Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Zionist Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine for Dummies

The Imbecile-in-Chief at the White House - Kim Jong-Trump - now wants Gaza’s Palestinians to “relocate” to Jordan and Egypt because Gaza is a “demolition site”. This fits perfectly well with the Zionist plan, of course.

His Zionist handlers told him to comply with their plan to void Palestine (now Gaza but soon the West Bank) of its native indigenous people who have lived there for thousands of years, long before the European colonial settlers arrived less than 100 years ago to conquer Palestine and establish the western military outpost we now call Israel. The idiot probably wouldn’t know where to locate Palestine or even Israel on a map. The man-child has no concept of national historical identities; in 2021, he was ready to trash his own America because he doesn’t understand why people have values and why they get attached to their land, traditions and identity.

The only thing the orange baboon understands is making money, buying in partners, and making deals over real estate. So, asking Jordan and Egypt to take the Gaza Palestinians so his colonial Zionist friends can “clean out that whole thing” is simple. Can you blame ignorant illiterate people for who they are? Back in 1958, another jackass US president who had to deal with Muslim Egypt and Syria trying to erase tiny Christian Lebanon from the map said, “How many are they, these Christian Lebanese? 1 million, 2 million? Why don’t they all move to California and get it over with?” Kennedy too thought that by “cleaning out” Lebanon of its beleaguered Christians, constantly threatened by their Arab Muslim surroundings, he’d solve the problem the "American way".

You see, Americans have created their country by massive movements and displacements of people. The Europeans moved en masse, then killed millions of the native indigenous peoples and displaced the remaining ones to desolate reservations. They moved millions of African slaves from their native lands in Africa to work as free labor in America. Americans do not understand why people have an attachment to their land and country. For the most part, they themselves relatively recently moved to “America” over the past two centuries and have no deep historical roots in the land. That is why Americans easily move from New England to Arizona overnight and vice-versa, depending on where the money and the job are. It is simply beyond their comprehension that a handful of people (in the few millions) could fight tooth and nail to stay in their native homeland.

On Saturday, the UV-sizzled orange baboon in the White House said he wants Egypt and Jordan to accept Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip and declared his plan to "just clean out" the war-torn Gaza and thus bring peace to the Middle East. He knows that the only stumbling block to his money-making deals with decadent dictatorial Arab regimes and Zionist colonial settlers is this “Palestine thing”. 

Like Kurt Vonnegut once said in reference to an elephant in the room that no one wants to notice, Palestine is this stench wafting from somewhere into a party that the guests pretend to ignore so as not to ruin the party. As long as the Palestinian issue remains unsolved via a free, sovereign and independent Palestine, the dinosaur Arab regime of Saudi Arabia - the silverback of the Muslim and Arab worlds - will not normalize relations with the Jewish colony in Palestine. So for the Zionists and the Americans to circumvent this obstacle, the simple solution, the “Final Solution” as it were, is to get rid of the Palestinians.

Killing all 6 million of the resident Palestinians instantaneously is highly desirable but it’s a huge task, not from an ethical point of view but as a PR issue for the history books: How can the so-called suffering and victimized “Jewish people” who were ethnically cleansed by the Europeans and dispatched to Palestine turn around and victimize the indigenous Palestinians whose land they are stealing? Instead, the US-Zionist tandem kills them slowly, in a long simmering, and hence hopefully unnoticed, ethnic cleansing campaign which peaked in Gaza last year with 100,000 killed in 15 months. But that too remains slow because Yahweh's ushering of Armageddon, the coming (for Jews) or return (for Evangelicals) of the Messiah, and the end of times cannot wait any longer: so, let’s expel a few million. 

And this is only in Gaza. As the news pouring in demonstrate, now that Gaza is on its knees and its 2 million Palestinians on standby to be “beamed” to Jordan and Egypt, the same process has taken off in the West Bank: Destroy, kill, displace, starve, demolish…. Then suggest its 4 million Palestinians there move somewhere else. That’s the plan. In the language of the violent foreign settlers and their American lovers, expulsion and displacement of indigenous peoples are euphemistically referred to as “voluntary relocation”. That is how the European settlers did it with the indigenous Indians of the American continent. They see no problem with the European Zionist settlers doing it with the indigenous Palestinians of Palestine.

The White House baboon has already placed a call with King Abdullah II of Jordan to convince him, i.e. to try and buy him up in a deal worth a few billion dollars.  "I'd like him to take people. I'd like Egypt to take people," he said, adding that he plans to speak to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Sunday. "You're talking about a million and a half people [only!], and we just clean out that whole thing. You know, over the century, it's had many, many conflicts. And I don't know, something has to happen." One wonders why that "something" that has to happen doesn’t entail a free, sovereign, independent Palestine for example? Why does it have to be extermination and displacement?

Last year, under the hypocrite Biden administration, the US said that it opposed the forcible displacement of Palestinians. Rights groups and humanitarian agencies have for months raised concerns over the situation in Palestine where an entire nation is being wiped out of existence.

For the Moron-in-Chief, the ignorant real estate developer, it's a "housing issue" he can fix by building stuff. In his blathering rant on Gaza, he added, "It's literally a demolition site, almost everything is demolished and people are dying there, so I'd rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change," he said.

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