Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

They Act Surprised When Violence Against Jews Increases

I didn't know Jews in Germany dared appear in public, let alone make public statements. Rumors have it that the residual Nazi Germans have shed their antisemitic past and now allow Jews to live happy decent lives right next to their Neo-Nazi AfD neighbors. 

Apparently, all European Christians have become civilized and no longer blame the Jews for killing Jesus and such bullshit. However, they both agree to blame the Palestinians for defending their country against invading foreign Jews. Now, let us remember that when the Nazi Germans murdered 6 million Jews, those Jews were Germans, not some foreign invader enemies. But Palestinians are not fighting Jews per se, they are fighting foreign invading hordes who happen to be Jewish. 

Anyway, why is Josef Schuster surprised that violence against Jews is rising? Nazism never left Germany. Most Germans retain Nazi xenophobic ideas and attitudes towards Jews and others. Then, there are all these Palestinian migrants who were forced to move to Germany and other european countries because they were expelled from Palestine by invading hordes of German Zionist Jews. 

If most Jews are supportive of the savage colonial state of Israel, no one should be surprised that hostility and animosity are rising against Jews who are, as foreign invaders of Palestine, still - after 100 years - killing, displacing, raping, torturing, bombing and jailing Palestinians every day, erasing their villages and their lives, demolishing their homes and their millennial olive groves, and ultimately eradicating Palestine from the map. Suprised? You must be an idiot to be surprised.

German Jewish leader Josef Schuster: Violence against Jews is increasing
Sun, October 6, 2024

President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Josef Schuster discusses how the AfD is endangering German democracy". Kay Nietfeld/dpa

One year after the Hamas attack on Israel, the leading organization for Jews in Germany is warning of increasing threats to Jewish life in the country.

"The inhibition threshold for inciting and carrying out violence against Jews is falling," Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, told dpa.

"This is a shocking development that we cannot simply accept." Shocking? Unacceptable? Where do these people live?

Fighters for the Palestinian Islamist Hamas militia and other groups attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. They killed around 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and abducted around 250 hostages to the Gaza Strip. 

Now the Gaza Strip is inhabited by hundreds of thousands of Palestinians whom Israel had expelled over the past 100 years from their villages and towns in what is today "Israel", long before the October 7, 2023 attack. Israel is killing the same people twice, once when it uprooted them from their villages and displaced them into Gaza, and again after it transformed Gaza into a concentration camp for refugees. 

So the Hamas attack, as Antonio Gutterres said, "did not happen in a vacuum". In other words, the Hamas attack was not some random act of violence. It was an act of resistance, identical to the brutal acts carried out by the Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN) in Algeria against the French colonial settlers, or the acts of the Vietnamese resistance against French colonialism, or the acts of the Indian resistance against the British invading settlers, or any of the many wars of resiostance and liberation fought by hundreds of nations against their former colonial occupiers. Palestine is no different from any of these wars of resistance and liberation against foreign colonial occupiers.

Now, morally superior and civilized European-American Israel responded to the Hamas attack with an unprecedented brutal and savage offensive against its own Palestinian victims in Gaza, thus repeating the crime it perpetrated in 1948. Israel is a recidivist criminal state. In its reponse, Israel has not achieved its stated obectives: It has not liberated its prisoners held by Hamas, in fact it has killed them itself in its blind violence. It has not eliminated Hamas. And Israel has murdered 42,000 innocent Palestinians, excluding the tens of thousands still rotting under the destroyed buildings, which would make the number of killed civilian Palestinians qualify Israel as a genocidal criminal colonial state that is trying to ethnically cleanse the native indigenous population, just like all former colonial occupiers tried but failed to do in many other colonized countries around the world.

Obviously, and against the background described above, pro-Palestinian demonstrations are expected in Germany and all over the world. No decent human being would accept that Palestine be continuously raped by its rapist Israel. But "surprised" Schuster noted that Jews in Germany increasingly feel abandoned. He must have forgotten that his fellow Germans, today his friends because he has forgiven them the Holocaust, remain viciously Nazis and the AfD party is a shining example of that fact.

There is a "persistent surge of anti-Semitic acts" and a "mechanism of hatred," Schuster warned. The most common is Israel-related anti-Semitism. It seems that Schuster wants you to confuse Zionism with Judaism. Judaism is a religion one finds all over the world. It is represented in many diverse countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Americas, just as you find diverse Christians and diverse Muslims all over the globe. No one is against Jews because they are Jews, except perhaps in anti-semitic Europe, and Germany in particular. 

Judaism, however, is not Zionism. If you were to mix up Judaism and Zionism and accept the proposition that Jews and Zionists are the same thing, then you'd have to accept that all Christians are Crusaders or Nazis, or that all Spaniards are Conquistadores, or that all Muslims are invading conquerors, or that all English are imperial colonizers.

Zionism is a political colonial movement that sought to emulate the other European colonial projects that prevailed in the 19th century. Just like all these other European colonial empires did to their colonies around the world, its aim was to colonize, exterminate or enslave the indigenous people of Palestine, steal their land and their resources, and create a new fancy European resort on the Mediterranean, not unlike what King Leopold II of Beligum did in the Congo at the same time in the late 1800s, or what the French did in Indochina or Algeria. It so happens that the founders of Zionism were Europeans of the Jewish faith who, though atheists and socialists for the most part, were also imbued with vague nostalgia for the biblical garbage fiction of the Torah. But today there are Zionists who are not Jews, like the dumb Americans like Joe Biden, Republicans and Evangelical Christians. There are Zionists in Uganda, for example. 

Every imbecile asshole who takes the bible literally is by defnition a Zionist, just as every imbecile asshole who takes the Koran literally is by definition an Islamist. All these people are motivated by the fictional stories written in the desert by hallucinating self-proclaimed prophets and messiahs. In the case of the bible or the torah: tall tales of ocean splittings, virgins getting impregnated by angels, building boats that withstand deluges, frogs raining on enemies, etc. The Age of Reason and Science of the past 300 years should be leading the human species away from religious barbarity. But Jewish Zionism, Muslim Islamism and Christian Evangelicalism, among other regressive religious barbarian movements, are mounting a reaction to the progress of the human species toward a fairer and rational world order.

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