Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Me Thinks Will Change Blog Name from Lebanon Iznogood to US Iznogood

Now that Lebanon seems to be regaining its sovereignty and independence after 40 years of a US-imposed Syrian, Iranian and Israeli gulags and occupations - for realpolitick they'll tell you - and now that Donald Dumb is destroying the US and making enemies of allies because he's a very deranged man (imbecile, moron, stupid, dumb, ignorant, etc. you choose from the lexicon his own associates have developed to describe him), it might be time to change the name of this blog to "US Iznogood".

Obviously, the American people will not wait 40 years as the Lebanese have done, it might take 2 years till the November 2026 elections or the 2028 elections to rid themselves of the moron wannabe dictator.

Simmering this one.

Hanibaal Atheos


  1. By the current look of things, it's unlikely there will be elections in 2026 or thereafter.

  2. I trust the United States people, despite their simple minds, will not tolerate a dictator.
