It is easy to confuse Jews and Muslims, or Israelis and Palestinians. They're supposed to all be Semitic and hail from the same ancestor. Scientifically, the founding Arab genetic stock in the Arabian desert split into several branches as geographic and other obstacles separated various nomadic tribes. Where there was once one people, several "peoples" now exist.
In the garbage mythologies of ignorant nomads, the equivalent to the scientific version is the story of Abraham. According to the torah-bible fiction, one Arab by the name of Abraham left the city of Ur, today a suburb of Baghdad, and like all Arab nomads of his time, he and his "tribe" lived off the desert with their camels and sheep, moving about in search of watering holes and oases.
Because of this space and time separation from their hometown of Baghdad, their dialect changed from the proto-Semitic Arabic to become what is known today as Hebrew, though modern Hebrew is far removed from the Hebrew of antiquity because it hybridized with other languages and gained new features and lost others. For example, the fake Jews of Israel (because most are Eastern and Central European recent converts to Judaism with no genetic or historical relationships whatsoever with the Hebrews of old) are unable to pronounce the authentic guttural sounds of the original Hebrew, sounds which remain alive in Arabic. Spoken modern Hebrew is a bastard of authentic Hebrew, German, Arabic and eastern European slavic dialects.
Since a minority of modern Jews hail from Arab countries and non-European stock, they cannot be physically distinguished from other Arabs. Hence, the fallacy of the "Jewish people". There is no such thing as a "Jewish people", just as there is no such thing as a Muslim people or a Christian people. The monotheistic cults (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) continue to desperately try to constitute "nations". These cults are religions, ideologies, belief systems and cannot be construed as homogenous ethnic or racial populations.
Islam still claims to constitute a "nation" or "Umma". But this is ludicrous and actually points to the fanaticism embedded in every religion which, by definition, divides humans into "us" versus "them". There is nothing cultural or ethnic or racial that ties a Muslim Uyghur in Central Asia to a Muslim Senegalese in Westen Africa: The only tie is a religious one. But Daesh, ISIS and Al-Qaeda have tried to resurrect an artificial nation - the Islamic Umma - based on the single criterion of the Muslim religion and they failed. The Catholic Church in Europe tried for a thousand years (circa 800 - 1800 AD) to manufacture one "Christian" nation (the Holy Roman Empire) out of a multi-ethnic complex of territories in Western and Central Europe, but that too has failed.
Israel today is the personification of that same desperate but deadend ideal of gathering various ethnic, racial and linguistic groups under the banner of one religion, and if it seems to have succeeded so far in a uphill battle of violence, it is only a reflection of historical circumstances: 19th century European colonialism, European xenophobic barbarity against "lesser races" including, but not limited to, European Jews, western guilt translated into ignoring the savagery of the European Jewish settlers of Palestine in their ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of the land. It also reflects a deep-seated religious and exclusivist fanaticism embedded in all three primitive monotheistic cults where each one claims to hold the "true" message of the same god they all worship and to be the "real" people that that god favored over the other cults, and such racist and exclusivist self-serving idiocies from the Bronze Age. The Israel experiment is unlikely to survive the ongoing experiment on the long term, just like its predecessor colonial enterprise known as the Christian Crusades some 1,000 years ago. "Veni, vici, perdidi et fugi" should be the motto of all colonial enterprises.
The creation of this artificial state of Israel may arguably have been a situational artifact of European anti-semitism that either killed or expelled its own Jews. In contrast, Arab, oriental and African Jews lived for millennia in harmony within their own Arab, African and eastern societies, including Moorish Spain, until Western Jews, driven by a colonial me-too impulse of 19th century Europe, drove a wedge between Arab Jews on one hand and Arab Christias and Muslims to force the Arab Jews to migrate and boost the fallacy of Israel as a homeland for Jews.
