Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, October 7, 2024

After Gaza Genocide, Why do Many Americans Still Side with Zionist Terrorists in Palestine?

Since Oct. 8, 2023, when the Jewish Daesh (JSIL, Jewish State in the Levant) terrorists began their genocide of 72,000 innocent Palestinians (42,000 tallied, plus an estimated minimum of 30,000 rotting under the rubble of their homes) in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, the past year has been revealing.

It’s been a rude awakening for those decent Americans who had been brainwashed by primitive religious beliefs from the Stone Age and by a guilt inflicted on them by the Holocaust that was perpetrated by their own European friends and allies. Not by the Palestinian people who are paying the price for a European civil war between Fascists and Zionists. 

The Zionists were cowards back in their homeland of Germany: They did not fight back. They could have fled into the bush (like the French resistance did) and fight a guerilla war against their German Christian fellow countrymen. Instead, they fled and sought revenge against a people who were not even aware of what was going on in Germany. That is why the Palestinian people in their naive innocence at first welcomed the German Jewish refugees, only to gradually find out that the Zionists had other ideas. The civil war between German Christians and German Jews moved from Germany to Palestine to become a war of invasion by German Jews against the resistance of the indigenous Palestinians. Naturally, the perfidious German "refugees" were better armed, funded and educated than the native Palestinian villagers and townspeople, and they won and declared the independence of their colony in Palestine in 1947 over those parts of Palestine that they stole and from which they expelled the native Palestinians.

Now that Germany is again our friend, we hypocritically say "Nazi Germany", we rarely say just "Germany", when we speak of the main culprit behind the Holocaust, and we also sweep under the rug all the other European Nazis, the collaborators and the armies that fought alongside Germany across Europe and who operated the weapons factories, the gas chambers, the crematoria, the concentration camps...The armies of Vichy France and Mussolini's Italy, the UstaĊĦe of Croatia, the Nazis of Ukraine and Serbia, the Aryans of Norway, Denmark and Holland, and others that became an integral part of the German war machine. 

Even the United States and the United Kingdom had major Nazi parties that held large meetings and marches yelling "Heil Hitler", and kept the United States from joining early in the war against the Axis. The English monarchy, which is German by birth, had solid Nazi sympathies. If the British crooks engineered the whole Israel deadly charade, it is precisely to rid itself and Europe of their own Jewish population by dumping them in Palestine and handing the Palestinians the toxic problem to deal with.

If you think that Europe has been de-Nazified, think again. Nazism is an ideology, just like Hamas's Islamism or Israel's Zionism... Europe is, as we write these lines, returning to its Nazi past. In France, in Austria, in Germany, in the United States and elsewhere, the right-wing nostalgics of the Fascist era preceding World War II are on the march to seizing power. Using populist scare tactics, they are riling up their peoples against the democratic liberal system that defeated the Fascists, Nazis, Christian extremists and other barbarians of the 1930s and 1940s and ushered a period of prosperity and democracy around the world.

After WWII, Americans thought, or were made to think, that the Jewish people was the ultimate victim, bar none. As victims, Jews could do no harm. Unlike with all other members of the human species, the eternal Jewish victim label was hybridized with the biblical "chosen people" label. This made it virtually impossible to make the average (and dumb) Americans question what Israel really was or what Israel has done, and is still doing, in Palestine. Just like Fascism and Nazism had in the 1920s and 1930s brainwashed entire societies (Germans, Italians, and most other Europeans) into total submission to their ideology, Zionism has brainwashed most western countries and peoples into total submission, using the double formula of "eternal victim x God's-chosen-people" as a propaganda weapon. 

Failing to clamp down on the natural Palestinian quest for freedom on the soil of Palestine which the Zionists raped back in the 1930s-1940s, the image of the poor "victim" Zionist is being slowly tarnished by the unprecedented savagery and brutality that the "victim" is displaying in Gaza and in Lebanon. The reputation of the invincible "victim" had been buttressed by the easy conventional wars the better-armed and funded European Zionists won over the dilapidated Arab armies of Syria, Jordan and Egypt, barely rising from under 400 years of Turkish Ottoman occupation followed by English and French colonialism. 

But when the fight for Palestinian independence became a matter for the Palestinians to rely on themselves and not on the other Arab countries, and fighting on the very soil of their own Palestine, the Zionists could no longer brag about decimating the entire Egyptian air force in one day. They now have to fight civilian rebels inside alleyways, around road bends, and in every corner of their refined colonial life in the Jewish disneyland called Israel. There is nothing new to this dymanic. It has happened in every single war of liberation by an occupied colonized people against their occupiers, and in fact, Palestine remains the only European colony to have missed the decolonization process because that "victim x Chosen People" label has blocked the brainwashed from thinking rationally.

But Zionists are not winning any victories any longer. They have become desperate, and desperation drives people to irrational actions. Fighting guerilla fighter "terrorists" with a conventional army no longer works. That is why the conventional Israeli army has itself become a terrorist organization. Led by Netanyahu's Jewish Daesh government of radical ultra-religious barbarians who want a Jewish Caliphate (Greater Israel, from the Nile to the Euphrates) identical in every way to the ultra-religious barbarians of the Islamic State's Daesh Caliphate, Israel has to lower its army from the "most moral in the world" to the most barbarian in the world. You see, killing a child with a knife is no more immoral than killing the child with a fighter jet. Having your target victim half a mile away does not diminish the barbarity and the crime. Putting civilized blinders on your eyes does not render you any less a criminal jackass. And that is what Israel has become: A desperate criminal flailing about, equiped with American weapons by its breastfeeding mama, to recuperate the little sympathy that it may have left around the world.

