Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Shai Davidai: Israeli Academic Terrorist at Columbia

Demented and Terroristic Israeli Professor at Columbia, Shai Davida, has been harassing and intimidating anyone on campus who opposes his radical terrorist government's genocide in Palestine.

Columbia University has temporarily banned an Israeli business professor from campus, accusing him of harassing and intimidating staff. Shai Davidai, a lowly and incompetent adjunct professor in business, said he had been barred from the university because he was “not afraid to stand up to the hateful mob” of pro-Palestinian protesters. "Hateful mob", "antisemites", are typical and stale accusations lobbed by anyone who is not afraid to stand up to the "racist supremacist Zionist mob". Standard modus operandi of Zionists: Just like Trump, they commit the crime then accuse their victims and opponents of the same crime.

Columbia University in Manhattan, New York, has been the scene of anti-Zionist pro-Palestinian Freedom protests - which included many New York Jews - during which encampments on the university lawn were erected, as part of a nationwide wave of student demonstrations. These demonstrations by the younger and educated generation of Americans have terrified the Zionists who had heretofore had a monopoly of a false narrative favoring the colonial racist state of Israel. Thanks to the Internet, social media and the information revolution, a breach has been opened in the Zionist wall of misinformation whose objective has been to find justifications for the rape of Palestine by European Jewish colonial settlers. Young Americans now have access to information, photographs, archives that had been occluded for decades by the traditional media and universities that had colluded with the Zionists either for financial rewards or for fear of slander and diffamation.

Shai Davidai is an extremist, some would say he was an intellectual terrorist, who repeatedly recorded videos of himself harassing and intimdating students and university employees over their real or perceived criticism of Israel. In the mind of Zionist terrorists, the Jewish colony in Palestine, a.k.a. "Israel", should be kept immune to criticism even as it is perpetrating the worst massacre and genocide of the indigenous native Palestinian population and its ethnic cleansing on record in the 21st century.

Davidai, somewhat of a nutcase trying to garner a few "likes" on his social media cesspool, claimed he has now been banned from campus because “I was not afraid to expose” one of the university’s leadership team for “not doing anything about [pro-Palestine protests]”.

Samantha Slater, a spokeswoman for Columbia University, said the university had "consistently and continually respected Assistant Professor Davidai’s right to free speech and to express his views." She added: "His freedom of speech has not been limited and is not being limited now. Columbia, however, does not tolerate threats of intimidation, harassment, or other threatening behaviour by its employees."

“Because Assistant Professor Davidai repeatedly harassed and intimidated university employees in violation of university policy, we have temporarily limited his access to campus while he undertakes appropriate training on our policies governing the behaviour of our employees.” Deconstruct: Davidai should be interned at Bellevue for a mental breakdown by a disgruntled Zionist whose lies have been uncovered. A university official said Prof Davidai had been banned for “harassing university employees in violation” of policy. They said it was not linked to one incident or one individual.

Last October 7 the idiot Davidai filmed himself following Cas Holloway, the university’s chief operating officer, and asking him why he was allowing pro-Palestinian protests on campus. “How did you allow this to happen on October 7th?” Davidai can be heard asking in the video shared on social media, “I will not let you rest”.

Prof Davidai was banned from the campus for one day in April when he said he was going to sit in the middle of the pro-Palestinian encampment. Davidai told the school’s newspaper, the Columbia Daily Spectator,“Innocent people don’t get punished, not in a democracy, and I refuse to take a punishment for something that I’m innocent for.” He might as well apply this to the innocent Palestinian people in Gaza whose underseved punishment is not the luxury to nag about being banned from a university campus, but consists of starvation, murder of children by the tens of thousands, displacement, wanton killing and such other refined means of law enforcement by the so-called "only democracy in the Middle East."

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