Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Fellow Americans: Brace Yourselves for Worse than Jan. 6, 2021

He and his republican accolytes have now had 4 years to learn from their failures in rejecting the 2020 election results. They have prepared themselves for a repeat of the "Stop the Steal" lie, but much more sophisticated methods. Republican-controlled states have stacked the bureaucracy with Trump sympathizers who will readily challenge the results if Trump is declared a loser in the upcoming elections. One such method is to delay certifications of election results in those states to create an extented period of uncertainty as to the results. They will infestate the courts with challenge after challenge and will threaten state legislatures and governors, as well as Congress, with violence as they did in the 2020 elections. 

In his megalomaniacal egocentric character, Trump - the dumb asshole criminal that he really is - is lashing out at his opponents with vitriolic name-calling, insulting immigrants (and not the inbred Appalachian nativist voters for Trump) who make this country great, and senators and congressmen and congresswomen who understand his game and will stand up for the rule of law. 

Now keep in mind that Trump is now the new senile confused republican equivalent of Biden. He rants and swerves like an open sewer in his long incoherent and incomprehensible "speeches", because his mind is out of control and despite teleprompters (that the illiterate idiot can barley read) and handlers, he can't make a single framed-spoken argument. 

Born in 1946, he'll be 79 in 2025, 80 in 2026, 81 in 2027, and 82 in 2028. Assuming he legitmately wins this election, which is unlikely despite all the polls, imagine the degradation of his already deficient brain and cognitive functions as the years and the stress pile up. He's likely to become a very dangerous man in the white house. While Kamala Harris has released her state of health report, the dumb jackass refuses to do so.

The conservatives in the early years of the republic understood the power of the people, and that is why they inserted an obstacle - the electoral college - to the popular vote. The electoral college is a trick intended to bypass the popular vote and leaves the final decision on election results to a bunch of appointed hacks called "delegates".

In 2016, Trump lost by 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton but won the electoral college vote. This is a travesty of democracy. Again, in 2020, he lost by 5 million votes to Joe Biden, but this time the electoral college farce did not work, which is why the republicans to this day refuse to admit that Trump lost the 2020 election. In all likelihood, given the changing demographics, the increasingly impaired Trump, and a new crop of young voters, that difference in the popular vote between Trump and Harris will increase to 7 or 8 million more votes for Harris.

Even then, the jackass and his minions will rise in uproar at his loss, will cry foul and claim vote theft, and will send the country again close to the abyss. So let us brace ourselves for a cornered demented loser - this would be his last chance - to wreak havoc and undermine the credibility of our election system.


Ex-DOJ Official Spells Out ‘Coming Massive Crisis’ On Election Day

Lee Moran

Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal this weekend suggested GOP vice presidential candidate JD Vance is “a barometer for the Republican Party” with his repeated refusals to admit that GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump lost the 2020 election to President Joe Biden— and Katyal warned what that may lead to in the immediate aftermath of next month’s vote.

Katyal envisioned — thanks to election result-denying comments that have been made by Trump, Vance and myriad other Republicans — a “coming massive crisis that’s going to occur” when Trump and his allies will declare victory even if Democratic rival Vice President Kamala Harris actually wins.

.@neal_katyal: “There is a coming massive crisis that’s going to occur on November 5th… even if Kamala Harris wins the election, the Trump team is going to declare victory with JD Vance at his side."

Trump and the GOP will “pressure courts, they will pressure state legislatures, they will pressure state governors and they will pressure the United States Congress to throw out the popular vote and get this election through shenanigan,” Katyal warned.

Later, Katyal asked: “If they can’t admit that they lost in 2020, what makes you think, even with an overwhelming victory by Kamala Harris in 2024, that they’ll acknowledge it?”

Republicans are laying the groundwork to dispute the 2024 election

The GOP is sowing doubt and openly laying the groundwork to dispute the November election if Donald Trump loses. JD Vance repeatedly refuses to admit Trump lost in 2020. House Speaker Mike Johnson is already predicting "there will be cheating in this election."


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