I know from personal experience how Lebanese Jews (our neighbors, teachers, pharmacists, bankers, our neighborhood in Beirut) came to tearfully bid us farewell because they were being harassed by the Jewish Agency to pack up and leave, with substantial monetary incentives to settle in the budding colony south of the border. Go to the Harvard University Library and look up its collection of the Lebanese Jewish Arabic-language newspaper "Alliance Israelite" from the 1920s and 1930s to learn about how the thriving Lebanese Jewish community was bulding synagogues and schools, and lobbying the French mandatory power for representation in the recently established Lebanese parliament post WWI.
Why would a community so well integrated in the multi-ethnic, multi-religious, multi-linguistic society of Lebanon decide one day to leave? Because the western colonial and fake Jews wanted to grow their undermanned colony in Palestine and needed to increase the numbers of their herd by importing any Jew they could find. Today, there are two High Rabbis in Israel, one for westerners and one for easterners. Not a good sign of unity within the so-called "Jewish people": Red-haired, blue-eyed, dressed in Russian hats and long coats suitable for eastern european winters, not for warm and dry Palestine, together with pitch black-eyed, black haired, dark-skinned Yemeni or Iranian Jews in Arab dress. What else besides religious fanaticism and colonial brainwashing could bring such people together?
Finally, this anecdote below that shows the fundamental stupidity of religion-based "identity". One Jew in Florida (here, his American dumbness took over) sees two Jews on the street and thinks they look like Muslim Palestinians, and he shoots them. It also demonstrates how far the Zionist hatred - and natural fear - of its own indigenous Palestinian victims has gone, and how exacerbated the anti-Palestine hysteria drilled by Zionist propaganda has become in an otherwise dumb and ignorant American society. I recall how after 9-11, dumb Americans attacked Sikhs and Hindus who wear turbans because they "looked" Arab.
And that is not the worst part of the story: The Jewish victims of the Jewish shooter also thought their assailant was an Arab Muslim, so they brandished the standard "antisemitic" canard by posting on their social media account the hilarious statements, “My father and I went
through a murder attempt against antisemitic background" and "Death to the Arabs". Hahahahaaaa....
Jewish man mistakes two Israeli tourists for Palestinians and opens fire on them in Miami
Edward Helmore
Mon, February 17, 2025
The suspect reportedly told police after the shooting that he ‘shot and killed’ two Palestinians.Photograph: Jason Koerner/Getty Images
A Jewish man in Miami Beach is facing charges of attempted murder following accusations that he opened fire on two men he believed were Palestinians but reportedly turned out to be Israeli visitors.
According to arrest documents, at 9.30pm on Saturday surveillance video appeared to show Mordechai Brafman, 27, getting out of his truck and opening fire with a semiautomatic handgun at a vehicle as it passed. Brafman allegedly fired 17 times, striking one victim in the left shoulder and grazing the other’s left forearm.
While in custody, Brafman spontaneously told detectives that while he was driving his truck, “he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both”, arrest documents said.
Law enforcement officials did not confirm if the victims were in fact Palestinians and the Miami Herald reported that they were actually two vacationing Israelis, naming them as Ari Rabey and his father.
Facebook posts after the shooting show Rabey at Miami’s Jackson memorial hospital and his Hyundai with several bullet holes and markings.
The outlet reported that as of Monday afternoon, Brafman, the alleged shooter, was being held at the Miami-Dade correctional center on two counts of attempted second-degree murder.
Further complicating the incident, one of the injured men reportedly posted “death to the Arabs” in a message on social media after the shooting. “My father and I went through a murder attempt against antisemitic background,” he wrote.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations’ Florida chapter has called for federal hate crime charges in the shooting.
“It is deeply ironic and telling that both the alleged pro-Israel perpetrator and the pro-Israel victim in the Miami Beach shooting reportedly hold racist anti-Palestinian views,” said Cair’s national executive director, Nihad Awad, on X.
“This just the latest example of the hate targeting the Palestinian-American community in this country and Palestinians in their homeland. Policymakers in our nation should stop fomenting the anti-Palestinian hate that led to the genocide in Gaza and to hate crimes in America.”
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