern-day Israelis and the Semitic Hebrews of the Bronze Age. In fact, many studies show that today's Palestinians are the descendants of those Hebrews from Jesus's time, who never left Palestine after the Romans destroyed the temple in 70 AD, and who were then forced to convert to Christianity by the Roman Empire (mid-4th century), then to Islam by the conquering Arabs (8th century). 

Today's Israeli "Jews" are of Eastern European descent: They came from a population - the Khazars - in the Eurasian Caucasian region (southeastern section of modern European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea and Kazakhstan) who began converting to Judaism around the year 740 AD  and well into the upper Middle Ages. In the ensuing centuries they migrated westward to form the European Jews known as the Ashkenazis, Israel's largest community of settler Jews.

Just look at the average Israeli Jew, especially the extremist ultra-religious barbarian Haredim who form the essential base of the Zionists, and they have blond-red hair, blue eyes, wear traditional Russian fur hats and other eastern european clothing (long coats) that clearly have nothing to do with near-eastern Palestine whose culture is fundamentally a Mediterranean one. Just because these Europeans converted to Judaism does not entitle them to the land of Palestine that the unrelated Hebrews ruled 2800 years ago. If one takes their argument and applies it to other religions, then all African or Latin American Catholics (recently converted by colonial Europe) would have a right to the lands of Catholic Europe, say Italy and the Vatican. It is an absurd argument.

So when French President Emmanuel Macron, whose country was a collaborationist country with Nazi Germany during WWII, warns Netanyahu that "he must not forget that Israel was created by the UN", he let out a dirty secret that no one has so far dared divulge in public. The French, like most European and western countries, hate Jews - anti-semitism is a Northern-Western hemisphere (European Christian) creation that never existed in the Eastern (Asia) and Southern (Africa) hemisphere where Jews coexisted in peace for millennia with other peoples including Muslims and Arabs. Jews thrived under Muslim Spain. They thrived in every Arab capital, until the Zionists showed up (e.g. the Jewish Agency) and bribed and threatened them to leave and settle in the new state of Israel for the sole objective of artificially increasing the numbers of Jews at the expense of the Palestinians. 

I personally know three Lebanese Jewish families from my childhood's neighborhood who tearfully came to tell us they were leaving for the simple reason that they were "told" to leave and were bribed with huge sums of money and other enticements. No one chased them. No one persecuted them, except the Zionists who harassed them and forced them under threats of harm to their businesses to leave countries and cities they and their ancestors had lived in for centuries. I recommend reading the newspaper "Alliance Israelite" [available at the Harvard University library] which Lebanese Jews published in the years preceding the creation of Israel and you'll find that it was a thriving community that shared representation with other minorities in the Lebanese parliament and had schools, synagogues and other social institutions across the country.

After murdering half of them in the Holocaust, the Europeans created Israel to get rid of their remaining Jews by dumping them in Palestine. So now it is easy for westerners to pretend to love the Jews as long as they stay away from Europe. Otherwise, since westerners are such human rights lovers whose populations are declining because of low birth rates, and who need migrants, why wouldn't they invite the highly sophisticated Jews of Israel, Europeans by birth, back to their countries of origin in Europe and, in recent decades, North America?

Unlike coward Biden, Macron is essentially reminding the war criminal settler Netanyahu that we, the Europeans who dominated the UN in 1947, made out an artificial colony, Israel, especially for you, European Jews. We helped you ethnically cleanse Palestine, but now you are going too far. Time for some tough love. Given the recalcitrance of the native indigenous Palestinians at disappearing gently into the night of oblivion, the fake Western friends of Israel are taking stock of the disaster they have caused with the uncontrollable monster they have created. So they are left arguing publicly with the Israelis like husband and wife and divulging their dirty secrets. And this is what French Macron has done by reminding his spoiled Israeli brat that 'I made you, and I can unmake you' if you continue with your crimes.

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