Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The US Begins Slide into Barbarity and Chaos

There are people out there, mostly conservatives, who are so dumb they do not understand that the world is in a constant drift of change. They imagine that what is around them has always been that way, and they are shocked – in their stiff dense minds – to see natural change happening around them. And so, they resist change. They want things to stay as they are.

But can you fight nature? Can you fight those forces of the material world and those of our own inner world that are governed by a spontaneous and innate state of change?

For those who remember something from their physics courses, here are the three laws of thermodynamics:

The first law of thermodynamics says that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed or transferred. The total energy of a closed system will always remain constant.

The second law of thermodynamics states that heat always flows spontaneously and naturally from hotter to colder regions of matter, i.e. “downhill”.

The third law of thermodynamics states that a system’s entropy approaches a constant value as the temperature approaches absolute zero. Absolute Zero is 0 Kelvin, -273.15 Celsius, and -459.67 Fahrenheit.

In layman’s terms, and for our purpose here, the system in which live is in a constant stay of decay. Left on its own (without any input of energy or matter from the outside), the system will see its entropy (i.e. disorder or change) constantly increase. The natural tendency of any thing that is somewhat ordered (a living being, a chair, a car…) is to fall apart with time. That is why we all die, eventually.

Life seems to violate these laws because it is constantly trying to build order from unordered things, make organic stuff from inorganic stuff. But that is only possible because life must absorb energy in order to drive this process, be it in the form of food, sunlight, heat, etc. Still, a unit of life (a cell, an organism) cannot do this forever because as it processes externally acquired energy to build itself, much of that energy goes to waste, and with time everything that this unit of life has built will begin to decay because of the natural tendency of matter to want to go to absolute zero or maximal disorder, i.e. for life to die. And that is why life has chosen to perpetuate itself by having progeny or children. Knowing that it cannot live forever, the unit of life will stay alive as long as is necessary to make copies of itself that will then repeat the cycle.

What does that have to do with conservatives? Since the universe is innately unstable, change is inevitable. Everywhere. Here on earth, the environment changes, DNA mutates, social mores change, everything changes, everything passes…. No one can prevent change. The question is what do we do about it?

Conservatives fight change. They constantly try to keep things from changing, at tremendous cost. And their short-sightedeness makes them believe that whatever they have NOW is the most perfect and desirable state. But if they go back 100 or 200 years and look at what the conservatives had back then and were trying to preserve, they’ll see that it’s all gone. It has all changed. Which means that what they are trying to preserve today will inevitably be different 100 years from now. Conservatism in the course of human evolution is always against the grain of the natural tendency for change.

Who would want to return to the conservative tenets of 100-200 years ago? Would you want to see a return to slavery? colonialism? absolute monarchy? women prohibited from working and voting? 7-day workweeks 10 hours a day for workers without vacations and protections? etc. These were the issues that the conservatives of the time were trying to preserve and protect. Now take a leap of intellect, jump 100 years into our future and imagine yourself looking back to our time: All the causes that the conservatives (like Donald Dumb and his republicans) are trying to “protect” today would have been resolved and you’d would view them as barbaric and primitive.

Donald Dumb and his conservatives are unconsciously stupid because they want to fight the natural inclination of things to change. Ever since early humans settled down and associated into organized societies, that battle between the Ancients and the Moderns has constantly accompanied their evolution. And now, when we look back, who do we see as having won? Evidently, it is the Moderns who have won because they embrace change and accompany it and adapt to it. Therefore, my friends, the ‘erection’ of Donald Dumb to the presidency is a minor and insignificant setback, a blip, a brief spasm of rigid conservatism that will inevitably crumble like so many have before it in the face of progress and inexorable change. For the time being, it is very entertaining to watch these idiots sink in their own depravity before the forces of change take over, once again.

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