The US Moron-in-Chief has now cloned his solution to the Palestine Question to other conflicts around the world. In Palestine, he is agreeing with the criminal colonial Zionists to forcibly transfer all the indigenous Palestinian population from its ancestral land and transfer them to other countries like Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon and others.
Similarly, he is cogitating the idea of removing all of the Greek Cypriot population and transferring it to any of the thousands of Greek islands that are largely uninhabited and where they can enjoy being in the company of fellow Greeks. Cyprus could thus become fullly Turkish and be annexed by Turkey. A long-simmering conflict would be resolved. Problem solved!
In the Americas, the Falkland Islands are a residual anomaly of colonial Britain and a constant source of tensions between the UK and Argentina. Trump would forcibly remove the people of the islands, also known as the Malvinas, and transfer them to Argentina where they can freely roam across Patagonia and the Pampas and enjoy much better lives than on a wind-blown desolate island in the south Atlantic. Another problem solved and the world inches closer to peace!
In Lebanon, Trump has a solution to the chronic problem of Lebanon's Christian minority, a source of endless sectarian and religious wars over the centuries. The Lebanese Christians are an anomaly in the vast Muslim world surrounding them, even though they've always been there, long before the nomadic Muslim and Jewish tribes migrated to the region from their desert. Hence, the 2 million Lebanese Christians could all be airlifted to California where they can enjoy weather similar to that in Lebanon, have a lavish lifestyle worthy of their wealth, and integrate quickly in the consumerist superficial culture of southern California. After all, they all dream of acquiring the American citizenship and have done all sorts of bureaucratic acrobatics and cheating schemes to obtain it. And, it wouldn't be a Republican idea: President John F. Kennedy, who once faced a Soviet-backed Egyptian-Syrian union plan in 1958 to invade and annex Lebanon, offered the Lebanese Christians (then barely a million strong), to move to California and thus solve their 1,300-years-old question once and for all. But the Lebanese idiots (like the Palestinians today) refused, and Kennedy had to land 10,000 US Marines in Beirut to protect them at the cost of blood and treasure of American taxpayers.
Trump has floated the idea that the Muslim province of Kosovo's independence and tear-off from Serbia was wrong because it created a new independent Muslim state in the heart of Europe with a potential of Islamist violence and terrorism. The genius American Moron-in-Chief is suggesting a forcible transfer of the population of Kosovo to nearby Muslim Albania where they can freely pray in their mosques with the Albanian Muslims. Kosovo would be dismantled as the fake artificial country created by Democrat president Bill Clinton in the 1990s and integrated back into Serbia. Another international problem solved, and one step closer to heaven on earth.
In Asia, Trump has agreed with the return of Taiwan to China. His argument is that the separation of this Chinese island from the mainland was an anomaly born out of the civil war in the 1940s and is today an anachronism. He favors a Chinese invasion and forcible seizure of Taiwan, just as was done with Hong-Kong. "What is the point", he said, "of all these pathetically small shithole countries that are foci of conflicts that endure decades and centuries when it can all be solved with a bit of dumb American common sense"? He added, "Here is how we, the white American people, who were also transferred from Europe under duress of persecution and hunger, built this greatest country in the history of the world: By forcibly transferring the native Amerindians into reservations where they are dying from syphillis and alcohol, by forcibly transferring millions of Africans to work as slaves on our plantations, by importing millions of Chinese workers to work on building the railroads, while we, the superior white Christians, the Chosen Ones, live a life of leisure, laziness and drunkenness as all these inferior peoples built the country for us". "America was born out of gigantic forcible transfers of populations and now enjoys peace and prosperity," he concluded.
Also in Asia, Trump favors a return of East Timor to Indonesia. East Timor is an artificial Catholic (because a remnant of Portuguese colonialism) shithole of a country, a tiny tip of one of the thousands of islands that was torn in 1974 off the huge Indonesian archipelago just to spite the Muslim majority. By eradicting east Timor and returning it to Indonesia, the East Timorese can now freely travel and settle anywhere they wish in the vast Indonesian territory, instead of being cornered on their island tip.
No need to explain why Trump favors a Russian takeover of Ukraine. He already knows that Ukraine was always part of Russia and should be returned to it. How does he know that? Volodimir (Zelensky) and Vladimir (Putin) are the same name, so why make a big deal and wage war because of a slight difference in spelling? You see, Trump hismelf admitted in all modesty to being a "stable genius", although sometimes he deliberately makes himself appear as un unstable moron, but this is only a mere posturing in anticipation of negotiating a deal.
And this is only the beginning of Trump's quest to establish permanent peace around the world by eliminating, one after the other, all these puny futile little shithole countries that have caused so many conflicts and forced the US to intervene and spend money on them. He has instructed Elon Musk to use artificial intelligence (because neither he nor Musk have any natural intelligence) to draw up a list of similar conflicts to be resolved with Trump's strokes of genius and his giant pen.
Nobel Committee: Prepare yourselves to nominate you know who for the next Peace Prize.
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