Worse yet for the Zionists, the monopoly they had over the information and with which they lied their way through deceptive propaganda (Palestine never existed; a land without people, etc.), has vanished because of the Internet and the information revolution. Anyone can now read the original stories, without having to wait for the New York Times to tell them. Anyone can search the archives, look a the photos, see the rape of Palestine as it was happening in the 1940s. The Zionist propaganda filters have been removed. 

From the campuses of all American universities to the streets of all cities, protests have erupted against those who are committing flagrant atrocities against a defenseless, dispossessed and hunted Palestinian people, the last colonized people on earth. Israel, the supposed defender of "Western civilization in the Middle East" has become the worst representative of Western civilization. Just like South Africa had become under Eugene Terre'Blanche and FW DeKlerk facing the dispossessed, dehumanized and hunted African owners of the land and Nelson Mandela's African National Congress, Israel has now been exposed for what it really is under Netanyahu, Smotrish and Ben-Gvir and their fanatic settlers.

In the days following the Israeli savagery against Gaza last October, student groups at top colleges, including Harvard, issued statements condeming Israel for for two things: Its illegal occupation and barbarian siege of Gaza for 15 years, and its savage retaliation against people trying to liberate themselves from the Gaza concentration camp.  The students, the cream of the crop of American academia and future leaders of the country, didn’t stop there. They actively stood in support of the downtrodden Palestinian people, who had been denied liberty and dignity for so long by a vicious colonialist invader of their land. The students had, for example, learned that the majority of Gaza's Palestinian population consists of refugees chased by the Zionists in previous exterminations and ethnic cleansings. Every other place that is being bombed by the Zionists in Gaza is a refugee camp from the 1930s, the 1940s, 1948, 1967.... The Palestinians of Gaza all come from villages and towns in what is now Israel, that were raped, burned, demolished and razed to the ground by the Zionists. 

The Palestinians of Gaza are already survivors of the 1948 gigantic ethnic cleansing of Palestine that we now know as the "birth of Israel". Can anyone comprehend the consequences that this deep and unforgivable double injury has on its victims? To be ethnically cleansed from your ancestral land and exterminated once, to flee to hundreds of refugee camps, than to be ethnically cleansed from those camps, again? This is precisely what UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres referred to when he spoke of the Hamas attack as "not happening in a vacuum". The Hamas attack is the resultant of decades of injustices and crimes perpetrated with unprecedented and deliberate violence by a foreign colonial invader against any indigenous people in recorded history.

Subsequent months brought more protests and encampments that were informing the American public of all the lies and deceptions they had been subjected to. The response by city and university officials, whose necks were literally under the guns of the Zionist custodians of the American order, was to breach all the American norms of freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, support for the self-determination of all occupied colonized people. Silencing dissent against the Zionits narrative became the marching order. Students and professors, many of whom were themselves Jews with a conscience, were arrested, lost their jobs, and were shunned the Zionist Big Brother's society. Palestinian students who wear their traditional Kefiyeh headdress were shot in the streets, dragged into jail, calumnied and slandered as terrorists. Several high-profile college presidents lost their posts as a result of Zionist pressure, including Liz Magill of the University of Pennsylvania, Claudine Gay of Harvard and Minouche Shafik at Columbia.

This is finally feeling like a big turn that America is making to find itself and become consistent between its stated principles and its actions. The American people, especially the young people, are much more aware today of the exact nature of the monstrosity of the creation of Israel, and also of the hypocritical double standard the United States had applied to the Israeli exception to every other quest for self-determination by colonized people. America is finally on its way to liberating itself from every special interest lobby that has held the country hostage and forced it to violate its own principles.

As a reflection of this tectonic shift, a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll in December found that a majority (51%) of young Americans think Israel should cease to exist as the "Jewish-only" supremacist ridiculous-democracy of a country, and that it should either evolve into a single diverse state where both Palestinians and Jews coexist with equal rights, or at long last establish a sovereign fully free Palestinian state. 

This augurs well for a final peaceful solution to the endless Zionist rape of Palestine.

It’s not just college kids, however, who have distanced themselves from Israel. A recent poll from The Economist/YouGov found that by a more than a 2 to 1 ratio (33% to 14%) Democrats sympathize with the Palestinians. By contrast, 63% of Republicans - essentially Trump's white supremacist brainwashed neo-Nazis - sympathize with Israel.

As a broader conflict in the Middle East is being ignited by the desperate Jewish Daesh leader, Netanyahu, to save his own corrupt and racist hide, this is the time for Americans to clear their minds and conscience and no longer be confused about Israel. Israel is not a victim. Israel is a rapist colonizer. And Israel is not the anachronistic "promised land" fallacy from 3,000 years ago, and modern day Jews are not the Hebrews of 3,000 years ago. They are eastern europeans who converted to Judaism a couple of centuries ago. They have no right to the real estate in Palestine.

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