Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Pretext for Violence Paradigm: Why Israel Always Violates Truce Agreements

Zionists are creeping land stealers and annexationists. They'd like to steal everyone's lands around them. But just like neighbors who get offended by a tree limb falling on their side of the fence or some other excuse to make problems, the Zionists need pretexts.

In Gaza, they signed off on the ceasefire but keep pounding civilians. What do they get out of it? By riling up their enemies, they push them to the limit and force them to react, a reaction the Zionists then use comfortably with dumb blackmailed hostage western audiences to claim "self defense" or "fighting terrorism". Netanyahu's ultra-religious barbarians, with minds fermenting straight in a Bronze Age primordial soup of nomadic backwardness, want and need Hamas to respond with violence. They want Hamas to break its own commitment to the ceasefire. Without Hamas's response to the provocations, the Zionists would have no pretext to continue waging their genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Since the 1960s, the Lebanese long advised the Palestinians not to use violence and terror against Israel because the Zionist colony feeds off the excuse to do more damage and steal more land and expel more of the indigenous population. It's common sense: If you are a colonial invader, you want more land for your fresh-off-the-boat illegal migrants, and you need to explain to the civilized world why you "must" use violence to ethnically cleanse the land. Nothing better than the violence you provoke in your victims. 

That has been the threadline of the history of the rape of Palestine.

In Lebanon, same approach. Right now, Israel has signed off on a ceasefire with Hezbollah in which the latter  should withdraw north of the Litani River (it has) in exchange for Israel to withdraw its troops (it hasn't. This is its tenth occupation of south Lebanon; it never succeeded in achieving any objective there over decades). Why? The Zionists are either masochists (consistent with their beloved eternal status of victims of everyone and everything), or they again apply the pretext loop strategy to steal more land and cause havoc.

If the Israelis withdraw COMPLETELY from the few square kilometers (of useless barren land) they keep occupying on the Lebanese side of the 1949 armistice line, there would be no pretexts for Iran's Hezbollah to pretend to fight a war of resistance against the "occupation". Absent such pretext of "occupation" and "resistance" bullshit, this stupid and endless low-level warfare now in its sixth decade would come to a stop. The Lebanese state and army would take control of the border area and deny anyone the pretense of "resistance".

But again, Israel is either a masochist or an addict that needs its daily shot of violence. It also needs to perpetuate its myth as a "victim" as a way to induce pity and sympathy in its western sponsors burdened by their own genocide of European Jews back in the 1940s. With every flareup in the violence in south Lebanon, followed by a ceasefire or a truce, Israel somehow cannot let go. It abides by 90% of the agreement, but violates 10% of it, sufficiently enough to provide its "enemies" with the pretext of fighting and resisting, thus perpetuating the eternal cycle of violence and counter-violence. 

Right now, Hezbollah has withdrawn north of the Litani River. The Lebanese army has entered most of the Lebanese villages along the border, and Israel should be completely withdrawing by tomorrow February 18 ( which is itself an extension of the originally agreed upon deadline of late January that Israel refused to honor). But Israel is refusing to "completely" withdraw. It wants to retain five hilltops inside Lebanese territory because of its stale pretexts of wanting to "fight terrorism" and "self-defense". But its retention of these territories is the very fuel that Hezbollah desperately needs to keep pretending to be a resistance and remain relevant. Not only is Israel's control of these hilltops a flagrant violation of the agreement, but it is a guaranteed investment for future violence. Israel literally offers its enemies what they need to justify their existence as enemies of Israel - "occupation" - which these enemies use in turn to justify their "resistance", itself a usurpation of the Lebanese state's control over its land.

What is standing as an obstacle to this Zionist-managed cycle of violence is the refusal of the Lebanese to fall in the trap of a domestic civil war, which Israel (and the US behind it) are dreaming of. The Lebanese have learned from their 1975 experience in which the same game prevailed between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) at the time. The Lebanese tried to rein in the PLO (like King Hussein of Jordan did in 1970) but failed, mostly because the Americans and the Israelis wanted the Lebanese state to fail and Yasser Arafat's PLO to take over the country and turn it into a substitute Palestine. Imagine how happy the Zionists would be if Lebanon became Palestine: No Right of Return of the Palestinian refugees to the homes, village, and towns from which they were ethnically cleansed by the foreign colonial Zionist settlers in 1948. By killing Lebanon and erecting a fake Palestine on its ashes, the Americans and the Israelis would bury the Palestinian Cause for good.

Israel thrives on violence, and its needs excuses to wage violence, and the excuses have become so stale - "self-defense" against its own victims: Israel is the only colonial state in history that continually demands protection from its own occupied and traumatized victims - and "fight terrorism": In all wars throughout history - no exception - your enemy is always branded a terrorist. French resistance fighters against German occupation were terrorists, so were Algerians fighting French colonial settlers, so were American minutemen fighting the English occupation, so are Ukrainians fighting Russian colonialism.... 

But the blackmail of Europe and the West with the Holocaust shame keeps Europe and the West unable to overcome their guilt and see where justice really lies in the heartache of Palestine, and who are the real victims and the real perpetrators in this 19th-century vintage colonial enterprise that Israel is.

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