Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Netanyahu Toys with his American Slaves Who Dare Not Say No to Him

The American body politic is so far up the rectum of the Zionists that it can't say no to them. And even when it does, no one hears its faint beggaring amidst the loud gastrointestinal Judeo-Christian rumblings of the putrid Evangelical-Zionist alliance.

Viewed from the outside, the Americans really look dumb, like puppets in the hands of the Zionists. The only people around the world to crawl at the feet of the Zionists are the Americans. Wanna know why? Because the Americans are dumb idiots who think that having Zionist lobbyists in Washington DC breathing down their necks and paying them handsomely is the ultimate interest of the greatest nation on earth. What billions of people around the world think is apparently not in the interest of the US. 

In its ultimate power, the US thinks it can force people to love it, and therefore does not care what other people, including Jews, think; it only cares for what the Zionist lobby thinks, which boils down to cleansing the Middle East of its Muslims and Christians, making way for more barbarian Bronze Age Jewish settlers, and preparing for the numskulling biblical idiocy of Armageddon. Yes, believe it or not, these people think we are still in 1020 BC and that the Big Jewish Zombie in the Sky, who changed his name so many times, like JD Vance did, from El to Baal to Yahweh to whatever his many names are in the many languages of this world of ours, only yesterday gave the land to his favorite goat-stinking nomadic tribe somewhere in the deserts of Arabia. Why do they think that? Because of the garbage fiction these ignorant nomads wrote on goat-skin scrolls 3,000 years ago.

"Yes," Americans can be heard telling the Zionists, "go ahead, please kill as many of these human animal Arabs as you please"; "Yes, we will send you all the weapons that you want, even if you don't need them." "Yes, we will go to war so that you can implement your Bronze Age dream. We will suffer all the backlash from around the world as we are losing the 'hearts and minds' of billions of people because of you, our dear Zionist masters". 

The Americans are so dumb they do not see that the Abraham Accords have already collapsed, that it is only a matter of time, and that money cannot buy you love. The dumb Donald Trump thought he could buy the conscience of millions of people and force them to become slaves to the Zionist-Evangelical organization. So dumb that they do not see that a generation from now, the hatred by proxy for the American friends of the Zionist colony will be so virulent that not one Arab capital will dare have an Israeli embassy. 

Backing one ultra-religious fanatic ideology because it is Jewish is so stupid when you have been waging wars against an ultra-religious fanatic ideology, Muslim this one. By what measure of reason can anyone with a brain justify this contradiction? I'll tell you: by the measure of dumbness that the US has excelled at ever since it became "the" superpower after WWII: It has lost every war it fought since then, except the puny stroll in Kuwait in 1991 which wasn't really a war. Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Somalia, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq, all the assassinations, coups, and military juntas it fomented and backed... A sordid record indeed. But it did win on principle, not by war, against the USSR.

Iran hates America for one reason and one reason only: The assassination by the CIA of the duly elected Iranian prime minister Mohamed Mosadeg because he wanted to nationalize the Anglo-Persian Oil Company which the British colonial crooks and their American poodles wanted to milk dry out of the treasury of Iran. Just as they assassinated Salvador Allende because he was a duly elected Socialist leader of Chile. And the Americans still do not understand why they are hated. They and their French poodles wanted to assassinate Nasser of Egypt because he was backing the Algerian revolution against their French colonial oppressors. 

After 130 years of colonization, the French were kicked out of Algeria by "terrorists" who were raping and cutting off the breasts of French women settlers, castrating French settler men and sticking their penises in their mouths before ditching them by the roadsides, and butchering French civilians (i.e. settlers) in retaliation for the mighty French army's reign of terror against the native indigenous Algerians. Then the French one day packed and left like leprous mangy dogs and recognized Algerian sovereignty. Those "terrorists" are celebrated in Algeria today as the country's Founding Fathers and liberators. Sounds like a familiar tune we hear all day long around Palestine? All you need to do is replace Algeria with Palestine, and French with Zionist, and you wouldn't know the difference. 

When will the "beacon of democracy" learn from its experiences? When it ceases to be dumb and becomes a decent world leader, leading by principle and not by political terror and financial blackmail. When President Wilson's principle of self-determination is implemented. When the racist Zionist colony the Americans inherited from the British in Palestine has final definitive borders and stops playing the victim to arouse a fast-fading sympathy. When even the human animal Palestinians recover their dignity as a people, a nation, and a sovereign state. In its blind subservience to the Zionists enterprise, America is killing itself. "Il n'y a plus d'Amérique," says a song by Jacques Brel. When the dream is replaced by the nightmare, it might be time to wake up.

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