Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Netanyahu: Failure or Intentional Criminality?

Egyptian Intelligence told Netanyahu that something was afoot several months prior to the October 7, 2023 attack. IDF soldiers themselves warned their own government of the Hamas attack as one soldier confided to NBC News' Richard Engel [See:].

For seven long hours into the cross-border Hamas attack, there was no Israeli response whatsoever. Strange for a hyper-militarized state that is always on alert and that brags about its superior intelligence and technological supremacy.

At the same time, the Saudis were about to conclude a normalization agreement with Israel that called, to the chagrin of Netanyahu and his ultra-religious neanderthals, for an independent Palestinian state.

Draw your own conclusions, after hearing Netanyhau beaming and smiling as he keeps repeating that his "retaliation" to the Hamas attack will be new maps of the region, changing the Middle East, etc.

Netanyahu's Jewish Daesh government is just like the Islamic Caliphate (ISIS, Daesh)'s plans for a Greater Islamic Umma ruled by barbarian Muslim radicals on the basis of a literal reading of the Koran. The barbarian Jewish ultra-religious radicals have a plan for a Greater Jewish Israel that will include the entire region from the Nile (Egypt) to the Euphrates (Iraq) based on a literal reading of the equally monstrous Torah bullshit of "God promised us the land".  Who could argue against such a compelling rational scientific reason?

In 1897, when Theodore Herzl decided to steal Palestine from its rightful owners with the help of the British colonial crooks, there were about 1,000 Jews in Jerusalem (and nowhere else in Palestine), some pilgrims, some refugees from the pogroms in Europe.

By 1947 when the European Jews raped Palestine and declared the independence of their foreign colony, there were in all of Palestine 600,000 foreign European settlers and 1.2 million native indigenous Palestinians (two-thirds of whom had been expelled into refugee camps).

The entire process of the creation of Israel is the deliberate and willed construction of a Jewish supremacist state at the expense of indigenous lands and populations. Do not be confused by the instantaneous events - who did what to whom and who started it. Just focus on the trajectory of the genesis of the Zionist idea behind the creation of Israel, the stages it went through, where it is today and where it is clearly going.

Netanyahu has been showing maps in his press conferences and at the UN where there no longer is a Palestine. Period. No west Bank, no Gaza, no Golan.... It's all Israel.

Therefore, in order to implement this gradual encroachment and land theft, Israel constantly needs pretexts to wage expansionist wars, i.e. a war in which it scores a victory thanks to dumb US military largesse, and from a position of the victor, it makes claims to land it did not occupy prior to the pretext and the war. Israel always initiates the violence or war on the inane pretext that it is the victim of its own victims. This is exactly what it did in 1948, in 1967 and every war since. And every time, it gains land. It also gains land by literally stealing Palestinian lands and building settlements. All of this is illegal, but it benefits from impunity because of its blackmail of the West with the guilt of the Holocaust.

As the normalization with Saudi Arabia was coming to a positive conclusion prior to October 7, 2023, Israel decided to wreck the process because it does not want an independent Palestine. Such a Palestine would be a setback to the Greater Israel project so dear to fanatic Jews. Israel never wanted an independent Palestine. Even if the Palestinians had agreed to the partition of 1947, which many blame them for not accepting, do you think the Zionist state would have let Palestine live in peace? Of course not. It would have fabricated pretexts, disseminated lies, and propagated disinformation anywhere it could, with which to wage war on an independent Palestine and destroy it. The process (how Zionists go about it) is less important than the destination (eliminating Palestine from existence).

After Gaza and the West Bank, which will soon be "cleansed" of their Palestinian populations; after the Golan Heights which the Assad regime in Syria doesn't really care about, being more preoccupied with reinforcing Assad's Alawite rule and future independence as a separate state in the stretch of Syrian territory along the Mediterranean; and now with the Lebanese south which Israel plans to annex, including the historic Phoenician cities of Tyre and Sidon. 

Israel is growing in size until the day when Yahweh, the fictional Bronze Age demagogue super hero, will finally send his fucking Messiah and torment the world with Armageddon and be done with all humans. Except of course the Chosen ones who have always been Yahweh's favorite pet people. Sounds like a Hollywood science fiction movie that Cecil B. DeMille missed making, but that is what the Torah/Bible really is.

Should I worry about climate change? Or about Israel's barbarity? Tough decision.

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